1352、The real secret

The surrounding guards were immediately attracted. They thought that the two key criminals who had kidnapped the Grand Duchess Satine Kritz who were being tracked fled to the spaceport, robbed a spaceship and wanted to escape.

Immediately, more than a dozen spaceships took off from all corners of the city to intercept them. It seemed that these spaceships were brought in by the Death Guard. Because Sundari City, as the capital of the new Mandalorian regime, is also a peaceful city, there will be no such combat spaceships.

Immediately the ships were coming from all directions, and Jango Fett was flying them around deftly, and at the same time was using the ship's self-defensive firepower to scatter the ground targets everywhere to cause chaos.

The chaos over there immediately attracted almost everyone's attention. While the guards of Zane's remanufacturing company were walking away, the hermit suddenly came to the door.

A guard blinked and found that there was an extra person in front of him. Before he could react, the hermit raised his hand, and he immediately felt his mind was in a trance, and then suddenly felt that the spaceships in the sky were playing lively and fun, so Throwing away the weapon in his hand, he watched the battle in the sky with relish.

The hermit came to the warehouse and found that there were spaceship parts that had been sorted and piled up everywhere. Some automatic cargo robots were grabbing these parts into the cargo boxes behind them with their mechanical arms, and then they were ready to be transported to the factory for processing.

It seems that there is nothing unusual... The hermit frowned, spreading out his original force to investigate, while concentrating.

Suddenly, his nose trembled slightly... There seemed to be a faint smell in the air, as if...

It's the smell I smelled in the sunset bar!

The hermit walked forward along the smell that ordinary people could no longer detect, but he could perceive through the force, and found that the smell was broken in one of the large containers.

He didn't rush over there, but waited patiently for a while, and sure enough, he saw a guard walking in from the outside. He came to the front of the container, turned on a hidden switch, and scanned it with his ID card. The container opened immediately, and inside was a Down the stairs!

Without the slightest hesitation, the hermit leaped over and grabbed the guard's head, and the guard immediately froze.

"Take me in." The hermit said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll take you in right now." The guard said dully.

Keeping his hand on the back of the guard's head, the hermit followed him down the stairs.

Force hypnosis, which is different from the force suggestion commonly used by Jedi knights to let others follow suit with a wave of the hand, is a more in-depth control technique. human rights and will not be used.

But the hermit naturally used this force skill that he would never use before without realizing it, and at the same time, the light in his heart remained unwavering.

Changes are happening quietly.

Walking down the stairs, it suddenly became clear that there was a hidden basement below!

In the basement, a very large main engine is located here. It is a large square machine with a length and width of more than 100 meters. Around it, some people dressed as engineers are going back and forth to check and maintain the operation of this machine.

And looking at the top of the mechanical device, there are dozens of glass jars, and there are naked people in them! These people are covered with various tubes all over their bodies, especially on their heads, where dozens of data cables are connected!

In another part, some poorly dressed people were carrying a strange liquid. They sent the liquid to the receiving port under the mechanical device. As the liquid was injected, those people who were knocked into the glass jar suddenly fell into a coma. Open your mouth and scream!

The screams were completely isolated by the glass jar, but their painful expressions were completely displayed in front of the hermit through the glass. And the data lines connected to their heads also emitted bursts of electric light along with their screams. This burst of electric light was gathered by the glass jar and sent out from a line at the top.

And this thick cable extends far away!

At this moment, the hermit understood that this was the core of the device used by Transcendence-Vizsla to brainwash the entire city!

Those who are loaded into glass jars are all force-sensitive! And this device forcibly stimulates their brains in a certain way, causing them to send out powerful brain waves, which are then amplified by amplifiers installed on the transmission towers and spread throughout the city.

Yes, they...

These force-sensitive people are all women! Moreover, they have pale skin and countless religious tattoos on their bodies.

There is no doubt that these women are definitely not from the planet Mandalorian.

After about 30 seconds, everything stopped, and the women who filled the glass jars immediately became fatigued, pulled by the tubes and data cables on their bodies, barely maintaining a standing posture. Obviously, they are all unconscious states.

Then, the mechanical device seemed to be overheated, and the workers hurriedly opened another opening, pulled out the hot and red capacitors one by one, and sent them outside on a trolley for cooling.

And these busy workers are wearing exactly the same style of cloth as they found in the bar before!

"Is this the secret discovered by Vitaly-Olov?" The hermit was startled, and secretly said, "This place is not too secret, it should be after colluding with Zane Remanufacturing Company to rent the warehouse, and then bribed the higher-level officials It was built temporarily. And Vitaly must have discovered this place without any objection, so he was hunted down!"

At this time, the hermit hiding behind the guard was finally discovered by surveillance, and more than a dozen heavily armed guards ran over from the other side, shouting and running towards this side.

The hermit pushed the guard in front of him towards the front, touched the blaster pistol on his body, and continuously pulled the trigger in the direction of the device. At the same time, regardless of whether it caused damage, he ran towards the outside .

The alarm had obviously been received outside, and a large number of guards swarmed in, hundreds of them!

The hermit lost his lightsaber when he sneaked into the palace last time, so he had no choice but to run away. Raising his hand, a wave of force knocked down more than a dozen people in front of him. The intricate terrain of countless cargo boxes here circles these guards.

In the sky, the spaceship that Jango Fett snatched just now has been shot down, and dozens of Death Guard fighters wearing black Mandalorian crusader armor flew over with jetpacks in the sky!

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