Chapter 1376 On the eve of the storm

1376: Before the Storm

At the same time, the planet Onderon, the outer orbit.

White light flickered, and five Jaeger-class battlecruisers broke away from the hyperspace channel and suddenly appeared in space. Without any hesitation, they immediately unfolded the front hangar platform, and hundreds of fighter jets took off one after another, heading straight for the planet's atmosphere. !

Among these fighters, in addition to the V-19 Torrent fighters that the Galactic Republic is currently equipped with, there are more than 100 of them are the most advanced V-wing light fighters!

The five Jaeger-class battlecruisers can carry more than 2,000 aircraft if they are fully loaded. With the powerful air combat capabilities of the V-wing fighters, this is still a very terrifying force!

There is no Argonev-class interstellar base built in the outer orbit of the Onderon planet, only a large space port and an armed space station. The planetary defense forces dare not go out to fight the warships that are coming from the Galactic Republic. They just hide in their own space. Zone passive defense.

"General Kalani! I received an alert just now! The Republic Fleet has invaded!" In the holographic projection, a middle-aged man's resolute face appeared.

General Akhenath-Tandin, the commander-in-chief of the military force of Onderon Planet.

General Kalani looked at the holographic projection and said in a calm electronic voice: "This is confirmed, but the Republic is only a tentative attack at present."

"We should evacuate civilians as soon as possible!" Tan Ding said loudly.

"I just issued a martial law order to keep everyone inside the house and not to go out, otherwise, they will be killed on the spot." General Kalani said lightly.

"You are letting them die! Stay in the building, and if you are affected by the flames of war, you will not be able to escape!" General Tan Ding said loudly.

"It's impossible for me to fill every street in Izzy with people preparing to evacuate, let alone let everyone live in a shelter two months ago. So, this is an inevitable result." Kara General Ni said calmly.

General Tandin's body trembled a little. He tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, and said slowly: "You are the person who is persecuting our planet, and shed the last drop of blood in the battle with the Galactic Republic..."

"I'm guarding the investment of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, that's all." General Kalani said lightly, "Now, get your army ready. It's been two months, and I asked you to issue a conscription order of 1 million people Only less than one-fifth of it has been completed, I hope you can use this limited force to stop the Republic Army for enough time."

"Aren't you worried about me surrendering directly?" General Tan Ding's face was gloomy.

"The Deksen satellite will inevitably cause heavy casualties to the Galactic Republic. If you think that the Galactic Republic will treat you well after suffering such a heavy loss, and you can also gain freedom and dignity, you can completely surrender." Kalani said the general.

"Huh? The battle robot next to me is not as relaxed as you said." General Tan Ding said with a sneer, pointing to the side.

Offscreen, two B-2 super battle droids are raising their arms, their barrels pointed grimly at his head.

"At least, I want to give the people a way to survive." General Tan Ding turned his head again, his face darkened.

"When the Republic Fleet chose to launch a surprise attack, they didn't intend to give you a way out. Prepare to fight." General Kalani said lightly.


Planet Onderon, Izzy City.

call out! call out! call out! ! The red light of the E-5 blaster rifles has started to flash on the street. The combat robots that were patrolling very rigidly 10 minutes ago are now acting like crazy. shoot!

The rest of the people hid in the house and did not dare to breathe.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! The Republic is coming! The Republic is coming!!" A manic demonstrator laughed wildly while picking up a blaster pistol and firing at the combat robots, and was shot by a crowd the next second. Gun headshot.

Soon, there was another gunshot from the other side of the street, and several robots on this side immediately followed the sound and walked over.

At this time, two people quietly came out from the shadows, and they were Judgment and Seth.

At this moment, Seth's face was pale, and his hand was tightly grasping the judgment, but he had no intention of kissing Fangze at all. Now, apart from fear, he was still afraid.

"Bastard... did we come out? Those robots are really killing people...they are really killing people!" Seth whispered in a low voice.

"It should be that the Galactic Republic has a military operation, so the robots need to clear the streets to make room for combat." The trial was very calm, and analyzed: "And the Galactic Republic must be a surprise attack, so there was no warning before."

She thought for a while and added, "That's right. The planet Onderon is now surrounded in the hinterland of the Galactic Republic's jurisdiction. With their strength, they are not enough to monitor every hyperspace channel around the planet. The commander of the Republic The officer is a master."

"I don't want to hear this, I just want to get out of here..." Seth said.

"There is a residential building ahead, you can go in and take refuge." Judgment pointed to the front and said, "Just cross this street. The robot patrol team at the other end should pay attention to this direction in three minutes."

"Quick...quick..." Without hesitation, Seth followed the judgment and ran over there.

However, when he ran to the residential building, no matter how much he knocked on the door, the door was still closed, "Open the door! Bastard! Bastard! Open the door!!"

There was no response from inside the door, although there was clearly a figure moving inside.

Just when Seth was about to continue pounding on the door, Judgment suddenly pulled him aside and hid in the shadows. Then, only the sound of humming engines was heard, and an AAT armored assault tank slowly came from the street. Passing by, there were still four or five B-1 battle robots standing on the tank.

Seth sat down on the ground all of a sudden, holding his head in his hands, "We will die, we will die here... there is no way."

However, Judgment just looked at the night sky and said slowly: "Everyone will die, including me. But before I die, I want to see more."

There was a silence.

"Compared to this, give me a kiss before you die." Seth broke the silence and murmured.

"Perhaps among the stars in the sky, many of them are warships of the Republic. Even so, is it still just a kiss that you care about?" Judgment asked lightly.

"Otherwise? What do you want me to focus on? Focus on how to sink the battleship of the Republic?" Seth smiled wryly and waved his hand, "From the first time I saw you, I thought you were unusual. Even in this situation now It's even more powerful if you can still be so calm. So, if I can get a kiss from you, I will be worth my death."

He paused, and then asked, "Are you a Jedi knight? Earl Dooku's side? It's really great to be able to kiss a Jedi knight."

Judgment glanced at him, ignored him, and just said, "Let's go, go over there."

"Which side?" Seth subconsciously followed the finger of the judge to look over, he only saw a rocket blowing up the AAT armored assault tank that passed by just now with a long tail flame! !

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