The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1238 The way of checks and balances

1238. Way of Checks and Balances

The new core five members of the Interstellar Banking Association (M) are actually composed of representatives sent by several of the largest Muun families. These include the Hill family where Thorn Hill belongs, the Tonis family of the previous co-chairman Ford Tonis, and the Damask family of the former co-chairman Karl Damask.

By the way, Karl Damask is Hego Damask II, the father of Darth Plagueis. He is a force-sensitive person. Under the arrangement of Plagueis' master Darth Tenebrous, he married another female Muun who was a force-sensitive person and gave birth to Darth-Plague s.

So Darth Plagueis is also the only Sith Lord who was raised as a Sith when he was born.

Speaking of the matter here, the actions of the Muun people through such racial purification and screening are equivalent to taking a big step back, preparing to completely turn the Interstellar Banking Association (M) into the Muun people's own industry, and reject people of other races from intervening .

After the split of the human faction in Rush-Clovis, the Muun people are also very alert to this. Not only that, but they immediately enacted regulations to deny the Muun people on the planet Scipio from participating in the affairs of the Interstellar Banking Association (M).

This is equivalent to directly expelling the ancestral status of one's own home planet...

However, among the new core five, one member has a somewhat unique background.

This person is indeed from Muun, but he was the Minister of Economy at Dawn Star before. He called himself Semid Tang. At first glance, this name is inextricably linked to Tang Xiao, the governor of the Dawn Star Planet, but there are many people named Simed among the Muun people, and this Semid-Tang looks like a pseudonym no matter how you look at it.

However, under the personal guarantee of San Hill and the personal confirmation with Tang Xiao, the governor of Dawn Star, this Semid Tang has indeed served as the Minister of Economics of Dawn Star for a long time, so he also won the entry into the new core five Opportunity.

In the eyes of the Interplanetary Banking Association (M), this is an opportunity for them to enter the economic core of Dawn Planet.

Dawn Planet is now the hottest planet in the Confederacy of Independent Systems! Not only has a powerful industry, but also a powerful technology, and at the same time, it also holds an extremely powerful army!

Being able to enter the economic lifeline of such a planet is something that the Interstellar Banking Association (M), which has just split and is waiting to be rebuilt, can't wait for it.

However, the triumphant San-Hil did not notice the tacit exchange of eyes between him and the representatives of the Tonis family when Semid Tang took office.

Semied Tang, formerly known as Semied Tonith! It was the member of the Tonis family who was sent by Heigo-Damasco II to the planet Mequito when Tang Xiao just crossed over!

Although in that matter, Semied Tonis betrayed the Tonis family, causing Ford Tonis to lose his chance of re-election, thus sending San Hill to the position of co-chairman. But no matter what, Semied Tang still has the background of the Tonis family. Under Tang Xiao's secret dealings as a dead angel, he has reached an agreement with the Tonis family through Semied Tang.

Nobody sticks to principles in the face of interests, and if there are, then the interests are not enough, that's all.

What is a mere betrayal? Lost the position of co-chairman, the big deal is to get it back later.

The Interstellar Banking Association (M) believes that they have entered the economic core of Dawn Planet, and they may be able to transform Dawn Planet's strong industrial, technological, and military strength into their own power, so they are proud of it.

Sang Hill also thought that he helped Semid Tang to enter the new core five, which was equivalent to inserting his own eyeliner in the new core five.

As everyone knows, Semied Tang is also used by Tang Xiao to check and balance him as the co-chairman!

Because in the system of the Interstellar Banking Association (M), Thorn Hill has too much power!

Both Semied Tang and the Tonys family also believe that they have achieved their goals and successfully expanded their status among the new core five members. In the future, they can compete with Sang Hill to obtain more benefits.

But they also don't know that when Sang Hill is very obedient, the one who is checked and balanced is themselves!

And do you really think that the five members of the new core are monolithic? They had no way of knowing how obedient the current leader of this family was to the Sith Lord when the dead angel appeared in front of the Damask family as the orthodox heir of Darth Plagueis!

The five members of the new core plus Sang Hill, if they want to create a WeChat group, at least seven or eight groups can be formed among the six of them...

As Tang Xiao said, do you really think that Palpatine is the only one who plots against the Interstellar Banking Association?

No, he was figuring it out himself.

Moreover, the new Interstellar Banking Association, which was split off, has been infiltrated by him to be riddled with holes!

It is true that the previous five core members were not guilty of death, but if they did not die, Tang Xiao's plan would not be able to unfold. So their death is very important to Tang Xiao.


At the same moment, the combined fleet of the Interstellar Banking Association (M) and the Fourth Group was indeed on its way to the planet Ord-Mantel.

10 Behemoth-class battlecruisers, 5 Divine Will-class destroyers, 20 Generosity-class communication frigates, 5 Disobedient-class light destroyers, 2 Rucker Hook-class battleships, and 8 Martha-class missile heavy ships cruiser.

The industry on Megeeto planet is not well developed, and there is no large dock. These warships are gathered from other places to protect the planet Megeeto.

And now, this defense fleet has attacked again, advancing towards the planet Ord-Mantel, the capital of the 8th Army of the Galactic Republic!

If it was in the past, such a force would not be enough to shake the 8th Army of the Republic, but now, the situation is completely different!

The 60 Jaeger-class battlecruisers of the main fleet of the Eighth Army of the Republic were all dispatched, and they plunged into the trap of Planet Mequito! Then under the siege of Geth, the Interstellar Banking Association, and the combined fleet of the Fourth Group, the entire army was wiped out!

The current Ord-Mantel planet, apart from hundreds of small and medium-sized warships and transport ships, is almost undefended!

On the flagship of a Shenyi-class destroyer, standing in the center of the bridge, was a Twi'lek beauty wearing a black tights with a fiery figure——


With an extremely excited smile on her face, she licked her lips and sneered: "Hehehehehe, the Eighth Army of the Republic will be completely removed today! Hehehehehehe..."

Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the big guy who passed by! !

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