Chapter 1399

1399: For the dead ghost

"You..." Stella Gerrera wanted to say something, but found that she had no position at all, so she could only grit her teeth and say, "Do you know that this Zhang Jiarui is a separatist weapon designer, and the weapons he designed , could be massacring thousands of people!"

Judgment looked back at her, and said lightly: "I know, so I want to take him back, because he is very important to us."

"But! But he was our enemy!" Stella clenched her fists.

"If you continue like this, then it will be now." The voice of the judge was still very flat.

"You bastard! Do you know how many of us were killed by the Thor mech designed by Zhang Jiarui!!" A rebel soldier next to him roared angrily.

The judge nodded, "I know, General Kalani's plan, Dr. Zhang Jiarui's design. Before coming here, I had a call with General Kalani and learned about the situation. At that time, General Kalani asked him to drive Thor. Because only Dr. Zhang can best control this experimental weapon."

"Then if that's the case, why did you come to help us! Are you here to laugh at us?" Stella Grera asked sharply.

"I thought you should know my background. After all, the person who appeared on the planet Onderon at this time would not be a wandering Jedi." The judge said, "As for why you are helping you, it is because you are saving Civilian."

"Could it be that your act of saving civilians is also for the benefit of your separatists!" Stella said loudly.

"Why do you have the idea that saving civilians is not in our interests?" the judge asked strangely.

"Then you are willing to help us overthrow Saw Gerrera's rule because it is in your interest?" Stella mocked.

"That's right." Judgment nodded.

"Then, I refuse your help! Our planet and our beliefs are not up to you, a separatist, to interfere!" Stella Grera said coldly.

"Okay." Judgment was very indifferent, and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Ramses Dundup yelled, stopping the trial. Then he said to Stella, "Accept her help! This is our last chance!"

"You also said that we should not stand on either side of the Republic or separatism!" Stella said loudly, "Zhang Jiarui killed hundreds of us! And her purpose is to save him! Why do I Do you want to work with such a person!?"

A faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the mouth under the trial mask, "Thousands of people? This doesn't change anything. If you think so, then I suggest you accept the rule of So-Gerrera, because you can't change anything at all .”

"Do you know our struggles? Do you know our beliefs? If you don't know, why do you ignore our sacrifices!" a rebel soldier said angrily.

The judge glanced at him, and said lightly: "I once killed millions of Mandalorian crusaders for the Galactic Republic on the planet Jabul, but I still haven't changed anything. So, you are the same. Sacrifice And devotion is not a reason to change the world, because sacrifice without purpose is just death in vain.”

"Ha! Millions? Then I said that I killed 30 million battle robots in Laxus yesterday!" the soldier taunted.

Judgment didn't bother to pay attention to him, and walked towards the door again.

"Then how can I find a way to change?!" Stella Gerrera asked loudly from behind, "Our planet is so weak and helpless in the face of this war...we can still change what?"

"Go out and have a look. Because... I am also looking for the answer." The judge replied, and continued to walk out after finishing speaking.

Stella rushed forward and grabbed her black cloak, and said, "I ask you... to help us to overthrow the rule of So-Gerrela!"

Several other rebel fighters were shocked, "Stella, do you really want her to help us?"

"Unite all forces that can be united! I think... this is the first step I should take!" Stella said firmly.


In the city of Izzy, with the arrival of millions of Republican troops, the city began to become crowded. Patrolling Republican soldiers could be seen everywhere on the streets, or they came out to shop in twos and threes because of their vacations.

However, as the terrible casualties on the Deksen satellite battlefield gradually increased, going to the battlefield has become a lingering nightmare in the hearts of these soldiers.

Whether they came back for treatment due to minor injuries, or came back to rest in rotation, or soldiers who had not yet had their turn to go to the front line, they all began to feel anxious.

Under such circumstances, some bad things finally began to appear gradually.

Several Republic soldiers went to the store to buy things, but they quarreled because they disagreed with the boss, so they directly raised the blaster rifle and shot the store owner to death on the spot, and finally set fire to the store.

There are also some soldiers who drove the looted suspension vehicles madly and ran around the city. As long as they saw civilians on the planet Onderon along the way, they would shoot and kill them!

And many young civilian women on the planet Onderon are even more missed by those soldiers. In just one day, hundreds of extremely bad QJ, LJ and even JS cases occurred!

For a time, everyone in the whole city was in danger.

However, the officers of the Army of the Galactic Republic let such things go, because they also knew that these soldiers faced the battlefield like a meat grinder on the Dirksen satellite, and the pressure in their hearts was naturally extremely huge. In such a situation, it would be nice to have a place where they can let off steam.

So these officers didn't do much to stop such crimes, and of course they didn't do nothing. The army's military police were still patrolling everywhere, arresting some soldiers who had committed crimes and putting them in confinement or throwing them on the battlefield immediately.

Anyway, their bottom line is, as long as no one is killed, anything else will do.

The officer's attitude actually contributed to the outbreak of the bestiality in the soldiers' hearts. They began to act recklessly in the city with the idea of ​​having a good time before dying, and all kinds of sensational crimes happened again and again!

Anyway, the most serious punishment is to go to the front line immediately, so go! Even if I don't go now, I will go sooner or later, but at least I had a good time before going, and it was worth it.

Under such circumstances, the law and order in Izzy City began to become extremely bad, to the point where it was impossible to survive at all! The Gendarmerie of the Galactic Republic can't stop every evil that happens!

Many residents couldn't bear the humiliation, and began to flee outside the city, but at this time, even escaping became a luxury.

