Chapter 1210 Death of an Idealist

1209. Death of an Idealist

"Actually, this matter has nothing to do with her." Tang Xiao said, "However, since you can't even take care of your own children, how can you entrust the diplomatic and political affairs of an entire planet to her? So, if you die, you will die." Go ahead. If you're interested, Count Dooku, let's watch together."

"Hahahahaha! Very good, very good!" Earl Dooku laughed.

Soon, on the high platform outside the Temple of Unity, the trial, which had been postponed for almost 20 minutes, finally began.

Many people in the capital also came around the square to watch the farce from a distance. In fact, for these low-level civilians, whether it is the rebel army or the king, they don't care. As long as they have jobs, food, places to live, and wives and children, that's enough.

Therefore, they really came to watch the excitement. The bloody and primitive punishment of beheading can also stimulate the dark side in their hearts that they dare not touch.

Soon, General Kalani came down to the high platform surrounded by IG-100 guard robots, and on the other side was the dejected commander of the planet's highest armed forces, General Akhenath-Tandin.

Without any more nonsense, General Kalani said directly: "Then, the public trial and execution of those who colluded with the rebels will now begin."

After speaking, he gave way to the side, giving the main place to the prisoner.

Then, the judge of the Supreme Court stood up and read out the content of this public trial and execution. Basically, it was said that these people cheated for public benefit, accepted bribes from the rebel army, condoned the rebel army to destroy the property of the planet, and caused large-scale civilian casualties, and then accused them of treason. Discussions and the like.

The former planet councilor, Mina Bontry, was escorted out. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back, and she was still wearing the formal suit she wore when she went to the meeting that night, but at the moment her face was haggard, without a trace of expression.

The battle robot led her to the guillotine, made her kneel, and put her head in the wooden shackles.

"Former Planet Councilman Mina Bontry! On October 29 last year, because of your intelligence leak, the rebel army successfully destroyed our warehouse on the west side of the city, and a large number of weapons reserves were blown up! On January 7 this year, several The rebel army members were rescued, and the information was also leaked from you, as well as the attack on Thor's mecha... In the past month, there have been 7 rebel army attacks related to the information provided by you. Can you be convicted?!" The judge asked loudly.

Mina Bontry closed her eyes, and said heavily: "I am guilty. I leaked all this information, and it was out of my own will and has nothing to do with others. I am willing to bear all the responsibilities..."

In an inconspicuous corner of the crowd, Luke Bontry was wrapping his whole body in a cloak to prevent others from seeing him.

He watched the trial from a distance, and saw his mother on the stage, taking all the blame on herself.

She clearly knew it! She clearly knew it! ! Luke's shoulders were trembling violently, tears were streaming down, and she was roaring in her heart, she clearly knew that I did all of this, I did it all! Why plead guilty! Why! ?

He looked at his mother kneeling on the ground like the most humble slave, locked in the wooden shackles, obviously a few days ago, she was still a high-spirited member of the planet! Why! Why! !

Why? Don't you know it yourself?

It seems that there is a voice speaking to myself in my heart.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." Luke Bontry could only keep repeating this sentence, how he wished all this could be done again, how much he wished this had never happened.

He didn't know Saw Gerrera, he didn't get encouraged by him to join the rebel army, he didn't hack into his mother's computer without authorization, steal the information from it and give it to them!

He doesn't even do these things for the money! So-Gerrera gave him a few words of praise, but he obviously didn't give him anything! But he still thinks that he is for the righteousness of the planet, for the freedom of the nation! !

"According to your crime, you will be sentenced to death! Execute immediately! Do you have anything to say?" said the judge.

Lukes Buntry looked at the stage in despair and kept chanting, "Who will save her... who will save her... who will save her... who will save her..."

How he wished someone could fall from the sky and save his mother.

But this is impossible.

After the planned raid on Thor's mecha was ambushed and suffered heavy losses, the Rebels had already seen it as a conspiracy, a conspiracy carried out by him. Saw Gerrera even directly believed that it was the false information he sent deliberately, which led them into the trap.

There was no way the Rebels would come to rescue her mother.

Jedi? I heard they have left here.

