The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1362 The Night Sisters

1362: Night Sisters

As of now, the Night Sisters are controlled by a powerful Matron - Matron Talzin. She is not only the mother of the tribe, who gave birth to many daughters, but also the most powerful witch in the tribe, with unfathomable spells.

She reunited the Night Sisters, who had been divided after Guthzerian's death, and strengthened the rule. The previously loose Night Sisters are now bound by stricter laws. Her rule is harsh, almost cruel, to turn the Night Sisters into cold-blooded murderers.

Mother Talzin called the Zabrak males that she raised as Night Brothers, and strictly ordered the Night Sisters to only interbreed with Night Brothers, but other than that, Night Sisters absolutely did not allow any communication with Night Brothers , not even a word.

Even speaking, when they have sex, they will be greatly restricted, and they don't even know who the other party is. If the baby is a daughter, it will enter the Night Sisters, and if it is a boy, it will be thrown back into the Night Brothers.

But for the Night Brothers, it is another completely different law.

Brothers of the night must constantly undergo training to ensure that their bodies will become stronger. A strong body can not only meet the needs of more heavy physical labor, but also allow them to be in the best reproductive state. These night brotherhoods are constantly competing and fighting with each other for the chance to mate with the night sisters - because this will improve their lives, stay away from pointless manual labor, and get better food.

The battle between the night brothers is brutal and bloody, because the night sisters will not give them any combat skills, so they can only fight with instinct and strength, and such battles are often life and death.

In order to ensure the genes of the Night Brothers, Mother Talzin also cooperated with the notorious slave traders in the galaxy, such as the queen of the planet Ziglia, Milaji-Sintel, to continuously kidnap more Zabrak people. The slaves arrived on the planet Thormir.

More than 10 years before the outbreak of the war, Mother Talzin also briefly had contact with Darth Sidious. Darth Sidious took away a night brother and became his apprentice, giving Named Darth Maul. When the 22BBY war broke out, Mother Talzin and Earl Dooku also reached a preliminary cooperation agreement.

Mother Talzin also wrote a book for this, "Wild Power" (Wild Power), in order to explain her influence on the dark side of the force in the galaxy, and how the night sisters should be in this war What role to play.

Mother Talzin sent the trained Night Sisters Elite to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and became an elite force of assassins in the hands of Earl Dooku. During the course of the war, Earl Dooku used the assassins of the Night Sisters more than once to assassinate those politicians who were biased towards the Galactic Republic, thus overthrowing the regime of the planet.

But that's all. These assassins can't control the direction of a war, so Mother Talzin and the Night Sisters are just that in the eyes of Earl Dooku.

But for Mother Talzin, the power is extremely huge, controlling almost the entire outer ring star area and a part of the middle ring star area, and Earl Dooku, who is on par with the Galactic Republic, is an existence like a giant.

Therefore, in order to maintain her authority, Mother Talzin did not directly join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, but declared her neutrality. The act of dispatching assassins was also carried out in secret.

But this time, when Count Dooku needed more assistants, he finally thought of the Night Sisters and Mistress Talzin.

Count Dooku's dark follower, the once excellent swordsman Jedi master Sora Balk, came to the planet Dathomir and found the dark and mysterious witch.

Thora Balk, the Dark Master of the Weequay, was very old, his skin was as rough as the bark of a tree, but his steps were steady and restrained, and he was still a master.

"Ah, Master Balk. I don't know how Earl Dooku asked you to come. What advice do you have?" Mother Talzin asked slowly. The woman standing opposite was also in her 60s, wearing a red robe, Pale complexion, drooping skin folds, dark eyes.

The offspring of the hybrids of the Night Sisters and the Zabrak, the Dasomians, have pale complexion.

"Count Dooku, you need more power. So I'm sent here, and I hope you can provide us with enough powerful fighters." Sora Balk still spoke with confidence, but his current appearance is really not suitable. Speaking of the word 'Master', this is completely a dialogue between two old monsters.

"Hehehehe, more power... Yes, we, the Night Sisters, are always ready. But, this time, how much is Earl Dooku prepared to pay?" Mother Talzin asked.

"You should know what I'm talking about, they're not people like them." Sora Balk casually clicked a few times in the dark shadows, all of which were the positions of the Dark Night Sisters hidden in the dark.

Mistress Talzin waved her hand, and there was a slight noise among the many shadows around her, and then fell silent again, and she let the assassins leave.

Slowly walking down the altar, Mistress Talzin came to Sola Balk, made a gesture of invitation, and then led him out of the temple and walked outside.

In this settlement built in the middle of the jungle, many houses are built on trees. Although it can be seen that they have been decorated as much as possible, it can still be understood that these sisters in the dark night are actually living a very Simple and poor life.

Compared with other places in the Milky Way, life on Dathomir can be described as a primitive tribe.

"You should know, Master Balk, on our planet Dathomir, the population does not exceed 100,000. This is a simple and isolated planet... My daughters came here through their own long-term training Skills to provide our entire tribe with the supplies we need to survive." Mother Talzin took Sola Balk to a training ground behind.

I can only see here that hundreds of Dark Night Sisters are catching and training. It is said to be training, but the battle between them can even be regarded as a fight, with real swords and guns splashing blood all over the ground, and there is a tendency to directly put the other party to death. And even in sparring, sometimes he would suddenly seize the opportunity to stab the other person next to him.

In short, on this training ground, everyone is an enemy except yourself!

Those who have survived from such a place are all the elite among the elite.

"These are our best fighters, and they are always ready to serve Earl Dooku. The premise is that there is a suitable price." Mother Talzin said.

"They can't fight against the Jedi Knights." Sora Balk said coldly, "I can feel the existence of the dark side force from them, but it's just to this extent, it's not enough."

"You are talking about the kind of person who is born with the favor of magic." Mother Talzin said, "Indeed, I can tell you that there is indeed such a person among my brothers in the night. But... I need your help!"

She pointed to the foggy distance, and continued: "I can feel that a force far darker and more powerful than us is waking up. This force is devouring us...Recently, there have been dozens of Dark Night Sisters The inexplicable disappearance is a very serious blow to us."

Thora Balk frowned, "Are you trying to tell me that you can't even protect yourself now?"

"That's right. If I don't stop it, all I will see in the future is withering and death... By that day, the Night Sisters will no longer exist, and we will naturally be unable to provide more for Count Dooku." Tarzin said the mistress.

Thanks to 213teenager for the reward of 233 starting coins! !

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