Chapter 1173 Research Project (Part 2)

1172. Scientific research topic (below)

The two muscular men ping-pong-pong fought again, but this time, Zhang Jiarui, who was full of anger, completely gained the upper hand. He beat up Rory Swan, who was so soft from laughing just now, until his nose was bruised and his face was bruised. , and then kicked out of his office.

Then he walked over to pick up the glasses he had just thrown on the ground and put them on, only to find that there were only two frames left on the glasses. The anger in his heart was still lingering, he squeezed the frames into a ball and threw them away, opened the drawer and took out another Putting on the glasses, he focused on his computer.

There are countless very complicated data and formulas on it, and ordinary people coming to see this screen is no different from reading a book from heaven. But Zhang Jiarui understood it very smoothly, but the more he looked at it, the more ugly his face became. Then he punched the table with a bang, stood up and walked out.

"What are you going to do? Doctor Octopus will definitely not let you go out. This guy has been completely dazed since he got the blueprint." Rory Swan said while sitting in the corridor.

"No! I can't see that group of idiots in the Army Department rejecting Thor just like that! They must have only seen the high cost of Thor, but they didn't realize the true power of Thor!" Zhang Jiarui said.

"They really didn't realize that the main reason is that you dismantled the 250mm caliber cannon I specially made for Thor and changed it into a turbolaser!" Rory Swan poked Zhang Jiarui's chest and said angrily, "In your words For me, this is retribution!"

"You know what a fart!" Zhang Jiarui spat Swan's face with a fart, and turned to go to the entrance of the central laboratory.

Looking at the closed metal gate, Zhang Jiarui didn't care too much, and directly pressed the call button, but before he could speak, Dr. Octopus' angry voice came from the microphone, "I remember telling you !! Don’t come to me until you finish the palladium element compressor!!”

"They rejected Thor's plan! I'm going to the Ministry of War!!" Zhang Jiarui roared.

Kacha, the metal door opened, and the moment the door opened, four extremely hideous mechanical tentacles stretched out like lightning, and the sharp claws were less than 1 cm away from Zhang Jiarui's head!

"I remember I said a long time ago, compared with our current project, Thor is just a child's toy!!" Doctor Octopus said incomparably gloomyly.

"Now our knowledge reserve and technical reserve can't complete the design on this design drawing at all!!" Zhang Jiarui was not afraid of the threat of Dr. Octopus. The coordination atoms of palladium element can only be increased to 12 at most! This is already the most stable icosahedron shape! To reach 24 coordination atoms, it does not exist in physics! No, even in geometry It doesn't even exist!!"

"This problem must be overcome!! Otherwise, it will always be just a theory!! Only by completing this last step, can we have an Ark reactor that is smaller and more powerful than ordinary cold fusion reactors!"

"Didn't you see the feedback from our test team? We can't even run the cold fusion reactor on the CMC-300 power armor stably! You still want to develop the Ark reactor?! Look at the reality! Zhang Jiarui roared.

"After the governor gave me the data of the Ark reactor, I realized that this is the most perfect energy source! The most important thing is that it can be miniaturized! Miniaturized!! It is much more convenient than those huge metamaterial reactors on the Galactic Republic battleship! This is an epoch-making energy use! What do you know!?" Doctor Octopus also roared.

"That's right! I don't understand! So now I'm going to tell you! I'm fucking quit! Go to whoever you like!" Zhang Jiarui roared, "Don't forget that we are at war! War!! We must catch Live every thing that can quickly improve our military strength! Realistic things! Instead of pursuing those illusory theories!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around abruptly and walked outside, continuing to roar: "Now I'm going to the Ministry of War! Finish Thor's plan!"

"How dare you defy me!" Doctor Octopus gritted his teeth suddenly, and immediately stretched out his mechanical tentacles to block Zhang Jiarui.

"That's right! I'm defying you!" Zhang Jiarui turned his head, stretched out his thumb and scratched his neck, and said through gritted teeth, "Come here if you have the ability!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed away the mechanical tentacles in front of him, and strode towards the door.

"You!" Dr. Octopus was furious, but in the end he didn't do anything, just watched Zhang Jiarui leave.

Rory Swan shrugged and said, "He's a master of energy science. He even said he can't do it, and I can't. So, let me go too."

Then he also turned around and walked out. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said, "I said, octopus, you think too much about the Ark reactor! No matter how high the technology is, if it can't be realized, it's useless! Governor Didn’t you say that? Our database even has Protoss technology, but if you put those terrifying technologies in front of you, can you use them?”

" know what! Get out!!" Dr. Octopus dropped this sentence, the mechanical tentacles retracted, and closed the door of the laboratory to keep them out.


At this time, in the office of Star Dawn's Supreme Military Command, the Army Equipment Update Conference, headed by Chief of Staff Qi Jian, was in progress.

What is shown in the holographic projection at this moment are two transport planes.

The appearance of these two transport planes is somewhat similar, both have short triangular wings and a pair of deflectable plasma engines, and there are several representatives from the major military enterprises under the Fourth Civilization sitting next to them, and they are introducing themselves equipment.

Now speaking is the representative of Tailun Heavy Industry, a woman in her 40s. She pointed to the transport plane on the left and said: "This is our improved transport plane based on the APOD-33 transport plane, G-226 Medical transport plane."

She clicked on the data of the transport plane and introduced: "We mainly integrated the most advanced battlefield rescue center into the original transport plane, and optimized the carrying environment. Now the G-226 transport plane retains the carrying capacity of the original APOD-33 transport plane. On the basis of this, it can also play the role of battlefield medical treatment, so that some soldiers with minor injuries can be treated quickly, and even return to the battlefield immediately."

Qi Jian frowned and said: "However, one problem we are facing now is that the APOD-33 transport aircraft is often shot down by the Galactic Republic's V-19 fighter jets on the battlefield. The maneuverability and survivability of the APOD-33 have lagged behind the current The war situation, at this point, the G-226 medical transport aircraft has not resolved."

"Hahahaha! Survivability! Mobility! This is the direction we are considering!" Another thick-shouldered representative spoke, "Our Halo Weapons Systems Group's product, D77-TC, is a Pelican transport aircraft!"

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