Chapter 1345 The Vasari

1345. Vasari

In the mysterious database of the mothership Glory, there are many terrifying technologies, but in many cases, these technologies were also developed by non-human races.

For example, the technology of the Protoss, the technology of the Zerg, the Geth, and the Vasari in front of us.

The technology of these non-human races is often extremely powerful, Tang Xiao even saw the technology of the forerunner in "Halo"! According to his understanding of "Halo", those technologies are so powerful that even the entire galaxy may not be able to withstand it, but the biggest problem is...

can't read!

That's right, the technology of the forerunners exists, but everything from characters to grammar is written in unknown characters, and they cannot be understood at all! What's even more troublesome is that some of them are not even words and pictures, but a consciousness at all! !

To put it a bit more down-to-earth, even the technology of the protoss and the technology of the Vasari are written in their own words or recording methods, and yes, in the technology recording methods of the protoss, there are also their ancestors. body of consciousness...

What's the matter? It's against the sky!

Therefore, the only way to develop the technology of these non-human races is to awaken and multiply their races, and then let their own scientists develop them.

Tang Xiao doubted that this was their intention at all, because only in this way could he have a reason to wake up these races one by one. After all, there are more than one hundred races accommodated on this mothership of unknown origin, so let’s not talk about how these races came out of the game. In short, they really exist now, so their purpose must be to reproduction of one's own race.

The Vasari are one of the races in "Original Sin of a Solar Empire", and they are also the most technologically advanced race. They have an ancient and splendid history. They once dominated the entire river system and established a huge empire.

They have the most advanced nanotechnology, space technology and latitude technology. At their peak, the huge stargate connected every corner of the empire, the powerful dark fleet guarded the four directions, and countless races bowed and surrendered. They also became the river system The well-deserved master among them.

However, when their empire reached its peak, disaster came without warning.

Their core world suddenly fell into darkness without any warning, losing all contact. Anyone entering these dark galaxies would be as silent as a mud cow entering the sea. The Vasari immediately sent their most powerful dark fleet to conquer, but their powerful fleet that flattened the entire river system is still the same!

After entering the darkness, their fleet lost contact for a moment, and then... no one came out.

Not even a word of news.

What's even more frightening is that this darkness is still spreading, affecting more and more galaxies, and there is no way to stop it!

The Vasari finally fell into panic, and they began to gather all their remaining strength and embarked on the road of escape. They no longer have any courage to fight against this unknown darkness, because they have lost most of their fleet and territory without even knowing what the other party is.

As for what this darkness is, no one knew before the release of "Original Sin of a Solar Empire 2".

After fleeing to another river system, the one that took place in the plot of "Original Sins of a Solar Empire", the Vasari also split.

Some of them wanted to continue fleeing. They saw people killing people and seeing planets blowing up planets. They took all the things they could take away and destroyed all the things they couldn’t take away. Apart from continuing to stay away from the unknown darkness, they Don't think otherwise. They are known as traditional Vasari, or Vasari loyalists.

Others are tired of fleeing and living in cramped warships. No matter how gorgeous and comfortable they build their warships, they will never compare to the peace of mind of having their feet on the ground and the blue sky above their heads. So they hope to form an alliance with the local race, rebuild their homeland, and then work together to find a way to deal with the coming of darkness again.

These people were called Vasari rebels, because loyalists accused them of betraying the traditions of the Vasari Empire.

But this time, what Tang Xiao awakened was the Vasari rebel faction, and only the Vasari rebel faction could reach an agreement with them. Because the loyal Vasari still tend to treat other races as slaves, and have no idea of ​​rebuilding their homeland at all. Such an existence has no room for negotiation at all.

In contrast, the rebel Vasari were much more enlightened. They have begun to gradually abandon slavery, coexist with some other powerful races as equals, and they desperately desire a stable homeland.

And these things are exactly what Tang Xiao can provide them now.

The planet Karl, which has been abandoned for more than 20,000 years and has only just begun to re-emerge in recent decades, is the dream home of the Vasari people.

On a planet with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers and a pleasant climate, there are only 4.5 million human immigrants on it, and these immigrants have neither tradition nor background. It is just right for the Vasari to settle down.

And what the Vasari people can provide to Tang Xiao, apart from their extremely advanced shipbuilding technology and nano-material technology, the most terrifying thing is their star gate technology!

As we all know, in this "Star Wars" galaxy, all intergalactic navigation and intergalactic communication rely on hyperspace technology. The jumping away from the hyperspace is to fly in the high-dimensional plane along the predetermined flight path after entering the high-dimensional hyperspace. Compared with the normal three-dimensional space, this can reach superluminal speed.

However, the hyperspace channel is relatively fixed. Whether it is the stability of hyperspace or the mass projection produced by the major stars, it has become the biggest factor restricting hyperspace navigation. Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, the hyperspace channel of the Milky Way has basically been fixed.

The existence of the hyperspace channel not only allowed the technology of intergalactic navigation in this galaxy to be born thousands of years earlier than normal, but also restricted the development of other superluminal navigation technologies in this galaxy.

Moreover, the limitation of the hyperspace channel also makes the direction of inter-galaxy navigation in this galaxy relatively fixed. Taking this war as an example, the Galactic Republic entered the counter-offensive stage, and the direction of their counter-offensive was also along the main hyperspace. from the fairway.

But the Stargate technology of the Vasari is completely different! ! No matter in any corner of the Milky Way, between two star gates, the fleet can directly sail point-to-point at super-light speed! Simply ignore the so-called hyperspace channel! !

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