The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1354 Invisible reinforcements

1354. Invisible Reinforcements

"The launch tower?" Jango Fett questioned. "It was heavily guarded in the first place."

The hermit said: "Heavy guards are only for the outside, but they are defenseless against the inside."

"Then how did you guess he was in the tower?" Jango Fett asked.

"Because I didn't find any traces of him appearing in the basement of the space port." The hermit said, "And there may be people wearing work clothes marked by Zane Remanufacturing Company, except for the space port. , there is only one other place left—the launch tower! Because if the Transcendence-Vizsla conspiracy is to be launched, the only ones who install the brainwashing device on the launch tower are the workers of Zane Remanufacturing Company.”

"Your inference is a bit far-fetched." Jango Fett said.

"The basement of the space port warehouse is very heavily guarded, and it was under construction secretly before the conspiracy started. Vitaly-Olov wanted to find out there, unless it was under construction there, when the basement construction was completed, everywhere Under surveillance, it is impossible for him to find out and escape unscathed," said the hermit.

"Take a step back and if he really found out there, the news must have been sent out in advance, but he didn't. Therefore, the only place where he has a chance to discover Transcendent-Vizsla's conspiracy and have a chance to get in is There is only the launch tower that has just been constructed." The hermit raised two fingers, "These two conditions, plus a premise, then we can draw this conclusion - the premise is that Vitaly-Olov Still haven't been caught by them."

"Then if he's already been caught, your judgments are nonsense?" Jango Fett asked.

"That's right." The hermit nodded.

Jango Fett snorted coldly and stood up, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."

The hermit raised his eyebrows, "How can you believe such a nonsense judgment?"

"I can't come up with a better judgment, so let's do it first." Jango Fett pulled out his blaster pistol and checked the trigger.

This thing is already the only weapon left by the two of them.

"I found out that I like you Mandalorians a little bit." The hermit smiled slightly and put his mask back on.

"The Mandalorian? No, I'm long gone." Jango Fett shook his head.

"As you always say, this is the way (This is the way). So, you are and will be a Mandalorian in the future." The hermit patted Jango Fett on the shoulder, leaving this In a word, he walked out of the room first.


Sandari City, outside the communication tower.

This communication tower with a height of more than 1,000 meters is built on the top of a high-rise building, and this high-rise building is the office building of a local communication company in Mandalorian. Around the building, many guard posts have been newly set up, and all the windows are blocked. Get up and prevent someone from sneaking in or escaping quietly.

At the entrance of the building, there are several guards from Zane Remanufacturing Company standing guard.

"It seems that a large part of the guards have been removed here. You guessed it right. The biggest weakness of these death guards in Sundarli City is that they are understaffed." Jango Fett hid in the opposite building. In the shadows, he adjusted the focus of the helmet's electronic eyepiece and observed the direction of the building.

"I don't feel right... The perception of the original force is full of danger. There are still secret whistles hidden inside." The hermit said in a deep voice.

"Looks like the Force is working. So what do we do now?" Jango Fett asked.

"There is no way, this is the only breakthrough." The hermit sighed, "Now Satine has been recaptured by them, and the spaceport has been tightly sealed. What is even more dangerous is the referendum on Mandalore's participation in the Confederation of Independent Galaxies It could start at any time, we have no other way... except one..."

"Which one?" Jango Fett asked.

"I used to do what one of my apprentices did." The hermit stood up, flexed his muscles, and looked in the direction of the launch tower, "Attack!"


Boom! ! Several Zane company guards were blown away by the force wave! There was a gap in the defense line of the guards, revealing the gate leading to the building under the launch tower.

The Hermit and Jango Fett rushed in directly through this gap. After entering the gate, Jango Fett turned around and blocked the gate with his body, raised the blaster pistol and fired in bursts, rushing towards the gate from outside. The guard points killed several!

Immediately he let the door open, and the hermit waved his hand, and some desks, computers and other things in the building were all grabbed by the original force and piled up at the door to block it.

