Chapter 1305 The Ending of Rendili (Part 2)

1305. Rendili's Ending (Part 2)

Battleship Annihilation, bridge.

Strictly speaking, compared with the huge 4825-meter hull of the Destroyer, the bridge of the battleship is not spacious, and the various instruments and screens emit red light, which even makes people feel a little depressing after a long time.

But for Captain Jesse Darling who was standing on the bridge at the moment, this environment was far less frightening than what he saw in front of him.

Yes, fear!

He never thought that someone could play a fleet to such an extent!

You must know that with the same force, when he was in his hands before, he was beaten up by the Republic task force, and he had almost no strength to fight back, so he could only huddle around the space defense platform to resist.

But after this beautiful Chisi general with blue skin, red eyes and delicate facial features came here, everything changed drastically!

In terms of military strength, there is only one more battleship, Destroyer, but in the hands of Severance Tann, such a force directly disperses, smashes, and destroys the Republic Task Force until it is on the verge of destruction!

Looking at the fleeing Republic warships on the holographic star map, Jesse Darling felt as if he was watching a movie, completely unrealistic.

But Severance Tann's dazzling command happened in front of my eyes! She controlled almost every corner of the battlefield in every detail, and even mobilized the firepower of a space defense platform in the distance in order to block the counterattack of the temporary squad composed of 4 Jaeger-class ships in the Republic Fleet!

This is simply unbelievable!

She kept giving countless instructions, and the only function of the T-series tactical robot standing next to her was to be a microphone.

Facing such a command, Jesse Darling didn't feel any emotion of admiration or admiration at all, all he felt was fear! Boundless fear!

Because on this day, he truly understood that there are such terrifying monsters on the battlefield! He couldn't help but compare it. In fact, in his opinion, the Republic's fleet commander Trinald Scarred is actually a very good general, but he still has no power to fight back in front of Tann. .

And if he did it by himself, then he probably wouldn't even have the chance to yell 233 "Hold me" in 30 minutes. Maybe it was torn apart by Tann's fleet in just one round trip.

At this moment, another fleet of the opponent finally arrived on the battlefield. It was the other half of the Lundili Planet Defense Fleet led by Lieutenant General Jane Dodena. It was seized by the agents of the Republic, Master Yoda and Jedi Knight Jing Fang in the previous chaos. There are more than 40 ships in total. battleship.

It seems that Lieutenant General Jane Dodenne has finally completed the reorganization of this fleet and began to join the battle.

Jesse Darling looked at Severance Tann, wondering what the hell the Chiss would do. Because of the addition of Lieutenant General Jane Dodenne's fleet, the number of warships on the Republic's side will once again overwhelm its own. At the same time, the overall performance of the Jaeger-class battlecruisers that are still fighting is still heavier than that of the Dreadnought class as long as the distance is widened. Cruisers are stronger, so the balance of power between the two sides will change again.

Severance Tann's expression was indifferent. She had already expected the addition of this fleet, and she gave successive orders to make the warships of the Rendilly Defense Fleet change their formation again.

Those Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser formations that had been besieging the front third of the Republic Task Force's warships immediately turned around and launched a fierce attack on the rear third of the warships where Scarred's flagship was located. Within the same period, three more Jaeger-class battlecruisers were bombarded continuously and lost their combat capabilities.

At the same time, she ordered the Doom's high-energy directed ion pulse cannon to fire again!

This attack directly faced Jane Dodenne's fleet, directly paralyzing 11 of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers!

Captain Jesse Darling understood that this was not a simple firing, but a psychological game. Only he who watched Severance Tann's combat command from the beginning to the end would understand that firing this time will definitely achieve more results than expected.

Because the battleship Destroyer fired last time, it was actually only half charged! After half of the charge, the cooling speed is naturally faster after firing at low power, so the firing time this time is several minutes earlier than the scan results of the Republic Fleet!

At the same time, Tann also judged that although Lieutenant General Scarred knew that the destroyer was firing at half power, it was impossible for him to think carefully about the details and possible consequences in his current state of desperation, and told Jane- Lieutenant General Dodenner.

This is another psychological judgment.

When fighting a famous general like Tann, you have to think about every detail, otherwise, maybe a small negligence will become the starting point of a fatal blow for the opponent!

Vice Admiral Jane Dodenne's fleet had just been reorganized, and all the soldiers on the battleship were carried in the transport ships of the task force. These soldiers and those soldiers from the original Lundili Defense Fleet were mixed together to form the crews of these battleships. Not to mention the uneven levels, many people were not familiar with battleships.

His fleet is basically barely capable of fighting.

After all, they were fighting away from home. They couldn't be like Severance Tann, who would be shot to see who didn't like it, and then pulled up from the planet Rendili, thus completing the reintegration of the fleet in a short period of time.

The shooting of the Destroyer immediately disintegrated Lieutenant Admiral Jan Dodenne's fleet. He had planned to come to support Lieutenant Admiral Scarred. Open, ready to take advantage of the numbers to launch an artillery battle.

Jane Dodenne's plan is to use her own gunfire to stop Severance Tann's fleet, so as to give him enough time to rescue the 11 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers that were paralyzed by the ion pulse cannon attack .

However, this scene was seen by Severance Tann, and she burst into a burst of insane laughter, "Hahahahahaha! Who is the opposite commander? Jane Dodenne? Hahahahaha! Such a Is a man worthy to be a commander? So simple to be tied by my dog ​​leash? Hahahahahaha!! Is the Republic such a fool to command the fleet? Hahahahahaha!"

Yes... the dog leash... Captain Jesse Darling, who had been watching and was able to follow Tann's train of thought, understood. Those 11 warships that were paralyzed were the dog chains that Severance Tann used to tie the fleet of Jane Dordenner!

