The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1204: King of the Undead (Part 2)

1203. King of the Undead (Part 2)

The last level!

In fact, this is not strictly the last level. Because the pyramid of the Sith Academy was bombed and destroyed during the war, a small piece of the top of the tower was destroyed during the bombing.

The stairs have long been broken, and the spire has long since disappeared, leaving only ruins.

But here is still the highest point of the pyramid of Sith Academy.

The ritual of Darth Malthael is complete!

This is an extremely dangerous ceremony, even if his strength is a little weaker, and his use of the power of death is slightly flawed, then even the gauntlet of little Klesh can't protect him in this result!

He has been preparing for this, and he will never come to Korriban before the time is right.

And later, he absorbed the power and knowledge of Kanes-Moore, which caused his body to be filled with powerful, violent and disordered dark side force, and then he went to the dark side of Dagobah again. In the cave, he used the Dark Harvester to absorb most of his dark side force.

This caused his strength to be at most equivalent to that of a Jedi apprentice for a period of time afterwards, but at that time, he understood that the time had come.

The force of the dark side will refill his body sooner or later, and after being absorbed by the dark reaper, this time his force of the dark side will be more pure and powerful.

At this time, it is the best time for him to perform this ceremony.

When Darth Malthael set off, his strength was still very weak, but when he played around in Corellia, turned to the neutral planet, and found a spaceship to fly to Korriban, he The power has reached its peak!

So now, he steps up the last step of the Sith Academy pyramid.

He's done the ritual!

The Force of the Dark Side and the Force of Death merge into one, becoming the Force of Death!

Darth Malthael also transformed at the moment the ritual was completed.

Not only did his body become that skinny, but it was also because of his terrifying strength now!

He summoned countless dead souls and broke through the suppression of the dark will of the Sith Academy, which transformed his power! Now he can instantly deprive a person of his life and turn him into an undead with just a single finger.

Even those who are sensitive to the Force, under his power, can only endure the pain of being continuously deprived of their vitality!

He can easily resurrect the army of the undead. Wherever he steps, even the undead thousands of years ago will be awakened!

Of course, on the current battlefield, the ordinary dead souls he resurrected would not be of much use, but it didn't matter, that's not what he needed.

He naturally has his own fleet, with his own army and tanks to fight against the Galactic Republic. And his death force, against the Jedi Order, is Darth Sidious!

When Darth Malthael stepped onto the last step, the countless undead fell silent instantly. They no longer climbed up desperately, but stopped all movements.

Immediately afterwards, these undead began to gradually dissipate, and their decayed and withered bodies gradually turned into yellow sand, which slowly fell down and became part of the desert again.

In the end, Darth Malthael was left alone, still standing on the top of the tower, as if nothing had happened.

But his withered body and the dimmed lightsaber showed what happened just now.

I don’t know when, the sandstorm has stopped, the sun is rising in the distance, and a round of red sun gradually emerges from the end of the yellow sand, and the sunlight accurately shines on the top of the pyramid of Sith Academy, which was fully designed when it was built of.

But now, this round of sunlight is directly shining on Darth Malthael alone, as if...

The king is here!

Darth Malthael put his own lightsaber on the top of the tower. This lightsaber is useless to him. He needed to create a new lightsaber, one that would work perfectly with his Death Force.

Then, he jumped directly from above! When he was more than ten meters away from the ground, his figure suddenly slowed down, slowly fell from midair, and stood firmly.

He didn't stop, but walked in another direction.

The direction of the Dark Lord Valley!

There, there is his final test, the final trial!

He, here, will become the king of the undead! Be, Angel of Death!

Darth Malthael walked step by step towards the Valley of the Dark Lord, which actually belonged to the same mountain range as the Sith Academy, but in different directions, and the two places were very close.

While he was walking step by step towards the Valley of the Dark Lord, an extremely violent sandstorm blew up from the Sith Academy again!

What a stark contrast between the powerful storm and the calm on the other side!

Every time Darth Malthael took a step forward, the sandstorm behind him also took a step forward, approaching the valley of the Dark Lord bit by bit. In the storm that filled the sky, there seemed to be countless painful faces, and the wind seemed to be filled with screams...

But all of this is now behind Darth Malthael, strengthening his prestige!

He is going to the valley of the Dark Lord to conquer the souls of the dead kings!

To do this, it is as difficult as climbing the sky!

You know, those are the most powerful and outstanding Sith kings in thousands of years! Even after they died, they still had unparalleled power.

Want to conquer them? Totally impossible!

Only the death force of Darth Malthael made this impossible a possibility.

However, he has done everything he can.

Completing the ritual at Sith Academy was the last thing he could do...

All that's left is a head-on collision!

When the ghost of Emperor Maka-Ragnos appeared in front of him before, although he was a little surprised, he still tried to use the power of death to shade him. If he succeeded, it would relieve some pressure to some extent.

However, he failed without any surprise.

So, now there is only one battle left!

The battle between the dead and the dead!

Darth Malthael opened his palm, and the force of death swept across the land. Then, two rusted short swords broke through the long yellow sand, flew out from the ground, and fell into his hands.

Sith sword!

The original Sith were forged with Sith alchemy, incorporating the dark side of the force into the forging materials, so that the weapon can become the best carrier of the dark side of the force, and become a weapon that can fight against the lightsaber!

These are the Sith swords in the hands of two Sith warriors who died thousands of years ago, and now they answer the call of Darth Malthael's death force, and come to his hands, showing their glory again!

The Valley of the Dark Lord is just ahead!

However, when the yellow sand in front was blown away, there was a figure standing in the middle of the road.

A figure also wearing a black cloak, holding a lightsaber hilt in his hand!

"I've been here, waiting for you for a long time...Dead Angel, Tang Xiao..." The distorted voice came, and the man raised his head, revealing a terrifying face under the hood!

Darth Sidious!

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