The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1177 Thor's Resurrection (Part 2)

1176: Thunder God's Resurrection (Part 2)

"That's right! The Cheerer-class assault landing ship! Because I was locked up in the laboratory by Dr. Octopus during this period, I didn't personally participate in the submission of the Thor Mech for review. There is a deviation!" Zhang Jiarui said quickly when he saw an opportunity.

"I'll give you a chance to say three words." Qi Jian said coldly.

"The Thor mech we submitted for review is an energy model!" Zhang Jiarui said loudly.

"The biggest advantage of Thor's mecha is the modular setting!" The second sentence.

"If you can look at which energy model carefully, you can understand that under this model, Thor's mech can be equipped with J-1 proton cannon!!" The third sentence.

After Zhang Jiarui finished his three sentences, he looked straight at Qi Jian, but he was still being dragged down by two B-2 super combat robots.

"Stop." Qi Jian finally raised his hand, and the two B-2 super combat robots stopped immediately, "I can give you another chance. But if you fail to pass the trial this time, you will be severely punished by Tailun Heavy Industry !"

"No problem!" Zhang Jiarui said seriously.

Everyone returned to the meeting room again, and the meeting resumed.

Zhang Jiarui put the document on the table with a bang, and turned on the holographic projection, projecting an image of the huge body of Thor's mecha.

Then he put on the pair of glasses that didn't match his size, and said: "The Thor mech developed and produced by the chief engineer Rory Swan is mainly equipped with the Thor's Hammer particle accelerator in both hands, and the back The Punisher heavy artillery installed on it, and an anti-air missile launch group can also be installed. This can make the Thor Mecha a very powerful weapon platform, enough to destroy all hostile targets! And in front of the Thor Mech, the AT of the Galactic Republic -TE walkers are vulnerable!"

"We have discussed this topic before." Admiral Cheng Shitao said, "But as a fire support unit, Thor's mecha provides no higher fire output than the 180mm caliber concussion howitzer of a siege tank. According to simulation calculations, 4 to 5 The firepower output provided by only one siege tank is already greater than that of the Thor mech, but we have to pay a cost much higher than that of five siege tanks. And AT-TE, our army does not lack the ability to destroy this kind of walking machine s method."

"But what I want to say is that the most outstanding point of Thor's mech is its modular design! We can replace all of Thor's weapons and equipment within half an hour, so that it can take on different battlefields according to different battlefield needs. Responsibilities! For example, replace the 250mm caliber Punisher artillery with a 330mm caliber barrage cannon, and a heavy turbo laser cannon!" Zhang Jiarui continued.

"We have also discussed this issue. If we only need anti-aircraft firepower, then there is no need for the expensive and cumbersome Thor mech. In our opinion, adding anti-aircraft firepower to the Thor mech is more important Its biggest shortcoming is to make up for it - Thor Mecha, which will be easily destroyed by enemy air strikes." Major General Tang Wensi also said.

Qi Jian nodded and said: "That's right. According to the data simulation, if the strike distance of the Thor Mecha is to exceed that of the siege tank, then only the 250mm caliber Punisher cannon can do it, but in this way, the Thor's Hammer particles in its hands The accelerator cannon becomes a decoration. And if we want to exert the power of the particle accelerator and make the thick armor of the Thor mecha work, we need to use the Thor as an assault unit. But in this way, the Thor mecha will suffer from the enemy's attack. The concentrated attack of square air units and heavy firepower, and its huge size have become a burden instead."

"This is what I want to say! The heavy-duty turbolaser cannon installed on the prototype of Thor's mech submitted for review is just an energy model!! Because I still can't find what needs to be installed-J-1 proton cannon! !" Zhang Jiarui said heavily.

Qi Jian frowned, and said: "The J-1 proton cannon is a product of the Technology Alliance, and it is also the most powerful anti-aircraft weapon of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy. It can indeed threaten the Galactic Republic's Cheer-class assault landing ship. However, J The energy transmission method of the -1 proton cannon is very complicated, it is directly installed on the Thor mecha, and it should explode as soon as it is activated."

"No! I have already overcome this technical problem!! If you look carefully at the prototype machine submitted for review, you will know that the energy circuits of the heavy turbolaser cannons I installed on it have been modified, and the J-1 The proton cannon is exactly the same!!" Zhang Jiarui roared.

Noras, the representative of Tyron Heavy Industries, suddenly realized, "Ah! No wonder the prototype of Thor's mecha exploded within a few times when it was sent for trial and trial operation. It turns out that you used another energy model at all?"

Zhang Jiarui punched the table heavily, and said: "I have studied the records of every battle since the beginning of the war, especially the records of the battles that our Fourth Civilization participated in!! The clone troop of the Galactic Republic is launching an attack on a planet. During the assault, they rely heavily on the Cheer-class assault landing ship! Under the cover of fighter jets, they will forcibly break the Cheer-class into the planet's atmosphere, and then use it as a battlefield support, using the landing ship's powerful ground-to-ground firepower and powerful electronic communication system. Support the battle!"

"But correspondingly, once our army falls into such a situation, it will be very passive. Often, it can only use fighter jets to forcibly attack the cheerer class, or to fight against it by also plunging warships into the atmosphere, but the result is to lose sight of the other! And more In most cases, our army can only fight with cheer support."

"This is the case with the Umbara Star Wars that just ended. If it weren't for the surrender of Master Pang Krell, Asajj Ventress occupied one of the cheerers, even Umbara Star Wars People have a hundred times or even a thousand times the strength of the army, but they still cannot escape the fate of failure!"

Zhang Jiarui said, pointing to the Thor mecha, "After the Thor mech is successfully equipped with the J-1 proton cannon, it can effectively destroy the Cheer-class assault landing ship that broke into the planet's atmosphere!! In this case, it is necessary to take the initiative The Galactic Republic is the one that attacks to eliminate the threat of Thor's mecha! Then, at this time, imagine that under the protection of heavy soldiers, you have thick alloy ceramic armor, powerful Thor's Hammer particle accelerator, and long-range surface-to-air missile launch. What kind of existence does the Thor Mecha of the group have on the battlefield!!"

Qi Jian still looked serious, "But have you ever thought about it, if a J-1 proton cannon..."

"Two doors!" Zhang Jiarui raised two fingers.

"Okay, the two J-1 proton cannons are installed on the already expensive Thor mecha, have you thought about the final cost?" Qi Jian asked.

"If the cost is increased by a hundred times, it is still less than one-tenth of the cheerleader class!" Zhang Jiarui pushed back directly. He didn't care about the chief of staff in front of him. What he cared about was his own design, his own project!

"Then, can the Thunder God Mecha withstand the attack of the Cheers?" Qi Jian asked again.

"Thor's mecha will always be the first to discover the cheerer class, and then attack first!" Zhang Jiarui replied.

"Then what if the Republic doesn't use the Cheer-class?" Qi Jian continued to ask.

"Unless they are willing to use LAAT transport boats to transport troops bit by bit, otherwise, even if they use a slightly larger transport ship, they will immediately be under the attack of Thor's mecha!" Zhang Jiarui said loudly.

Thank you for the 2354 reading points rewarded by the high-ranking lord of Tadarin! ! Thanks to qewr for the reward of 451 starting coins! !

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