The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1330: Star Wars of Semiles (8)

1330. Semiles Star Wars (8)

Rumble rumble~~~~~ The roar of the engine kept ringing, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Hundreds of Scorpio tanks advanced rapidly, and the dust kicked up by the four sets of tracks even formed a huge sandstorm!

In the sky, hundreds of vulture robot fighters are flying in formation. They keep hovering at an altitude of several thousand meters. Once they find the fighter group of the Republic coming, they will immediately swoop down like real vultures and eat up the enemy. !

Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui was in one of the command vehicles, following the armored group. He looked at the picture provided by the radar, his eyes were stern, and he shouted sharply: "Don't stop! Assault!!"

The scorpion tank group advanced at a speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, firing violently while charging, destroying everything in front of them!

In fact, in Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui's tactical concept, the assault of the armored group must also be accompanied by sufficient ground air force. Such as the giant mech and the Wolverine anti-aircraft tank. But the outbreak of the battle on Planet Semiles was too hasty, and many equipment failed to be reinforced from other places.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui could only gather the last air forces of the planet Semiles and launch an assault on the Galactic Republic army in New Dalan City!

In fact, he has already seen the essence of Ulu-Ulix's high-sightedness and low-handedness. In comparison, it will be much easier to cooperate with the extremely fierce Asajj Ventress to launch an attack.

boom! boom! boom! ! ! The 90mm caliber electric heat gun of the Scorpion tank continuously fired high-explosive shells, which exploded on the position of the Republic army. At the same time, the front row of tanks began to fire smoke bombs.

The dense smoke mixed with graphene dust suddenly filled the air, and even the most advanced radar within the range of the smoke became blind! The powerful firepower of the Republic Army suddenly lost its target like a blind man, and could only fight everywhere.

However, Dai Hongkui's Scorpio tank cluster was not affected at all, and Dai Hongkui had only one order!

go ahead! go ahead! Move on! ! !

boom! boom! boom! ! ! The artillery fire of the Scorpion tank continued to explode on the Republic's position! In the face of this powerful firepower, even the small-scale infantry-tank mixed combat team built by the Republic Army with AT-TE as the core cannot resist it at all! ! !

The news of the breakthrough of the front-line positions is constantly coming, and even these news are not needed. It can be seen from the situation that the cheerer-class assault landing ship as the command center has begun to be attacked by anti-aircraft missiles. The front line is getting closer and closer to their core. closer! !

The Army Commander of the Galactic Republic shouted at the top of his lungs, asking all his combat units to do their best to resist the charge of the Scorpion tank group! But, nothing can be done! ! !

In the world of "Star Wars", because of the unique technological model and the existence of the force, the theory of land warfare developed since ancient times is a combination of infantry and tanks, advancing layer by layer. Including the combat methods of combat robots in this world, they are also programmed according to this idea.

On the battlefield of this universe, there is no soil for the development of armored group assault tactics. But it doesn't mean that this tactic is useless.

In fact, when Dai Hongkui commanded a group of high-speed tanks dominated by Scorpion tanks to start an assault, the commander of the Republic Army was completely at a loss. They tried to exchange space for time and build a multi-layer defense line to block the assault of tank groups, but they couldn't do it at all!

They discovered that Dai Hongkui's tank group assaulted so fast, and before their second line of defense was completed, they were already left behind by hundreds of Scorpio tanks.

In the direction of Dawn Star, Qi Jian sent Tang Xiao's desk with Dai Hongkui's agenda of being promoted to general after this battle alone, plus the previous victory in Mengka City.

In front of the Dai Hongkui Scorpion tank group, the Republic Army's trench position is impressively visible, and the solid defense line built by the E-WEB heavy blaster machine gun, anti-tank rocket launcher and AT-TE walker's heavy howitzer is just ahead.

After the radar detected a large number of Scorpio tanks, all the firepower was fully fired, even if the opponent fired smoke bombs, and the entire battlefield was shrouded in smoke mixed with graphene powder, they still pressed all the things they could fire! !

No bells and whistles!

There is only one purpose - to kill! ! Kill the last man! Shed the last drop of blood! !

This determination to resist surprised both Asajj Ventress and Dai Hongkui.

Swish! ! The blood-red lightsaber flashed past, and more than a dozen soldiers of the Republic were cut in half in an instant!

"Jedi Knight! Come out!! Hahahaha Jedi Knight!!!" Asajj Ventress looked crazy and roared loudly. On this battlefield, no one was her single enemy.

However, there was no response... All she could see was the soldiers of the Republic Army rushing towards him like a tidal wave.

The battle she was looking forward to, Jedi Master Radul and Jedi Master Mu En did not intend to meet. They have more important things to do.

The seasonal hyperspace passage from the Ulta galaxy to the Semirs galaxy is only eleven days long, and there has always been only one prerequisite in the combat plans formulated by commanders at all levels of the Galactic Republic...

Quick victory! ! !

The reason why they assembled almost all of their more than 900,000 ordinary soldiers to resist resolutely has only one purpose! !

Hit the east and the west!

In the rear of Menka City, in the command center of the Legion of the Republic that was thought to have been defeated by the commanders at all levels of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, Jedi Master Wilf Munn and all the clone army of nearly 20,000 people are ready.

Hundreds of LAAT/I assault transport boats are ready to go, and all clone troopers have assembled and boarded the transport boats, ready to attack at any time! !

Whether it is the Confederation of Independent Systems, Planet Semiles, or the army generals of Planet Dawn, no one can see through this plan!

They never imagined that the counterattack force of the Galactic Republic would gather in Menka City, which had already suffered a major defeat and lost more than half of it! !

Maybe a famous general like Ling Liang can see it, but now, she is leading the Titan battleship Xuanwu to guard the Eliadu galaxy, and is busy receiving the large number of people who immigrated from the Rendili galaxy, so she has no time or energy to go Take the direction of the planet Semiles!

And the Galactic Republic's counterattack, the decisive punch, was in the direction of Menka City! !

Almost all the air forces of the Galactic Republic suddenly began to regroup in a short period of time! And launched a frenzied bombing in Mengka City! !

Immediately afterwards, 20,000 of the most elite clone troopers of the Republic were fully armed and set off immediately on a large number of LAAT/I assault transport planes at an extremely fast speed! !

The goal is directly at the capital region of the planet Semirth - the city of Semirron! ! !

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