Because the Galactic Republic's army of millions is here, it also needs enough manpower. Including farmers, construction workers, chefs, nurses, doctors, office workers, entertainers and even venting tools, how could it be possible for people to run away?

Therefore, with the cooperation of the current king So-Gerrera, the city of Izzy banned its citizens from leaving the city. Not only that, he also brandished the empty checks given by the Republic to recruit various skilled workers from other cities on the planet, with young women given priority.

That's right, Saw Gerrera is cooperating with the Galactic Republic, including all their actions!


At this time, So-Grela, the king of the planet Onderon, was sitting on the throne of the Temple of Unity, listening to his subordinates' reports.

"Your Majesty, there was a robbery and murder case in the commercial center of Izzy City. It was the soldiers of the Republic...they killed more than 30 people there..." an official said carefully.

Saw-Gerrera waved his hand and said impatiently: "Don't bother me with such trivial matters! What's the point of killing a few people? The Army of the Republic has its own gendarmerie to take care of this matter. Let's not get involved. Wait until they capture Dirk After the Mori satellite, it will naturally leave here."

"But the problem is that the gendarmerie never came, and that group of murderous soldiers is still killing and walking..." the official said.

Saw Gerrera's face turned cold, "What do you mean? I've already said I don't care, why are you still telling me these things? Do you think that as a king, I will easily overturn the last sentence I said?"

"No... no... no, no..."

Saw Gerrera snorted coldly and said, "Then let me tell you why! This planet has long been rotten!"

He got down from the throne, kicked the official to the ground, with a grim expression on his face, "Yes! It's already rotten! People on this whole planet are working for separatism! Everything they do Everything, will be part of that Behemoth-class battlecruiser! Do you know? How many people were killed in the commercial center just now? 30? Can you guarantee which of them ever produced screws for the Separatist battleship? Or Are they all involved?"

Saw Gerrera became more and more angry as he spoke, and then kicked the official aside with a bang, "Now do you understand? Those people are all separatist rebels! They deserve to die! Wait for the army of the Galactic Republic to leave After that, the remaining people are the ones who are truly loyal to our planet Onderon!"

"Yes... yes..." The official curled up on the ground, holding his head and hurriedly agreed.

At this time, one of his accomplices came up. This person was still wearing a gorgeous dress that didn't fit well, and there was an identification plate on his chest-the Supreme Minister of Finance.

"Boss!! Those stinky bastards of the Royal Guard are still making trouble! They want to maintain the fucking law and order! What to do? These guys have a lot of people and guns. Do you want to ask the army of the Galactic Republic to wipe them out?" This 'Minister of Finance' speaks very vulgarly, this is a person who has not received much education at all, and what he reports is not the responsibility of the Minister of Finance at all.

It can be seen how chaotic the administrative core of the planet Onderon was under Saw-Gerrera's rule.

So-Gerrera slapped the Minister of Finance on the forehead, and angrily said: "You are sick, aren't you? Those royal guards surrendered! Now you let the army of the Republic kill them, who are you hitting?" What about the face? Aren’t you making things difficult for the Republic?”

"But there's nothing they can do about it all the time! I think they have never thought highly of us! Otherwise..." the Minister of Finance said, leaning over and said viciously: "Or we will supply food from their barracks to broken……"

As he spoke, his face was full of ferocity, and he scratched his neck with his thumb.

So-Gerrera sneered, "You are just uneducated, is there any difference between cutting off their supply and killing them directly? Do you really think that the current media and public opinion are blind? Don't make trouble for us! Wait for the Republic After our army leaves, this planet is our own!"


"I have already sent a report to Governor Tarkin, saying that in order to eradicate the separatist forces and maintain the unity of the Galactic Republic, our planet Onderon is obliged! Therefore, I am willing to send all 200,000 people of the Royal Guard to the Dexen satellite , to participate in this combat operation against separatism!" Saw-Gerrera said.

The Minister of Finance laughed out loud, "Hahahaha! As expected of the boss! High! Really high!"

"Hahahaha!" Saw Grera also laughed triumphantly, "Now do you understand? I am using the hands of the Galactic Republic and Separatism to kill all those who oppose us! This is killing three birds with one stone. !"


"Let Ondron's Royal Guard join the battle?" On the bridge of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser as his flagship, the Governor of the Fourth Army, Wilhof Tarkin, looked at the report sent by Saw Gerrera, with a full expression on his face. It was a mocking look, "Suo Gerrera is really ruthless. This one will kill those 200,000 people."

"He has already used everything to consolidate his throne." The adjutant on the side said, "However, with the current situation on the Dirkson satellite, it is also very good to have an extra 200,000 cannon fodder."

Tarkin sneered, "Reject this proposal for me."

The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "My lord governor, why did you refuse? This is a good thing delivered to your door."

Tarkin glanced at him and said, "So you have to study a lot, don't fail to see the most critical factors every time, and let me teach you in the end."

He said so, but his eyes were full of complacency, and he continued, "Saw Gerrera is a terrorist. No matter he is the king or the emperor now, this essence cannot be changed. The shitty things he is doing now Can't I see it? No, let him do it, not only that, but I also support him in doing it."

"Why...why?" The adjutant asked sincerely, not knowing whether it was intentional or not.

"In this way, when we end this battle and liberate the Onderon planet, those common people will not hate us, but him, the king!" Tarkin waved his hand and said, "Then when the time comes, I will make him Arrest with various ready-made charges, public trial, and public execution, those civilians will fall back to our side, and the dispute of a planet will subside."

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