The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1235: The Shocking Heist (4)

1235 : The Shocking Heist (4)

Just as the geth suddenly came to the planet Scipio on a Republic warship, launched orbital bombing and landed recklessly, inside the vault on the planet Scipio, it was busy.

"Quick! Pack everything in boxes!" The core five people No. 1 commanded the handling robot to move all the contents of the vault onto the spaceship.

"Roger Roger!" These B-1 robot porters mechanically moved the boxes up one by one.

"No! Idiot! Don't move these credits! This cash is heavy and worthless! Put my customer's data disk! Put those jewelry and bonds!" Core Five Two slapped the head of a B-1 robot Called and turned 360 degrees.

"Roger Roger!"

"Don't forget to destroy those accounts that we support Earl Dooku." The core five members No. 3 ordered.

"Well, there are also those subsidies that have been transferred to our personal account, which also need to be destroyed from the account. It is now, there is no need to fake it, just burn it on fire." The core five said on the 4th .

"Roger Roger!" These B-1 robots agreed very quickly, and it was unknown how much they understood.

"Where's the geth? How's it going?" Core Five asked.

"They've advanced to 170 kilometers from the capital! Forget about those terrifying killing machines! Count Dooku actually created such a thing, it's simply insane!" No. 1 looked a little unhappy.

"But this time we're going to the planet Mygeeto, which is where the geth ravages very seriously!" Number Three said anxiously.

"That's the only way to go. It's better to keep our power than to stay here on Planet Scipio and be angry with Rush Clovis." Number One shook his head, "At least Thorn Hill still needs us to give him Authorize, let him continue to be the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association."

Several other people also nodded solemnly.

No. 1 walked to the console on the other side of the vault, turned his head and said to the other people: "Then it's almost the same, and the fleet of the Galactic Republic will arrive a little later. Now, start the emergency evacuation procedure!"

"Okay!" Several other people also came over, one occupied a console, and then they took a very gorgeous key from their necks.

"The emergency evacuation procedure is an agreement that was activated when the vault of Planet Scipio was fatally attacked. The orbital bombing launched by the Geth just now is to make this agreement reach the conditions for activation. Only when we agree to start the emergency evacuation procedure can we I have the authority to remove all the contents of the vault... Otherwise, the automatic defense program here will burn everything including us." The core five people No. 1 said solemnly.

"This emergency evacuation procedure has been passed down from generation to generation. I just heard about it. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to activate it by myself." Number Two said while inserting the key in his hand into the console.

"Is the condition really fulfilled? Or... let the geth explode again?" Number Four asked cautiously, but he still didn't stop, and inserted the key into the console.

"Didn't you see the green light of the indicator light? Hurry up!" Number Three also inserted the key.

"A new life is waiting for us! On the planet Mequito, there is no need to make such sneaky false accounts to support the Confederation of Independent Galaxies! With our strength, as long as we really join this war openly, we will have more !” said No. 5 through gritted teeth, and inserted the key.

"That's right! In this era, money alone is useless! We need to turn our resources into an invincible fleet! This is our new life! Our new order! Come!" No. 1's face was a little hideous, and he The last one inserted the key.

Five people turned the key at the same time, and said at the same time: "Start the emergency evacuation procedure!"

The sound actually produced visible ripples in the air depicted by the laser, and then the host computer matched the sound, and at the same time identified the pitch to ensure that each sound ray was in a normal state.

Then another ray was shot at the five people, and the irises, DNA, fingerprints, and pheromones were compared respectively. After they were completely matched, there was a piercing siren sound, and a line of large green characters appeared on the screen—— 【Emergency evacuation procedure started】.

Rumble rumble rumble~~~~~~~~

A very dull sound sounded, and a mountain range outside the capital of Scipio's planet actually split apart! The incomparably powerful engine outputs endless power, directly separating the frozen mountain ranges of hundreds of millions of tons!

A ray of light also sprinkled from the sky, illuminating the interior of the vault of the Interstellar Banking Association for the first time after ten thousand years.

At the same time, several transport ships that had been waiting at the peak for a long time flew in immediately, grabbed the marked containers with tractor beams and put them into the cargo hold.

The five core members looked at each other and nodded, and they immediately turned around and went out to the private shuttle that had already been prepared. The robot pilot driving the shuttle immediately started the engine, controlled the spaceship to fly into the sky, and flew directly from the largest of them. He flew into the hangar platform of a transport ship.

And at this moment, 170 kilometers away from the capital of the planet Scipio, a contest between steel and steel, machinery and machinery is unfolding.

Tens of thousands of B-1 battle robots lined up in a neat queue, firing continuously and frantically while advancing. The dense firepower covered almost every inch of space ahead! With such a firepower density, even a bug would not be able to fly out!

However, across from these robots is a group of geth individuals arranged in skirmish lines!

Geth individuals move very fast. They run directly on the battlefield. Although their movements are still a bit stiff, they can already use cover to cover freely, and there is still a very close cooperation between Geth individuals of different arms and different equipment. .

The weapon they use is a plasma rifle, which can quickly launch a large number of light blue plasma clusters. Compared with the blaster rifle, the flight speed is slightly slower, but the power is even greater. After a few shots, even the B-2 super combat robot also directly destroyed.

Among the individual geth infantry, there are also a small number of geth colossi. These colossi are more than 6 meters high, equivalent to a huge four-legged geth body, and are covered with heavy armor. The plasma cannon fired is no less powerful than a heavy-duty gun fired from an AT-TE walker. Howitzers!

Facing the army of the geth, the B-1 army of the Intergalactic Banking Association was completely defeated, and was quickly blown to pieces by the geth.

In the face of such a terrifying and brutal mechanical army, some mercenary groups around them didn't even have the courage to join the battle in the past. They all turned around and ran away, no matter how their boss shouted, they didn't want to get even a step closer to this hellish battlefield!

And in the distance of this battlefield, several transport ships have already soared into the sky and flew straight towards outer space.

It is full of the most precious treasures of the Interstellar Banking Association's vaults on the planet Scipio.

A few minutes after the transport ship flew away, an extremely violent explosion suddenly exploded from inside the vault! The power of the explosion was astonishing, and the flames and thick smoke gathered in the sky to form a huge mushroom cloud!

The core five sat in comfortable seats and celebrated with each other.

"Hahahaha! Finally left smoothly! Congratulations!" No. 3, the core five, said to No. 1, patted his chest.

"Very well, the Republic Fleet hasn't come yet! The defense fleet of Planet Scipio has been destroyed before, and now no one can stop us!" No. 1 was also proud.

"As long as we enter hyperspace, the Galactic Republic will never be able to control us! Hahahaha!" Number Two laughed.

"That's right, that's right! Rush Clovis is such a wimp, let's go to his daydream! Hahahaha!" Number Four also laughed in agreement.

"Oh hehehehehe! I also want to congratulate everyone...hehehehe..." An extremely charming female voice suddenly came.

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