The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1289 Master Yoda VS Darth-Masail

1289. Master Yoda VS Darth-Masail

The V-19 Riptide light fighter piloted by Darth Masail was indeed inferior in performance to the ETA-2 piloted by Master Yoda. Master Yoda forced back.

But Master Yoda couldn't stop Darth Malthael taking the opportunity to deflect the fighter in another direction!

Master Yoda is old, and now he is definitely not as good as Darth Malthael in terms of the power of the original force. It is already very good for him to keep the flagship. If he wants to protect the second battleship ,almost impossible.

Because if one more battleship is needed for protection, it means that Darth Malthael has more than doubled the space for action, and he has many more options for action, which brings Master Yoda's foresight of the force The pressure is enormous.

I only saw Darth Malthael driving the fighter jet to turn around instantly, fly to another Knight-class Star Destroyer, and then directly hit it without slowing down at all!

The fighter jet was instantly shattered by the deflector shield deployed by the Star Destroyer, and exploded into a ball of fire.

But a second earlier, Darth Malthael had jumped out of the cockpit, grabbed the hull of the Star Destroyer with the Force, and pulled himself through.

The deflector shield has a speed threshold, and if the speed exceeds this threshold, the shield will react and directly rebound and destroy the object. If it does not exceed this speed, the shield will not respond.

And obviously, Darth Malthael controlled the speed of pulling himself over very well, the deflector shield of the battleship did not stop him, and he stood directly on the Star Destroyer!

Standing on the 1,600-meter-long giant Star Destroyer feels even smaller than standing in a stadium. As far as the eye can see, nothing but steel is still steel, boundless.

The huge towering bridge of the Knight-class Star Destroyer is like a mountain peak in front of it, full of oppression.

This is the latest war machine of the Galactic Republic, the Knight-class Star Destroyer!

Darth Masail turned his head to the other side, and saw that the ETA-2 fighter jet also directly crashed into the deflector shield in the same way, and then Master Yoda jumped out of it in advance, using the force to push He pulled himself over and stood opposite him.

At the same time, in the direction of the flagship, the voice of Master Yoda suddenly sounded in Lieutenant General Scared's mind, 【It has fallen, this Star Destroyer. Don't come close, shoot and sink it, take it. 】

Lieutenant General Scared quickly issued an order, "Quick! Stay away from that Star Destroyer! The farther the better!"

"General! The Star Destroyer Takadra has lost contact!!" the communications soldier turned around and said.

"Didn't you hear what I said? The Takadra is dead! Stay away from it! Fire and sink it! Hurry up!!!" Lieutenant General Scared thought that he might have passed away in front of death just now. After a trip, there was no name in his heart, and he roared loudly.

"General! That's a knight-class star destroyer!" The adjutant said unwillingly, "Could it be just a few minutes..."

"The world of the Force is beyond your comprehension. Leave it to Master Yoda..." For the first time, Lieutenant General Scarred doubted whether the Jedi Knights had fallen behind the times.

"General! The Star Destroyer Takadra started to turn towards us!" the navigator said loudly.

"Quick! Let's turn too! Let's turn too! Don't let it get close! Fire! Fire!" Lieutenant General Scarred's face changed drastically.

"But Master Yoda seems to be on that Star Destroyer." The adjutant asked.

Lieutenant General Scared's face was cloudy and uncertain, "Reduce the power of the main gun and start warning shots! If the Takadra gets too close, then fire at full power! Let's see what Master Yoda has to say."

"The fleet of the Rendili rebels..."

"Forget about that miscellaneous army!" Scarred yelled and interrupted the adjutant, "It's best if they don't come here to make trouble now!"

And at the same time, on the star destroyer Takadra.

Master Yoda used the force to fix himself on the ship so that he would not fly out in a weightless environment. At the same time, the powerful force also allowed him to isolate the vacuum of the universe so that he could survive.

Darth Malthael, who was standing opposite, also stood on the battleship in the same way.

Master Yoda has already felt through the force that all the crew members in the Star Destroyer under his feet have died. Even the heavy armor of the Star Destroyer couldn't isolate the force of death, and they were completely killed in just a few minutes.

But it wasn't over yet, because he also felt that those corpses were still moving.

They seem to retain a small amount of memory from their lifetime, through which they were able to steer the battleship towards the flagship.

And once it really hits, Master Yoda knows that what happened on this Star Destroyer will happen again there!

This is the power of the Sith Lord in front of him—the dead angel, Darth Malthael!

The vacuum of the universe cannot transmit sound, and Master Yoda has nothing to say to this Sith Lord who is full of death. He raised his hand, and the lightsaber at his waist flew into his hand, swishing open, green Blades of light shot from the hilt.

Darth Malthael also pulled out his own lightsaber. It was a blue lightsaber, and it was a relic of Master Plo-Kong!

Master Yoda narrowed his eyes, and his sharp gaze flashed past.

In the next second, the two figures collided with each other in an instant, and the two lightsabers exchanged attacks in a dazzling manner. In almost a second, their lightsabers collided dozens of times!

On this dead Star Destroyer, two top powerhouses in the galaxy clash again!

While their fight was extremely lively, the space battlefield became deserted.

The Galactic Republic task force took off nearly 2,000 fighter jets, almost all of which were wiped out by Darth Malthael. Although they still had at least half of the fighter jets left, such a serious loss prevented them from continuing to dispatch .

At the same time, under the strict order of Lieutenant General Scarride, all warships stayed away from the dead Star Destroyer Takadra. However, the Takadra continued to accelerate under the control of Darth Malthael, rushing towards the nearby Republic warship.

The scene suddenly became a little chaotic and a little funny, like an eagle catching a chicken, and the two sides started playing hide-and-seek.

Because Master Yoda was also on that Star Destroyer, Lieutenant General Scarride didn't dare to let his fleet fire with full force, so he could only continue playing hide-and-seek in circles.

Instead, Lundilli's Planetary Defense Fleet was left on the sidelines.

But this is just right, Cunte hurriedly asked the Lundili planet to continue sending up new robots and soldiers as soon as possible, to replenish his fleet to meet the next battle.

On the planet Rendili, Bangira Ulan's actions continued. He began to send troops to wipe out the power of the shipyard owners who were killed in the shipbuilding conference. Many of these shipyard owners had their own companies and properties. They were confiscated, and all persons were arrested.

Then he used these arrested people to threaten those space defense platforms that remained neutral and did not dare to join the battle.

Although the Republic Task Force has arrived, everyone can see that this fleet is still unable to advance in outer space. Under the influence of the Ulan family’s media, the incompetence of the Republic’s fleet was magnified by publicity. Many people were desperate because of this, thinking that the Galactic Republic’s fleet could not be counted on, and many neutral factions finally had to fall to the Ulan family.

The situation on the planet Lundili is constantly improving. The temporary military government established by the Ulan family is taking control of the situation.

And at this time, the explosive news of the split of the Interstellar Banking Association finally spread.

Even a huge financial giant like the Interstellar Banking Association split from the Galactic Republic! Such news is nothing less than a shot in the arm for the people on the planet Rendili.

Thanks to 213teenager for the reward of 1500 starting coins! ! Thank you Zhufeng Lao Zhang for the 100 starting coins! ! !

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