The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1265 Boatmen's Conference

1265. Shipbuilding Conference

The wedding with Adele Ulan was just an episode.

Holding the wedding at this time was the idea of ​​Tang Xiao's wedding supervisor, Jarno, because she said that if she waited until the matter on Lendili's side was settled before marrying Adele Ulan, it would make the wedding a real one. It seemed to be a transaction, and in this transaction that seemed to pay money and deliver goods, Tang Xiao seemed to be the inferior party.

Because it must be made clear that this time it was Lundili and the Ulan family who came to beg Tang Xiao, not the other way around.

So now, coming to such a wedding in the midst of war has become an action to make the Ulan family bow their heads - yes, this is also an exchange of benefits.

Although Bangira Ulan was a little reluctant, but the matter had developed to this point, he had to bow his head.

He has already publicly fallen out with the Galactic Republic, and now his only reliance is separatism, the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, the Dawn Star, and also, Tang Xiao.

He handed over his family's much-loved youngest daughter, and bound the interests of his family and company to Tang Xiao. In the 25,000-year history of family development, it means 180 years. The step of the U-turn.

Although there is still a lot of room for manoeuvrability in confirming Adele Ulan as the first heir of the family and the company, it does not mean that the family and the company are really handed over to Tang Xiao, but after all Here, there is no turning back.

For Tang Xiao, he ended the wedding hastily, and immediately rushed to the spaceport, preparing to take the shuttle to the Planetary Defense Fleet. He must also ensure that this fleet is under his control.

And Bangira Ulan is also very busy, Tang Xiao told him that he must gain control of the orbital defense platforms around the planet Lundili, and to do this, he must get enough support at the boatmen's conference.

The Shipwrights Conference is actually an organization similar to a parliament within the Rendili Interstellar Power Company.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Galactic Republic, Lundili Interstellar Power Company was just a shipyard, and then it achieved its current scale through continuous development and mergers.

When they first started their business, the ancestors of the Ulan family would hold meetings with the bosses of several factories, workshops and docks under their own in the warehouse to discuss the next shipbuilding plan.

What kind of ship to build, how to build a ship. There is no advanced quantum auxiliary device, no super artificial intelligence with countless calculations per second, only countless drawing tools, basic computer hosts and the rough hands of the boatmen that smell like motor oil.

That's how they were. Twenty-five thousand years ago, when humans had just stepped into the starry sky, they knocked out the Republic's first-generation warship with one hammer after another.

In the past 25,000 years, the boatmen's conference held in the warehouse has now become a top summit where waving your hand means the flow of tens of billions of dollars.

But tradition remains tradition.

Lundili Interstellar Power Company is such a traditional company.

The current Lundili Interstellar Power Company owns a total of more than 5,200 interstellar docks, of which there are more than 3,700 near the planet Lundili. The ownership of these shipyards is scattered in the hands of more than 1,200 shipyard owners, and these shipyard owners have also jointly built the main body of Rendili Star Power Company through the Shipyard Assembly.

As the leader of the Rendili Interstellar Power Company, the Ulan family has more than 1,000 interstellar docks under their direct control. In other words, the Ulan family directly controls a quarter of the industrial production capacity of the Rendili Interstellar Power Company, not counting the shipyards they indirectly control.

This time, in the face of unprecedented changes in the 25,000-year history of the Lundili Planet and the Lundili Interstellar Power Company, the Shipbuilding Conference was held again.

Bangira Ulan stepped onto the rostrum solemnly, faced the hundreds of shipyard owners present, and said his opening remarks solemnly, "As I said before, the Galactic Republic conspired to take our Lundili It has been an asset for a long time, and now their conspiracy has finally surfaced. What I have to do is to resist! Rebel against the Galactic Republic! And then walk out a path that belongs to us!"

There was an uproar in the audience, and several shipyard owners objected loudly. They stood up and said, "Your so-called resistance to the Galactic Republic, preventing the Republic from taking our assets, is the result of handing over our assets to the separatists? What's the difference between the two, except that we're going to have a war in our own homeland!?"

"If you want to rebel against the Republic, you Ulan family go by yourself! Don't bring us!"

Bangira Ulan didn't seem to hear these objections, he just continued on his own: "Not long ago, I just handed over the position of executive director of Rendili Interstellar Power Company to our family's youngest daughter. Adele Ulan, and now she is also married to Mr. Tang Xiao, the governor of Dawn Planet. The current Lundili Interstellar Power Company will officially become a member of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies."

The opposition from the audience was even louder, and some shipyard owners even jumped onto the table and cursed at Bangira Ulan.

Looking at the hustle and bustle of all living beings in the audience, Benjila Ulan gradually showed a strange smile on his face. He whispered something into the microphone, and he didn't care whether he would be disturbed by the noise in the audience if he lowered his voice. submerged.

"Look at that... This is the boatman's meeting, and this is where the ancestors of the Ulan family stood 25,000 years ago. But did our ancestors ever think that when our company is facing disaster, these What the boatmen think about is not how to save the company, but how to protect themselves..."

He looked up at the ceiling and sighed, "Irony... irony... I didn't realize until today that Lundili is really old..."

The shouting and cursing in the audience has intensified, and some shipyard owners even turned around and wanted to leave.

However, those shipyard owners who wanted to leave were surprised to find that...

The gate of the venue is blocked! !

The smile on Bangira Ulan's face became brighter and brighter. He grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly: "Do you think I'm here to discuss with you? No no!! Hahahahaha!! Today, I am Come and play the ending movement for this shipbuilding conference that has been in existence for 25,000 years!!!”

As soon as he raised his hand, dozens of mechanical spheres rolled in from the passage around the venue.

As these mechanical spheres stopped and unfolded, a beetle-style robot with a simple structure and dual explosive machine guns installed in both hands would surround the entire venue.

Destroyer Robots! ! -

What to do, what to do... Adele Ulan's description made me feel very motivated...

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