The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1257 Brainwashing Control?

1257. Brainwashing Control?

"What did you say? Brainwashed and controlled?" Puluo Kong looked at a very ordinary-looking Republican intelligence officer in front of him in disbelief, frowning.

Just now, agents of the Intelligence Department of the Galactic Republic suddenly found them using the emergency communication channel. It stands to reason that such a situation is not in compliance with the regulations, because the level of intelligence personnel is not high enough. Apart from their direct troops, the best way to contact the Jedi Knights is to contact them. At least it should be at the general level.

But because the information was too urgent, they could only send the information directly to Puluo-Kong.

"Yes." The intelligence officer nodded and said, "According to our large number of sampling and analysis, on the planet Lundili, many people changed their stance almost overnight, from the previous opposition to the Lundili Interstellar Power Company, Up to now, they have been silent or even secretly supported. Such a situation is not normal."

Jedi Knight Jing Fang said: "There is nothing wrong with such a thing. Maybe the Lundili Interstellar Power Company offered them an undeniable price? It is impossible for a Jedi Knight to arrest a person because of his change of position. Especially now We have no definite evidence that Rendilli Starkinetics wants to go over to the Separatists."

"If it's one or two people, or even a dozen people's attitude changes, it's reasonable, but it's hard to make sense for hundreds of people suddenly. Therefore, we put forward a bold hypothesis, that is, these people may be controlled by brainwashing ’” said the intelligence officer.

At this time, Jax Pavan, who was more flexible in thinking, suddenly said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether these people have changed their attitudes or not. The point is that what we have to do is to ensure that Rendili Star Power Will betray the Galactic Republic, on this basis, what they want to do is their internal business. But why... do you seem to want Rendili to betray?"

Jing Fang also suddenly realized: "That's right! After our investigation during this period, it seems that you are forcing Lundili to betray! What is going on?"

The intelligence officer was stunned. Facing the soul-piercing eyes of the Jedi Knight, he didn't even have the strength to lie. His mouth moved, but he didn't know what to say.

Now he knew why he had to be at the level of a general or above to report directly to the Jedi Knights, because once these issues were involved, he, a small intelligence officer, couldn't decide what to say and what not to say.

At this moment, another woman's voice suddenly came from behind, "You guys made a mistake, Jedi Knights. It's not that we are forcing Lundili to betray, but the fact that Lundili wants to betray First, and we chose to use relatively radical means to detonate the conflict and lure out those hidden separatists."

Master Pulo-Kong, who had been sitting there meditating, raised his head and said, "Are you that undercover bounty hunter? Are you a Force-sensitive person?"

"That's right. Just call me Arden-Lin." Arden-Lin came over and sat on the table carelessly, "As for those who are sensitive to the Force... Yes, I do use some tricks."

Even Master Puluo Kong couldn't distinguish the well-hidden dark side force on Arden Lin. After all, the use and practice of the dark side force more than 24,000 years ago is completely different from what it is now. very different.

Arden-Lin went on to say: "It is precisely because of this that we have monitored some radicals in the Rendili Interstellar Power Company. But the current situation is very strange and reversed-the radicals have died down and once supported Those people in the Galactic Republic changed their position overnight. Shouldn’t this matter be thoroughly investigated?”

"Are you the bounty hunter who first sent out the intelligence that Rendili Interstellar Power Company was about to betray?" Jax Pawan asked, "Why haven't you come to contact us all this time?"

"I'm very busy. I'm different from you Jedi Knights who sit at home and meditate when you have nothing to do. I still have my own work to do." Arden-Lin stabbed them coldly.

"Two weeks ago, what was the cause of the riot on the Planetary Defense Fleet? You killed a lot of people in it, didn't you?" Jax Pawan continued to ask.

"I have already mentioned that riot in the report. It was the Lundili Interstellar Power Company who wanted to assassinate the fleet commander and take control of the fleet. That's why they started the riot. I happened to be on the fleet flagship when I received the report, so , I killed some people, quelled the riots, and kept the Planetary Defense Fleet still loyal to the Galactic are welcome." Arden-Lin replied.

Jing Fang snorted coldly, "I hope it is true as you said. Otherwise, if we find out that the Ministry of Intelligence of the Republic played a disgraceful role in the Rendili incident, even during the war, this incident We must take care of things.”

"Oh! That's all right, righteous Jedi, hehehehe." It is absolutely impossible for Arden-Lin to have any good looks towards Jedi Knights. She sneered mockingly, "Also, I will give you a job. Joe Daman Lopez, the mayor of Gen City, has been noticed by people around him in his daily life. He is also one of the people who suddenly changed his position. Therefore, the investigation is left to you. Maybe in his Do you really have traces of being brainwashed and controlled on your body?"

After finishing speaking, he left without waiting for the Jedi Knights to answer.

She felt very happy in her heart, just as the dark side power user who claimed to be the Sith Lord Darth Sidious said, a word can drive the Jedi Knights to do things for them, this feeling is far better than killing them More fun!

Ah, the Jedi...

Bright Jedi...



Daman Lopez, as usual, came to the living room and sat on the ground blankly, watching the news program played on the holographic TV in front of him-this is also the program where he showed his face the most.

Yes, on this show too, he can often see his clones active here and there. Sitting on the sofa in his favorite mayor's office and giving orders, but as his real body, he can only sit here and can't do anything.

It was another interview. The clone person liked this kind of talk show very much these days, and talked about his political ideas in such a relatively informal setting.

Moreover, he talked about war more than anything else. He kept implying that the instigator of this war was the culprit for the plight of Planet Rendili, but he never said who this person was, which led to countless topics. .

As in the past, after a lot of reasoning, the clone Daman began to chat with the host about homework.

While chatting, the host suddenly asked: "...Mr. Daman, your daughter has suddenly taken leave of absence from school in the past few days. We also hope that you can pay more attention to your family in your busy schedule."

"Oh, hehe, yes..." the clone Daman suddenly showed a somewhat weird smile, "That's right... That's right. My daughter is not in good health recently, so I have been at home all the time, taking care of her in every possible way. She..."

The seemingly normal conversations sounded different to the real Daman. He suddenly jumped up from the ground, roared and beat the door, and roared loudly: "Get out of here! Get out of here!! What did you do to my daughter! What did you do to my daughter!!!!"

"Of course, take good care of her." Darth Malthael's figure suddenly appeared behind him at some point.

Seeing him, Daman lost all his courage. He fell to his knees and cried bitterly, "Please let my daughter go... I know I'm wrong... I know I'm wrong... You let me do it Anything is fine! Please let my daughter go..."

He didn't dare to imagine, if what he thought happened, it would be such a terrible devastation to his daughter!

This is something that has the potential to ruin her life!

"Oh? You really made a decision? Willing to do anything?" Darth Malthael did not directly refuse this time, but asked.

Daman seemed to grasp the only life-saving straw, and quickly said: "You can tell me to do anything! Tell me to do anything! Even if you let me strip naked and run naked in front of the Galactic Council, I would be willing!! Please... …please……"

"Heh heh heh, okay then. I'll give you one, only chance," said Darth Malthael, "go back to yourself, and then, while the Jedi investigate you... You know what to do."

"The Jedi investigating me?" Daman was stunned.

Darth Malthael smiled coldly, "That's right. Why do you think that such a coincidence of Jedi knights found you? Because you seem to be very obedient recently, so I threw out some clues to guide the intelligence of the Republic People come to investigate you. Then, you will get this one and only chance to be yourself...don't let me down, or...hehehehe."

Daman prostrated himself at his feet, "I swear! I swear! I will always be loyal to you!"

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