Republic? They supported the rebels behind their backs, and in the final analysis, they didn't want to really send troops over.

no one! Nobody can save Mina Bontry.

At this time, Mina Bontry on the stage said loudly: "It's not your fault! Lukes! It's not your fault!! You're right! Look around us! Look at these Robots! They control the entire planet!! For them, whether it is a king or a member of parliament, they are just tools that can be replaced at any time! You are right Lukes! Stick to the path you choose! Go on!! "

But Earl Dooku, who was watching remotely from the side, would not let her continue. He made a gesture through the holographic projection, and the IG-100 guard robot on the side immediately pressed the button.

Mina Bontry closed her eyes as countless images flashed through her mind.

When she was a teacher on Naboo with Padmé Amidala...on Coruscant, as a member of the Onderon delegation looking into the future...after the Sanji-Rush coup, she When she took over as a member of the planet... when the war broke out, she followed in the footsteps of Count Dooku without hesitation... when she realized the evil of war and worked hard for peace... when Ainle-Tim returned, she joined the ring When it was sent...and, on that last night, when she argued with her son Lukes Bontry...

All dreams and realities have come to naught... But, I don't seem to be able to achieve anything... I'm not reconciled...

A tear fell from the corner of her eye.

At the same time, a sharp guillotine fell!

Swish! Blood spattered, and the cold head rolled to the ground.

With a plop, the headless corpse fell to the ground, and blood gushed out from the cut neck, staining the red carpet even deeper.

"Hahahahaha!! The traitor finally got the punishment he deserved!!" Earl Dooku laughed.

"Although it's a pity, it's her own fault." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"The last time she disturbed the politics of our independent galaxy confederation for that ridiculous peace proposal, she should have been killed! Your Excellency Governor, you are still being soft-hearted! Hahahahaha!" Earl Dooku said with a smile.

"This also proves your vision, Earl Dooku." A strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, and he turned around and said, "You are the only one who can lead the Confederacy forward."

"Obviously, we should plan more, shouldn't we? Governor... Your Excellency?" Earl Dooku's smile also disappeared suddenly, returning an equally unpredictable smile.


At the same time, in the other direction of the audience, the rebel soldier Stella Gerrera was saying to her companions: "Quick! We must find Lukes! We misunderstood him! He includes his mother Mina -Buntry, it's just being used! We can't let Lukes sink in such despair!"

"Someone of us saw him over there just now and sent someone there." Another soldier said.

"He's gone..." A panting soldier ran over and gasped, "Someone saw him leave just now, mixed in the crowd, and couldn't find him..."

"We must find him! I can understand the despair in his heart now. We shouldn't abandon him!" Stella said firmly.


But at this moment, in another dark corner, Saw Gerrera, who also wrapped himself up tightly, watched the execution on the stage coldly, his eyes were gloomy.


"No...things shouldn't be like this..." On the spaceship, Anakin Skywalker, who had witnessed Mina Bontry's murder, scratched his hair in annoyance.

He knew Mina Bontry. Before the war broke out, he escorted Padmé Amidala to secretly leave the planet Coruscant. Searching robot.

Including the subsequent peace advocacy movement also gave Anakin more recognition of Mina Bontry. But it was this recognition that made him believe in the information brought by Lukes Bontry, because he always thought it was Mina Bontry's secret instruction.

But Mina Bontry, with her headless body and splattered blood, told him she didn't know.

This is the worst case scenario!

"We made a very wrong choice... In various senses..." Anakin Skywalker said with his head down, "The only way now is to report to the Galactic Republic and give Saw Gerrera more help .”

However, his apprentice Ahsoka Tano just looked out of the window and quietly asked, "Do you still believe in Saw Gerrera? Master."

"Although he has a bad temper, he is a brave fighter." Anakin replied.

Ahsoka Tano just looked at the Onderon planet that was fading away from the window, and whispered: "After reporting to the Republic, the only possibility is to send troops to come..."

"indeed so……"

"Then the fate of this planet is not in their own hands after all..."


[Attachment 1 of Easter Egg Chapter: Mina Bontry, an idealist. 】

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