The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1335 Secret Weapon (Part 2)

1335. Secret Weapon (Part 2)

The outer orbit of the planet Semiles, the flagship of the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Galactic Republic.

"Sir, the three warships that you asked me to monitor appeared on the edge of the galaxy. We have drones approaching them, but they were quickly shot down. Now the optical image is being transmitted, and there are 5 minutes to receive it." A radar soldier came Go to the Adjutant of the Fleet and speak to him.

Soon, the optical image was transmitted along with the most basic data.

Among the three warships, the middle one is 1550 meters long, and the overall shape is like a whole, which looks like a long knife. It's just that at the bow position, a huge opening is installed abruptly, which somewhat destroys the overall beauty of the battleship.

The other two ships are 1,254 meters long. The upper part is round in shape, but the lower part is roughly rectangular, looking like a bird crouching on the ground from a distance.

The adjutant pondered, "These three battleships are obviously at the level of capital ships. Why don't you just jump to the edge of the gravitational well on Planet Semiles, and then join Trench's formation? Breaking away from the formation like this is to see them from afar." play? They're on the edge of the galaxy right now, they can't do anything."

He walked towards the fleet commander Admiral Davis, wanting to ask his opinion, "General, I detected those three warships..."

Before he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!

The communications soldier shouted: "General!! There is a situation!! All our clone troops have lost contact!! Master Radul has also lost contact!!"

Admiral Davis was shocked, "This is impossible! We just received a report from the clone legion 10 minutes ago! Everything is normal!! It is impossible for anything to make them all lose contact within 10 minutes!"

Frightened, the movements of the three warships were directly ignored by Admiral Davis.

Anyway, a new batch of reinforcements has arrived, and now he still has 56 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and 120 small and medium-sized battleships in his hands. In the face of such a powerful strength, the three thousand-meter-class battleships are still alone, and it is absolutely impossible to cause him any trouble.

"Immediately send additional fighter formations! On-the-spot investigation of the battle situation in the capital region!"

"How is the battle situation in the direction of the natural man corps?" Admiral Davis immediately began to respond, "And Master Wilf-Monn! Contact him immediately! Quick!!"

However, misfortunes never come singly, and the adjutant got another news!

"Sir! It has been detected that the battleship in the center is charging!" the radar soldier on the monitoring side shouted.

"Recharging! No! When did this happen?!" The adjutant reacted immediately.

"According to the time, this is the information 16 hours ago! Because they are at the edge of the galaxy, 0.019 light-years away from us, it takes 16 hours for the data to be sent back at the speed of light!" said the radar soldier.

As soon as the adjutant heard this, he couldn't care less, he rushed forward and pulled Admiral Davis over, almost shouting into his ear: "General! We are under attack!! "

"Attack? Where is the attack!" Admiral Davis was staggered and furious. If it wasn't for the emergency situation, he would have already slapped him across the face.

However, before he finished speaking, the answer came!

It suddenly brightened outside the porthole without warning! An extremely dazzling orange-red light instantly shone on a Jaeger-class battlecruiser in the main fleet formation of the Fourth Army!

This ray of light was so dazzling that some warship operators who witnessed this scene through the portholes covered their eyes and screamed loudly. They were temporarily blinded under the strong light!

This ray of light radiated for about a second and then gradually extinguished. It became thinner and dimmer, and the color also turned reddish red. In the end, it was even obvious that this was not a single ray of light, but was directly shining on it. Around this ray of light, there is also a spiral energy trajectory!

And the irradiated Jaeger-class battlecruiser has already started to billow thick smoke! ! The deflector shield was destroyed, and many parts of the outer armor were also damaged. It was foreseeable that with the protection ability of the single-layer armor of the hunter level, it would definitely not be able to withstand it again!

"Where did the attack come from!!" Admiral Davis grabbed the adjutant's shoulder like an angry lion.

"Should... it should be the one in the middle of the three warships on the edge of the galaxy! We just received the news that this battleship was charging 16 hours ago!" The adjutant said quickly, "They were charging 16 hours ago, After 16 hours, the news of charging and their attack arrived almost at the same time! This is the speed of light attack!"

"Light speed attack?! Is it an energy weapon? Impossible! How can there be an energy weapon with a range that can span half a planetary system!!" Admiral Davis turned pale.

His fear is not unreasonable, because the theoretical maximum range of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser is 10 light minutes, and it is already difficult to guarantee its power at this range. And this is the range of a heavy turbo laser cannon!

What the heavy turbo laser cannon fires is not pure light speed, but plasma explosive gas, so this is actually a sub-light speed half-energy weapon.

As for the laser cannon as a pure energy weapon, there is no Galactic Republic technology with a range of more than 5 light minutes!

But what was the range of the blow just now? 0.0019 light years! Equivalent to 16 light hours! It is nearly 200 times the maximum range of the Republic laser cannon! !

Admiral Davis suddenly reacted and shouted loudly: "Quick! All warships leave their positions immediately! Move me!!!"

However, his words were still a step late, and the extremely dazzling light lit up again, and once again shone on the Jaeger-class battlecruiser just now!

This time, without any luck, with the radiance of light, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser was blown up from head to tail, and the whole was turned into a huge ball of fire! ! A fireball mixed with countless molten armored iron! !

Admiral Davis' order was also carried out, and all the warships of the Republic Fleet began to move, leaving their original positions.

Soon, the third and fourth attacks also came successively, all of which were directed at the wreckage of the Jaeger-class ship that was destroyed just now. Obviously, the opponent also didn't know the effect of the attack, and didn't know how many shots of this terrible laser weapon could destroy a Jaeger-class, so they just kept attacking the same place.

In the case of not using hyperspace communication, the data from here needs to be transmitted back, and it also needs to wait for 16 hours.

However, neither the Galactic Republic nor the Confederation of Independent Galaxies have tactical-level hyperspace communication capabilities, because this requires the construction of an independent hyperspace communication base station.

But this is also true, for this kind of ultra-long-distance light-speed energy weapon shooting, the Republic Fleet has no way to counter it!

Because when you get the news that the opponent is firing, the opponent's attack also arrives at the same time.

After thinking about this, Admiral Davis felt the fear! If this weapon can be mass-produced, then the design and tactical planning of all the warships of the Galactic Republic will be overthrown and restarted!

"Send out the combat formation immediately! Rush over there and kill those three warships!!" Admiral Davis roared.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Disaster-class battlecruiser, as for the opening of the light spear in front, let's imagine for ourselves. 】

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