1317: captive

Severance Tann was sitting on the bridge of the battleship Destroyer. She no longer issued various combat orders, and all command tasks were handed over to the T-series tactical robots beside her.

This tactical robot, code-named T-1193, kept giving instructions in that flat voice, allowing the warships in the fleet to lock on to their targets, bite those Republic warships running around, and then sink them one by one!

A B-1 robot next to him brought a glass of delicious juice. Severance Tann opened her cherry red lips and took a sip. The sweet and sour taste dispelled her fatigue, and she couldn't help but squinted her eyes. Take another swig.

Commanding high-intensity operations for several days in a row, fighting against the two fleets of Lieutenant General Trinald Scarride and Lieutenant General Jane Dodenna, and after that, the Galactic Republic also broke into another fleet with Reinforcement from a Commander-class dreadnought!

Even if her command art is far stronger than the two vice admirals of the Republic, she still has to concentrate on command at this time. After all, the strength of the fleet in her hands is strictly speaking not as good as that of the Republic.

Even so, she finally won the battle beautifully. The formation of the Republic Fleet was broken up by her. The Commander-class dreadnought wanted to escape but was hit by the high-energy directional ion pulse gun of the Destroyer, and the output of the engine dropped. Then the Destroyer caught up and fired another ion pulse cannon, finally surrounding the giant ship.

Next, this is the moment to enjoy the fruits of victory.

However, it is really tiring.

Severance Tann actually wanted to go to sleep now, but she still chose to wait a little longer.

Because the fruits of victory she wanted were still on the way.

Kacha~~~~ The hatch of the bridge opened, and four B-2 super combat robots walked in first. After they entered, they walked to both sides of the passage and stood up. The dual-mounted blaster machine gun in the right arm was loaded. But he still retracted to his chest and was on standby.

Then, two people wearing gray military uniforms of the Galactic Republic were escorted in by four other B-2 super combat robots. From the military ranks on their chests, it can be seen that they are all Vice Admirals of the Republic Navy.

They were all in their 30s, and when they were in the prime of life as fleet commanders, one of them had a crippled left eye and was replaced with an electronic prosthetic eye, while the other had disheveled hair and seemed to have a more casual lifestyle.

There is no doubt that this is the fruit of victory that Severance Tann wants to enjoy.

Vice Admiral of the Galactic Republic, Commander of the Rendili Galaxy Task Force, Vice Admiral Trinald Scalid, and Vice Admiral Jane Dodena!

After their battleship was overtaken by Severance Tann's fleet and received a salvo, they turned off and surrendered without much hesitation. After understanding their treatment as abandoned sons, the two future candidates for the admiral of the Republic did not have the slightest sense of devotion to the Republic and surrendered decisively.

"Hehehehe... Are you two bedbugs in command of the fleet? Hahahahaha!!" Severance Tann looked at the dejected two people, and burst into a burst of insane laughter, "I really I have to thank you for making it so easy for me to win! Hahahaha!! Look at you bugs! Is there no one in the Republic? Why do you want a group of bugs to command the fleet? Hahahahaha!"

She laughed at the two of them unscrupulously, using the most vicious words to describe them, enjoying her achievement as a winner, and wantonly insulting their abilities, identities and even their personalities.

Many victories have been fought before, and the opponent's commander was either killed during the battle, or he would rather die than surrender at the last moment. There are not many times when the opponent's commander is directly captured like this.

With Severance Tann's character, it was natural to mock them.

This is natural, without the foil of these losers, how can you highlight the glory of yourself as a winner? After the continuous victories, the Governor-General will also cast a favorable glance on himself!

Severance Tann couldn't help but think of the Governor-General who was far away on the Dawn Star and forcibly had sex with him during the Battle of the Blade Fleet a few months ago...

For some reason, she always thought of that day in her mind recently. When I think of my proud, strong, and intelligent self, moaning in pain like a helpless lamb under the governor...

If it's the governor, it seems... this feels good?

Severance Tann put away her scattered thoughts, she had enough scolding, looked at the two captives whose faces were livid after being scolded, and said coldly: "Chop off their heads! Done! Anti-corrosion treatment, sent to Dawn Planet."

"You scum of separatism! Your crimes of splitting the republic and causing countless lives will be judged by the judiciary after all!!! It doesn't matter if you kill me! If you have the ability, you can kill all the billions of people in the Galactic Republic! Otherwise, there will always be one Someone will cut off your blue head!!" After being scolded for a while, Jane Dodenne got angry, jumped up and cursed back.

Severance Tann's eyes turned cold, she drew her pistol and shot Jane Dodenne's knee. Lieutenant General Dodena clutched his knees in pain and fell to the ground.

Just when she was about to fire a few more shots, Lieutenant General Scarred suddenly fell to his knees with a thud, and crawled over to kiss Tann's military boots, "My lord! My lord, please spare me!" ! We surrender! We are willing to surrender! The Confederation of Independent Galaxies will be my highest allegiance in the future! I will do my best to dedicate my loyalty to the Confederation!"

Tann just snorted coldly.

Fortunately, Scarred's mind turned quickly. He suddenly thought of a lot of information about Severance Tann, so he quickly changed his words: "I surrender to the Dawn Star! Dawn Star! Right! Governor Tang Xiao will be Master! I graduated from the Calida Naval Academy, and I have the ability! Yes, I must have the ability to help Dawn Star!! Although I am not as smart as you, I can do odd jobs, I can do odd jobs!"

Severance Tann looked at Scarride, and sneered, "Oh? You're an interesting bug. All right, take him down and lock him up first." She waved her hand.

Scarred hurriedly said again: "There is also that bastard Dodena! He was just out of his mind just now, and he will definitely be loyal to the Dawn Star and Governor Tang Xiao! Don't worry, let him calm down for a while. He and I are classmates, and if I cooperate with him, the simulated combat results will rank first in the Calida Naval Academy! We will definitely be very useful!"

However, Jane Dordenner was still not interested, and she frowned and wanted to scold him. Seeing that the situation was not good, Scarred put a footprint on his face and gagged his words. Then he nodded and bowed and looked at Tann.

How could Tann fail to see this guy's plan? She sneered and said, "Okay, I'll give you one night to persuade him to surrender. Otherwise, both of you will die!"

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!" Scared nodded and said, before being escorted to the cell by those B-2 super combat robots.

Severance Tann was in a good mood. She came to the communicator, carefully arranged her appearance, and then connected to Tang Xiao's communication.

She is looking forward to the Governor's praise, even a word...

Thanks to Laichen Shixing for the 690 starting point coins! !

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