The two rushed directly into the building, and some guards and employees who were brainwashed and controlled rushed forward to catch them, but this was even more impossible.

"Where is the man?" Jango Fett asked loudly as he shot the rushing guards down.

"I don't know either! But it must be hidden very well! Look for it!" the hermit replied.

"It's been a while since you've been telling me that, you bastard?" Jango Fett yelled.

"I told you just now! My apprentice is like this, regardless of whether he rushes forward and leaves everything to the original force, there will always be good results." The hermit turned around and said.

A few more brainwashed people rushed over, and he was also a little tired. He didn't have the strength to use the force wave anymore, but he picked up a bench and fought with those people. The Force Fist taught by the Jedi Knights was still very powerful, and quickly knocked them down one by one.

Suddenly, there was a sound of bone and bone in the distance, as if something was rolling.

Upon hearing this voice, Jango Fett, who was originally from the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, even changed his voice. He yelled, "Destroyer robot! Run!!"

"Bastard! Why is there a Destroyer on Mandalorian!!" The hermit was also shocked and ran in another direction.

The two ran a few steps, and found another sound of bone and bone coming from the front, and then a metal ball quickly rolled over from behind the wall, and immediately stretched out its beetle-like body, the energy shield was activated, and the two blaster machine guns were Fire the moment it unfolds!

Fortunately, the hermits reacted faster. When they saw the Destroyer robot rolling over, they jumped up several meters and rolled in through the ventilation duct.

Whoosh! The two dual-mounted blaster machine guns of the Destroyer robot fired extremely ferociously, firing almost continuously. Jango Fett saw that he couldn't run away, and shouted, "I'll leave it to you! Find someone!"

At the same time, relying on his solid Mandalorian crusader armor, he forcibly resisted the Destroyer's shooting, then rushed forward and rolled into the range of the Destroyer's shield, aiming the blaster pistol directly at the root of the blaster machine gun The energy tube is a burst of precise shooting!

boom! ! ! The energy pipeline in the state of rapid shooting was filled with explosive gas, and a violent explosion occurred immediately!

The power of the explosion directly blew the Destroyer robot to pieces, and Jango Fett was also blown out, hitting the wall with a bang and making a big hole. He only felt dizzy for a while, and his whole body was in pain. Can't even stand up.

At this time, he saw only a few Zane company guards walking over with another Destroyer robot, and several blaster rifles were aimed at his head.

Jango Fett sat on the ground and cursed in Mandalorian dialect, raised his hand and threw his blaster pistol aside, and raised his hands.


The hermit fled along the ventilation duct, but soon the duct was blown open, and he had to jump out to escape.

More and more guards came here, and the third Destroyer robot appeared! He had no choice but to keep running up. The new reinforcements were still under the building at this moment, and the windows of the building were all blocked, so going up became the only relatively less stressful direction.

He ran up all the way, and the people below followed him all the way, and soon he ran to the top of the building. But at this time, they saw several spaceships sending some guards to the roof. In the distance, you can still see some black spots approaching rapidly, they are Death Guard soldiers!

Those guards got off the spaceship and immediately surrounded the hermit. Seeing that there was no way to escape, the hermit had no choice but to run into the interior of the launch tower and start climbing up.

The guard rushed in cursing, but saw that the internal structure was very complicated, with various cables everywhere.

This is because of the addition of the brainwashing control device, and there is a thick cable in the middle that directly passes through the stairs to the transmitter amplifier at the top, which makes the stairs even narrower, and dense cables occupy most of the space , only one person can enter.

The guards didn't dare to shoot here, so they had to climb up.

Click! Click! The Death Guard fighters outside smashed through the window and climbed in, but soon got caught in countless cables and almost got caught in it, so they had to back out and walk up the stairs obediently.

