The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1325 Semiles Star Wars (5)

1325. Semiles Star Wars (5)

A large group of V-19 fighter jets in the sky are doing their best to bomb the ground, but they are still unable to stop the tide-like offensive of robots and Semiers.

On the side, Cato held a telescope in his hand, so he could see more clearly.

Even the desperate expressions of the soldiers of the Republic can be seen clearly!

Not only that, their existence seems to have been discovered, only to see three new tanks from the Separatists, rushing straight in their direction! The turret of this new tank is small and rearward, with four sets of tracks, and looks like a scorpion.

The radars on their AT-TE walkers are broken, but the Separatists' radars aren't!

"We've been spotted! Get ready to fight!" Cato yelled, "Take out the bazooka! The opponent has three tanks!"

Before the words fell, there was only a bang, and a violent explosion was set off next to it! Those tanks are firing!

Peter Anderson and others quickly retreated and ran towards some destroyed buildings around them.

boom! boom! boom! ! The three tanks began to bombard with high-explosive shells continuously, and then turned over the hill with great horsepower. But as soon as it turned over, the AT-TE on the Republic side fired!

boom! ! A violent explosion was set off, and one of the Scorpion tanks was affected by the explosion. The huge power even lifted the tank's body a little bit, a track was blown off, and the tank stopped when it tilted.

The roar of the AT-TE commander came from the communication, "Come on, you bastards! Try the power of 'Little Douding'!!"

Peter Anderson saw that the remote control turret on the top of the Scorpion tank in front of him was still turning, aiming at the AT-TE, he ran out quickly, took a grenade from his waist and threw it over.

boom! The grenade exploded, but this kind of fragmentation grenade had no effect on the tank, but it seemed to startle the gunner inside, and the gun was actually crooked.

Before he could react, Cato on the side had already pushed him to the ground!

In the next second, boom! boom! ! ! Two anti-tank rockets were launched, hitting the Scorpio tank! The sand blown up by the powerful force of the explosion hit Anderson's back with burning pain.

However, looking up, this Scorpio tank has not been destroyed yet! Only the tank was on fire.

The hatch opened, and two B-1 combat robots climbed out, still holding fire extinguishers. But they were instantly destroyed by a burst of fire from an angry Peter Anderson.

However, on the other side, the AT-TE walker 'Little Douding' who came with them was not so lucky.

The other two Scorpio tanks took advantage of their mobility to directly outflank the walker. With just this simple tactical move, the walker was completely unable to respond!

The AT-TE walker uses six mechanical legs to move, and it is very inconvenient to turn. Moreover, the four anti-infantry scattering laser guns on the front have no turrets, so they can only rotate at a limited angle, and they have no way to deal with the opponent's heavy armor units. Not only that, the heavy howitzer on the back of the walker cannot hit nearby units because of the shooting range problem.

Having said that, in the final analysis, it is one thing - AT-TE has no power to fight back against a flexible and fast assault armored unit like the Scorpion tank unless accompanied by a large number of infantry!

AT-TE is a very good tactical walking machine, but its main function is long-range fire reinforcement and transporting infantry, fighting an armored decisive battle, which is definitely not what they are good at.

boom! boom! boom! ! ! The side armor of 'Little Douding' was continuously hit by the main gun of the Scorpion tank, and it was instantly penetrated. In a burst of violent explosions, 'Little Douding' exploded and disintegrated, turning into a pile of scrap iron!

And the two Scorpion tanks also started to turn their turrets, aiming at this side!

"Bastard! Run!!" Peter Anderson panicked, yelled and ran away.

He didn't have any courage to face this lump of 66 tons of heavy iron that hit at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour!


a day later...

Light rain fell on this city called Mengka, extinguishing the once scorching flames of war... A fluffy hand stretched out to catch some rainwater, looking at the black impurities mixed in the rainwater.

The billowing smoke of the battlefield brought the soot into the sky, and it was thrown back by nature with rain, which is ironic.

"Two days, 120,000 people." A clone commander wearing a blue helmet spoke, "We cannot afford such a loss."

Standing in front of him was a man with thick hair like steel needles and a protruding mouth. He looked like a werewolf, but he was wearing a Jedi warrior uniform and stood tall.

The Jedi Master of the Third Squadron of the Fourth Army, Wilf Munn.

"Blood debt, blood payment." Meng En said.

Although brief, the killing intent in it is terrifying and creepy.

Munn's nose twitched, and he came to the other side. There is a destroyed AT-TE walker here, and the wreck of a Scorpion tank not far away. Judging from this position far away from the main battlefield, it should have deviated from the direction when it landed, and then landed as a lone army, a squad wiped out by separatism.

He squatted down and saw a corpse half buried in the ruins of the building. He dug it casually and took a soldier badge from the neck of the corpse. Picking it up and looking at it, it says - 'Private Private, Peter Anderson'.

Meng put the soldier badge into his waist pocket, stood up and continued walking.

"You have collected hundreds of soldier cards along the way, General." The clone commander said.

"Pain makes me strong." Meng En turned sideways and said, "Only by being strong can I win."

"You don't sound like a Jedi knight at all, but I like it very much." The clone commander shrugged.

The communicator in Munn's hand rang. He pressed the button, and the figure of Lieutenant General Alfonso, the commander of the third squadron, appeared in the holographic projection, "General Munn, my fleet has to retreat now. Separate The behemoth-class ships of the doctrine are too threatening, we have already lost two Jaeger-class ships, and two other ships have been severely damaged, and we may not be able to provide support in the next few days."

"Here, leave it to me." Munn nodded and turned off the communication.

"General Munn, although we temporarily blocked the Separatist counterattack with orbital bombing, the fleet is already retreating. It is very unfavorable to continue. The number of our clone legion is too small to play a decisive role. "The clone commander said worriedly.

"120,000 people died in two days, and the formation of the 243rd, 244th, and 245th Corps of Natural Humans was almost broken up." Another clone commander also said, "Now their morale is low."

A cruel smile emerged from the corner of Meng En's mouth, "Victory, of course there is a chance."

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