Chapter 1293 Powerful Warrior

1293. Powerful Warrior

"We need more fighters, Master Sora Balk." Count Dooku said, "Our strength is still not enough. Whether it is the Jedi Order or the Dead Angel, they are very powerful existences."

"But at least for now, the Dead Angel and we are still allies." Thora Balk said.

"Dead Angel is the same as Darth Sidious. If we want to maintain this relationship, the only choice is to become his subordinate." Earl Dooku's tone gradually turned cold, "They are the real Sidious Sith Lords, and we naturally know what these Sith Lords are."

Thora Balk nodded, with a pensive look on his face.

"The dead angel has been tempting me with the Book of Sith. He claimed that as long as my name and title are recorded in the Book of Sith, I will be recognized by the dark side." Earl Dooku said coldly, "He It might be okay to fool other people, but I know better than anyone, Sith, that it's not the dark side."

Sora Balk said: "If what you said is true, then I can be sure that the prerequisite for the Death Angel to include your name in the Sith Book is to make you his apprentice."

"This is unacceptable!" Earl Dooku said in a deep voice, "I have practiced the Force for nearly a hundred years, and I have my own understanding and my way! Dead Angel, I have fought against him...his strength is no better than mine Strong, just holding a few ancient Sith artifacts, so I can't do anything about it. On the way of the Force, he can't teach me anything!"

"What he practiced was the way of eternal life, the force of life." Sora Balk said.

"And death is still very far away from me. Even if I don't use the way of eternal life, I still have enough time. The angel of the dead can't tempt me." Earl Dooku said, "I have made up my mind, and I have established independence by myself. Confederation of galaxies! Across the outer and middle rings of the Milky Way, holding tens of thousands of galaxies! This power belongs to me now, and no one can take it away! Whether it is the Death Angel or Darth Sidious!"

"So, you need more, stronger fighters. I see, my friend, Master Dooku." Sora Balk nodded, "And you know, I will always be by your side, my friend .”

"That's right, and you are the only person I can discuss with. Master Balk." Earl Dooku said.

"Force-sensitive people are very rare, let alone powerful fighters. So if we want to find such targets in a short period of time, we can only look for those special planets. For example, the planet Harunkar, such as Dassault Planet Mir..." Master Sola-Balke said.

"Planet Harunkar is within the control of Planet Dawn, and I hope to keep this matter from the Dead Angel. Dathomir..." Count Dooku pondered.

"I heard that Darth Maul, a powerful warrior, came from the planet Dathomir. This is a planet with a very powerful force, and there are many powerful force-sensitive people. However, they do not accept the Galactic Republic And the jurisdiction of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, rejecting fighters from their own planet to join any party." Sora Balk said.

"I want you to help me take a trip to the planet Thormir to find that powerful warrior..." Earl Dooku said, "I know someone, Mother Talzin, the leader of the Night Sisterhood. We have trained many excellent assassins, I think she should be able to help us in this matter."

"I'm going to the planet Dathomir right now, my friend." Master Sola Balk nodded, and then closed the communication.


At the same time that the giant-like existences in the two galaxies of the Interstellar Banking Association and the Rendili Interstellar Power Company rioted almost at the same time, other parts of the galaxy were also undercurrents.

The time has come to 20BBY, ​​mid-February.

The Galactic Republic's counter-offensive is still a six-pronged attack, with a huge momentum. Even though no real breakthrough has been made until now, as the Galactic Republic continues to increase its troops in all directions, the strength of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies resisting in various places has gradually begun to be overwhelmed.

At present, the only breakthrough is the army that attacked the northeastern border of the galaxy.

Under the hard work of the Republic's 10th and 11th Army, the Republic's direction in the northeast can be said to be invincible. After defeating the defense forces of the Confederation of Independent Systems many times, they successfully recovered the planet Yavin 4.

At this time, a star alliance located within the jurisdiction of the Republic's 10th Army began to be in a very awkward position.

This is the Alliance of Neutrals, a temporary alliance with more than 1,500 galaxies joined by the planet Mandalorian.

This alliance does not reject the leadership of the Galactic Republic, but they refuse to join the war and claim absolute neutrality. In order to enhance their own strength, so that the warring parties cannot force them to stand in line, more than 1,500 galaxies united to form the Neutral Alliance.

The Mandalorian planet is famous for its brave Mandalore super commandos, and the Mandalorians are also the best bounty hunters and warriors. At the same time, the Mandalorian planet was also very prosperous more than 4,000 years ago. Core of the Mandalorian Crusade.

Even though the Mandalorian Crusade has been destroyed for four thousand years, the influence of the Mandalorian planet is still very large, so this neutral alliance takes the Mandalorian planet as the leader.

And the ruler of the planet Mandalore, the Grand Duchess Satine, is also the leader of this neutral alliance.

As the Galactic Republic continues to advance in the northeast of the galaxy, the Republic's military has increasingly demanding logistical requirements. What's more, under the premise that the northeast border is progressing smoothly, it is natural for the Republic to want to strengthen the offensive in the east border of the galaxy.

Because in the outer ring star area in the direction of the east, there are important planets including the planet Semirs, the planet Felucia, the planet Kashyyyk, the planet Dak (the planet of Mon Calamari), the planet Jabim, and independent galaxies. The administrative capital of the Confederacy is the Laxus sub-planet.

It can be said that in the entire counterattack plan of the Galactic Republic, the attack on the eastern border is the top priority. As long as they can break through the Eastern Realm all the way and recover the Laxus Galaxy, the Confederation of Independent Galaxy will undoubtedly fall apart!

Therefore, the position that the Alliance of Neutrals now occupies begins to become more critical.

If the army of the Galactic Republic can get supplies from the Alliance of Neutrals, or be stationed directly in this star area, then their strategic space will be greatly increased, and the military operations to counterattack the northeastern and eastern borders of the galaxy will be smoother. .

But here lies the problem—the Alliance of Neutrals refuses entry of all military-related spaceships from both warring parties!

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