In such an intricate place, the hermit is like a fish in water. Under the perception of the force, those cables that sometimes stumble people have no effect on him at all. His forward speed is exactly the same as running on a flat road, and soon Leave the guards behind.

However, after climbing up several hundred meters, the hermit suddenly had a feeling in his heart. He turned his head to look in the middle of the intricate cables, walked over suddenly, and opened those cables, unexpectedly there was a small room behind! Looks like it should be a tool room for maintenance!

There are people inside!

The hermit walked over, opened the door, and almost at the same time, a dagger stabbed over!

The hermit was extremely fast, grabbing the wrist holding the dagger with one hand, pushing the man back with the other hand, and at the same time snatching the dagger with a twist of the backhand.

Looking up at that person, the hermit yelled in disbelief, "How could you be here?!"

That person was the Vitaly Olov they had been looking for for a long time!

"Who are you!?" Vitaly-Olof is now visibly terrified.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you..." The hermit just finished speaking, and then smiled self-deprecatingly, "Ah, forget it, anyway, it seems that I have nowhere to go."

He put the dagger away, went into the room and closed the door.

This is indeed a maintenance worker's tool room. There are many tools hanging in it, and there are several empty cans and bottles of water on the ground, and there is an unpleasant smell. It seems that he eats, drinks, and scatter all in this place these days. Small room solved.

Looking at Vitaly Olov again, his face is haggard, his eyes are dull, his hair is almost stuck together, basically like a beggar on the street.

"Who are you?" Vitaly asked again.

"I was sent by Tang Xiao, the governor of the Dawn Star Planet." The hermit replied, "We received a communication from you to your brother Yuri-Olov. We suspected that you had been assassinated, so we came to look for you. But we didn't expect it. Such a big thing happened on Mandalore..."

However, when Vitaly Olov heard this, not only was he not thankful and grateful, but jumped up and grabbed the hermit by the collar and roared, "FUCK!! Just fuck you alone? Then you Mom also led all the guards in Sundarli City to my door?"

"Calm down!" said the hermit, "At least neither you nor I are alone anymore."

"That's just two fucking people!" Vitaly Olov cursed, and he quickly looked at the hermit who was also in a mess, "And there's only one fucking dagger!"

The hermit sighed softly, took off his mask to reveal his true face, and said, "Listen, calm down, we haven't reached the point of despair yet."

"Is that you? The Jedi Knight who came over during the Civil War on Ceria?" Vitaly Olov still remembered Obi-Wan Kenobi, "When did you grow your beard? And, Jedi Knight? For Dawn Planetary work? Forget it..."

He also calmed down, sat down with a sigh, put his head in his hands and said, "I've been chased too closely... I don't have time to send out more detailed information. That's why you made a misjudgment and only sent a few people over." One of the possibilities, and it did happen..."

"Dawn Star really can't send more power to Mandalore." The hermit said, "Why are you here? This is inside the transmission tower, and the signal strength should be the highest. How can you not be brainwashed by this device?" controlling?"

"Just chew Diesel bark." Vitaly said, "The reason why Diesel bark has no side effects is because there is a substance in it that can inhibit the hallucinogenic effect of spices. As for why this The brainwashing device works, and I guess that's why."

"Okay then, so you know..." The hermit wanted to ask something, when he suddenly heard shouts and footsteps coming from outside the door!

With a serious look on his face, he took out the dagger from his pocket, held it in his backhand, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, there is no other way, let's fight! I'm sorry, I can probably guess that you should be near the launch tower, maybe A safe house or something, but I didn't expect you to be hiding inside a tower...Looks like we're all going to die here."

"There are no traces on it! He didn't climb up! Just search nearby!!" The voice of the guard came from outside.

The hermit took a deep breath and prepared for battle.

However, a voice suddenly came from his mind, "Al'a korr de zhakan"

Thanks to Elvy Lana Hilfes for the 3,000 starting coins! ! Thanks to an ordinary investigator for rewarding 299 starting coins! !

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