But, is Lieutenant General Jane Dodenner really a fool? It can be seen from his neat fleet formation that he is also an excellent commander, but...

What happens next, Jesse Darling already knows.

Not knowing why, he sighed and closed his eyes.


The capital of Lundili Planet, Jogan City.

With the rise of the planetary shield, the Ulan family has gradually begun to control the situation on the planet, especially in the capital city of Qiaogen, where order was quickly restored.

The transport fleet of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies broke through the hyperspace barrier set by the Republic and sent a large number of supplies necessary for life, but even so, the supplies on the planet are still very short.

Benjira-Ulan ordered de facto rationing to begin for the entire planet, and he announced that rationing would continue until the Republic fleet retreated.

At the same time, he also issued an announcement that the supply fleet sent by the Confederation of Independent Galaxies will stay on the planet for a few days. During these few days, those who want to leave the planet Rendili can take the spaceship of this fleet leave. And this fleet will first go to the planet Marathal, and then it will disperse and send these people to other parts of the Confederacy.

This is actually encouraging immigration, because in the foreseeable future, the Galactic Republic will definitely launch a series of powerful offensives against the betrayed planet Rendili, and at the same time blockade this planet. Then by that time, the population of as many as 600 billion will become a huge burden.

The tragic situation brought about by the offensive and defensive battle of the planet Eriadu, with Bangira Ulan's status, it is natural to get first-hand unmodified information-in the offensive and defensive battle of the planet Eriadu, On this large planet with a total population of 22 billion, more than 9 billion civilians have died!

Therefore, Bangira-Ulan also allowed the population on the planet Lundili to be evacuated as much as possible. The reduction in population not only means the reduction of supply pressure, but also simplifies the situation on the planet. clarified.

Now, with the transport fleet taking off again, those LH-3010 giant transport ships produced by the Trade Federation left with more than 50 million civilians loaded. None of these giant transport ships have been modified into Rookie Hook-class battleships, and they are also an important part of the huge transport fleet that the Trade Federation is proud of.

Many of these civilians will be sent to the planet Eliadu to enrich the transportation hub and strategic core that has been drastically reduced due to the war. In order to welcome this group of people, Ling Liang, the governor of Sesvenna, who is commanded by Planet Eliadu, will also personally command the Titan battleship Xuanwu to launch a short assault to drive away the Republic fleet around the Eriadu galaxy.

They had no choice, because although they were told when they boarded the ship that they could transfer to other spaceships on Marathal, in fact, it was impossible.

If they had to choose, these people would never choose the Eriadu galaxy located on the front line of the war. However, when they were thrown to the Eriadu planet, the transport fleet left, and then faced the fully armed fourth When they were in the civilized army, they could only accept their fate and make themselves a part of the war machine of planet Eliadu.

In the plan Ling Liang submitted to Tang Xiao, she needed to restore the population of Eriadu planet to 15 billion. At the same time, on the Eriadu satellite, she also needed to maintain the population at around 100 million.

At the same time, it is estimated that the other planets in the Saiswena star area also need to increase their population by about 6 billion. Especially the Sullust planet, because before the fourth civilization officially attacked the planet Eliadu, they had been fighting with General Wilhuff-Tarkin who was sitting here, and the losses were very heavy.

Southrob hopes to add at least 1 billion laborers to its factory on the planet Sullust, regardless of race.

At the same time, because of the change of regime, a huge number of criminals have been produced, so in the next transport fleet, the planet Lundili will send out at least 10 million criminals, and the target of the transport is Thornell, the prison planet of the Fourth Civilization.

In Benjila Ulan's view, the real challenge for Planet Rendili has only just begun. In addition to driving the Republic fleet, opening up the hyperspace channel, and evacuating the excess population, what he also needs to worry about is the strife between the major forces in the planet.

In the past few days, thousands of uprisings and riots broke out in the already controlled areas of the planet Lundili, which made him very anxious.

The planet's own armed forces were not enough, and he began to seek reinforcements everywhere. He made a request to the Trade Federation to add 5 million B-1 combat robots to the next supply shipment.

In fact, if possible, he even wants to buy 100 million B-1 combat robots, but there is no way. The most important thing now is to ensure the supply of the planet. After all, there are 600 billion mouths. If there is not enough to eat, they will bite people.

Among other things, on the day he announced the rationing of the planet, more than 500 uprisings broke out on the planet.

But no matter what, the problems that can be solved are not problems. At least for now, the situation on the planet Lundili is still developing in a good direction.

After these few days of work, four more space defense platforms have accepted the Ulan family's offer to integrate themselves into the defense system of Planet Lundili. At the same time, 300 large and small interstellar docks around the planet Lundili have also begun to be built.

Among them, there are 5 trial prototypes of the Victory II-class Star Destroyer, 180 Victory I-class Star Destroyers, and the rest are small auxiliary spaceships.

So Bangira-Ulan discovered a new problem - regardless of the huge amount of raw materials needed to build warships, these things can still be mined on other planets in the galaxy, but the most important problem is, the type of warship Out of order!

Regardless of the 25,000-year history of the Rendili Interstellar Power Company, it also means that they have been incorporated into the Galactic Republic's industrial and military system for 25,000 years. The warships they produce are all The types required by the Republic were not designed by themselves to assemble a complete fleet.

In other words, when Bangira Ulan wanted to start building a complete fleet, he was a little embarrassed to find that in the database of Rendili Interstellar Power Company, it could produce and be advanced enough to adapt to the current fleet. There are only a few types of warships in this war!

The live broadcast will start on time at 20:00 tomorrow night, and the live broadcast will be written and chatted while writing books. Station B Room No. 24141374


Thanks to RogerRoger for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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