The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1312 Semiles' Counterattack

PS: I was in a state of drunkenness when I coded the second chapter yesterday, and today I saw what nonsense I wrote... I have to change it.

1312. Semiles' Counterattack (Part 2)

This time, the Galactic Republic made a big bet! Almost all of the main fleet of the Fourth Army went directly through the seasonal hyperspace channel provided to them by the mysterious man, and arrived at the planet Semirs directly from the Ulta galaxy by surprise!

And this time they were very well prepared. After the 60 jaeger-class battlecruisers as the vanguard arrived in the Semiles galaxy first, they did not launch an attack immediately, but gathered near the orbit of the fourth planet in the galaxy. Waiting for the arrival of follow-up warships.

After that, small and medium warships with lower hyperspace engine levels also arrived one after another. Including Corellian DP-20 gunboats, CR-90 frigates, Arquitens-class light cruisers, and Karak-class light cruisers, the total number reached 150!

Even in the formation, there are 10 Class-C frigates (Class-C frigates). This 330-meter-long large frigate is a spaceship specially used for medical purposes, and it itself is a fully functional medical center. There is no doubt that the Republic has also fully considered the possibility of protracted operations and landing operations.

The Galactic Republic launched this wave of offensive completely out of the determination to completely occupy the planet Semiles, otherwise it will be blown to pieces!

That's right, their goal is not to use the seasonal hyperspace channel, come and grab it and leave, what they want is to punch them so hard that the faces of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies and the Fourth Civilization will be swollen !

However, Planet Semiles is not completely immune to resistance. As one of the first planets to cooperate with the Fourth Civilization, Planet Semiles started as an OEM for Higra Aerospace Group, and its own industrial and technological levels have rapidly improved. , plus the Semiers are very good engineers and shipbuilders, and they have also accumulated a large fleet on their own planet.

Although they are currently mainly equipped with the outdated Higera-class battlecruisers, relying on the defense system around the planet, including an Argonev-class interstellar base, they can still fight.

Admiral Trench immediately made arrangements after arriving at the planet Semiles, raising the planetary shield, deploying battleship defenses with the Agniev-class interstellar base as the core, and at the same time asked Earl Dooku and Governor Tang Xiao for help.


At the same time, in the flagship of the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Republic, the holographic projection is projecting a human general in a mighty military uniform with a bushy mustache and fierce eyes—the governor of the Fourth Army, Plagi ( Praji).

The Fourth Army of the Republic, code-named White Cuirass, is headquartered on the planet Alderaan in the inner circle. At the beginning of the war, when the Galactic Republic established the 20 major legions, it had been confirmed that the main duty of the most powerful first to third legions was to guard the core circle. Will be attacked by separatists.

The Fourth Army was formed as the strategic general reserve army. The Fourth Army was also known as the Outer Rim Sector Army, as they served as a reserve force for the Republic's entire Outer Rim offensive, providing support to those frontline Legions.

Originally, the Fourth Army was commanded by Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, but after Master Mundi failed to retreat, the Jedi Master of the Fourth Army was reassigned to Master Pauloish Radur.

Praji nodded to Master Radul standing in front, and then said to Admiral Davis, the fleet commander who stood aside: "Congratulations for successfully reaching the Semiles galaxy! It seems that the mysterious information did not Mistake. Then, next, we will directly take down the planet Semiles with the momentum of thunder! Let all possible separatist plots be smashed under the iron fist of the Republic!"

He turned to Master Radul again and said, "I am waiting for news of your victory, everything depends on you, Master Radul."

"I will ensure that all these separatists will be punished as they deserve." Master Radul said solemnly.

Praj gave a military salute, then switched off the comm.

Admiral Davis stood in the center of the bridge, waved his hand and said, "Send orders! The whole army assaults!"

Following his order, the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Republic began to press forward. At the same time, the front hangar platform of 60 Jaeger-class battlecruisers unfolded, and densely packed fighter jets flew out of it!

At the same time, 30 DP-20 gunboats formed an air defense formation to provide protection around the large battleships. The Arquitens-class light cruisers and Karak-class light cruisers relied on their high sublight speeds to stand by on the flanks to prepare for raids.

After taking off the fighter jets and closing the hangar platform hatch, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser tilted the ship forward in unison, adjusted the angle of the 8 main guns to aim at the front, and fired in salvo!

Countless turbo lasers and missiles poured out in an instant, shooting towards the defense fleet of the Semiles planet.

Numerous flames and explosive kills lit up instantly, and the attack was completely blocked by the deflector shield. At the same time, the firepower of the counterattack also exploded in the formation of the Republic Fleet!

The two sides did not have any bells and whistles, and directly launched the most tragic battle!


At the same time, Kona planet, where the third squadron is stationed.

boom! boom! boom! A series of bursts of gunfire sounded, and the bullets were all fired from the empty air, but Master Wilf Munn very simply dodged all of Gabriel Tosh's shots.

Even if he doesn't use the Force, he can detect Tosh in an invisible state through his own race's unique sense of smell and hearing. In a sense, he is indeed Tosh's biggest nemesis.

Moreover, Munn could also feel that Tosh's condition was very bad from the very beginning, as if he was injured.

But where did he get injured? This is something that will happen later. There is only one thing Meng En thinks of now - catch Tosh, if that doesn't work, then kill him directly!

He is different from other Jedi Knights. He and a small group of Jedi Knights claim to have awakened. Their behavior style is much more ruthless.

"Die." When the tenth gunshot came, Munn felt that Tosh had begun to move away from him, and the distance between the two sides had increased to more than 500 meters.

With a smirk, he disappeared from the spot in a flash. The distance of 500 meters almost passed by in a flash. Within a few seconds, his sharp claws were already grabbing Gabriel Tosh's back. !

However, at this moment, the ground suddenly exploded with a bang! Immediately afterwards, a shuttle flew in from under the blasted ground!

It was the escape route arranged by Tosh in advance! The shuttle has been hidden near the spaceport under the control of the robot.

Without hesitation, Tosh grabbed the shuttle and shot all the bullets in the AGR-14 sniper rifle at Master Munn, then unfolded the folding mask on the combat armor, and just grabbed the shuttle and flew into the universe.

"You can't run away." Mengn took out the communicator and said coldly: "Take off the fighter jet."

Soon, a formation of V-19 fighter jets rushed out of the hangar platform, and chased after the shuttle that was staggering and fleeing in space.

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