1278. Revenge

Lundili planet, the planetary shield control center, the main control room.

boom! ! boom! ! ! There was a huge bombardment and explosion sound outside the metal door, and every time an explosion was set off, there seemed to be a violent earthquake in the main control room.

"Those rebels are blowing up the door!" A Republic soldier said loudly with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Don't panic!! Build our defense line!" Jedi Knight Jax Pavan was in danger. He directed the soldiers to dismantle some unimportant equipment in the main control room and pile them up here to build a bunker. : "When it was built here, it was considered to be attacked by the enemy! They can't open it in a short time!"

boom! There was another explosion, and the equipment and lighting in the main control flickered for a while.

"Use a few grenades to make a simple detonation device! Once we can't hold it, we will use this thing to completely blow up this place!" Jax Pawan said in a deep voice.

"General...will we die?" a soldier asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I will definitely fight with you to the end!" Jax Pawan said firmly, he looked at the expressions of the soldiers around him, and comforted, "Also, the Intelligence Department of the Galactic Republic also knows Whichever is more important. They will send reinforcements soon. When I came, Coruscant was already gathering fleets."

The other soldiers nodded, feeling relieved.

At this time, a soldier who had been working in front of the console since he came in came over and said, "General, I just repaired the monitoring system."

Jax Pawan's eyes lit up, "Oh? How did you do it? Didn't the rebels cut off the system connection here?"

"Not all. I found an emergency backup line. Then I sent a fake data to make the system think that the main control room was cut off due to an accident, so I can bypass the line that the rebels cut off and reconnect the system... ..." The soldier started talking endlessly, followed by a lot of technical terms.

"Okay, you've done a good job. I remember you called Dax, right? Thank you," Jax Pawan said. "Let's go, now we can see where the rebels are going!"

"Yes!" The baby-faced soldier named Dax was extremely excited when he heard the Jedi knight's praise.

However, when Jax Pawan came to the screen, he was extremely surprised to see that those rebel soldiers were retreating hastily? ! And they retreated very hastily, and even dropped some heavy weapons and equipment!

"The rebels are retreating! Could it be that our reinforcements have arrived?" Dax was very pleasantly surprised.

However, he didn't get a response from Jax Pawan. He turned around and asked a little strangely, "General?"

He suddenly saw that Jax Pawan's face turned extremely ashen in an instant, as if he had seen something terrible!

"General?" Dax asked again.

"Run..." Jax Pawan forced out a word from his throat.

"General? This is..."

"Open the door and run...I'll break the queen!" Jax Pawan yelled.

Everyone didn't realize what was going on. Dax subconsciously looked back at the screen again, but suddenly saw a mysterious person wearing a black cloak and covered in black mist appeared on one of the monitoring screens!

Even the monitoring screen was shaking and flickering violently, as if it had suffered an extremely powerful interference!

"Bastard! It's late..." Jax Pawan was sweating coldly. He drew out his lightsaber with a bang, and stood at the door to be alert.

"Who is this man? General." Another soldier asked in a low voice.

"There is still a blood debt to be settled between me and him!" Jax Pawan gritted his teeth, holding the hilt of his sword tightly with both hands, "Stand back, I will deal with him later!"

Suddenly, all the lighting and electronic equipment in the main control room flickered, and a series of slight bangs exploded.

The space was suddenly pitch black!

Jax Pawan knew that that person was already standing at the door!

At this moment, he suddenly felt something flying towards him! He subconsciously flashed, and the lightsaber swung past, but it reflected a decayed and withered face, as if it had been dead for many years!

"What?" Jax Pawan kicked the man away, with the lightsaber lying in front of him, and with the light of the lightsaber, he could clearly see the man, or a corpse.

Although it has been decayed, it can still be discerned vaguely. This body that has been dead for many years is the baby-faced soldier Dax who happily asked him for credit just now!

"What happened? Impossible!" Jax Pawan exclaimed.

However, in the darkness, he saw hundreds of shadowy figures staggering towards him!

It was only then that Jax Pawan discovered that almost at that moment, the more than one hundred soldiers of the Republic in the main control room had unknowingly turned into walking dead!

Swish! ! With a flash of lightsaber, Dax's body was cut into two pieces! But there are more walking dead, howling and rushing forward.

At the same time, on the metal door of the main control room, a place in the middle suddenly started to turn black, and then it started to rust at an alarming speed! Know that this alloy is impossible to rust!

But this is something that violates physics and happened right in front of him!

In less than a minute, a huge hole was corroded on the metal door, and then it shattered completely with a crash.

The figure in the black cloak was standing at the door!

Dead Angel! Darth Malthael!

Jax Pawan was still fighting with those walking corpses, but he found that the dead angel didn't move, just watched quietly.

Finally, he wiped out all the walking dead, and at the same time, he felt extremely indignant as he continued to kill his comrades and colleagues just now. He sharply pointed the lightsaber at the dead angel, and shouted sharply: "Dead angel!! You killed my master Evan Peel! And this sum just now! I will make you pay the price!!"

Darth Masail spoke slowly, with an extremely low and dark voice, "Jacs Pawan, hehehehe. Not bad, it seems that you have grown into an excellent person just as your father Lorne Pawan expected. What about the Jedi Knights?"

"You..." Jax Pawan gritted his teeth, "You actually know my father's name."

"Ah, that's right. He and I are still close friends... Hehehe..." Darth Malthael sneered, "After all, I took off his head with my own hands more than ten years ago... "

"It turns out...so you killed my father!!" Jax Pawan's eyes were constantly congested with anger, almost turning red.

Darth Masail sneered and said: "Hehehe, that's right. I killed it, and then took his head to claim the reward... After all, your father was once the closest to this war in this galaxy. Who is the truth?"

"Bastard! It turned out that you killed my father! It was you...and Dax and the others! It was you! You killed countless people...today...today..." Jax Pawan could barely hear Darth Malthael said, his whole body was immersed in anger.

"That's right... That's right! This is the state..." Darth Malthael grinned, "Come on, draw your sword!"

Thank you Zhufeng Lao Zhang for the 100 starting coins! !

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