The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1169: The End of the Organism (Part 2)

1168. The Doomsday of Organisms (Part 2)

Whoosh~~~~ A locust-like geth fighter flew across the sky, followed by a group of smaller and more agile bombers.

Sass-Ting is hidden in the ruins of a burned forest. Looking in the direction of the fighter planes, in the distance, there is a city, a city raging with war.

Countless black smoke rose from the city, as if it was the last cry of the city in despair.

Sass-Ting watched the group of fighter jets fly over the city, then dived down, and then saw a burst of flames rising into the sky, and after a while, several new black smoke rose from that place.

The planet Hook, the home planet of the Yamri, has fallen.

From the countless disorganized communications received by Sass-Ting after he came to this planet, it can be known that the only thing on this planet that is still resisting is the capital of the planet in front of him.

He also knew from the communication that the Geths had attacked the Hook planet two months ago, and the scale of the invasion was very large. At least dozens of cruiser-level Geth spaceships descended here, and cut off the planet Hook immediately. all communications.

The resistance of the Yamri was broken within 4 hours, and then the geth launched a ground attack. Their advance was slow and steady. With the support of the powerful firepower of the warships, the city of the Yamrai was quickly wiped out. A fall, not even a few small villages were missed!

After that, the geth fleet gradually retreated, leaving only ground troops and a small number of warships here to support. But their attacks are still destroying the defense line of the Yamrui people.

Although the capital is still resisting, the Yamrui people can almost declare their genocide.

The communication Suss-Ting heard was full of despair and fear. This is a planet-level genocide! The Yamrui people have nowhere to escape, they are powerless to resist, they don't even have the chance to kneel down and beg for mercy, they can only wait for death slowly...

Before he came, he imagined many possibilities, including the fall of Planet Hook, but such a tragedy still shook his heart.

In Suss-Ting's perception of the Force, the entire planet exudes the negative energy of despair and death. The wailing of the dead and the crying of the living constantly impacted his Force.

Under such an environment, if a Jedi Knight with weaker force came over, he might soon fall into the dark side!

This is a hell where hundreds of millions of people died, a hell where a civilization and a race were completely exterminated...

Suss-Ting took a deep breath, looked at a large factory not far ahead, and decided to go in and look for more clues.

He walked quickly, and almost without a sound, bypassing a patrolling, 5-meter-high quadruped geth, and quickly sneaked into the factory.

Much of the equipment in this factory has been dismantled, some has been remodeled, but it is not yet complete, and there are very few engineering geth individuals working here. It should be after capturing the capital of the Yamrui that they will officially begin the work of digesting the planet——

Turn this place into a complete mechanical planet.

A planet devoid of any life, just cold machines and fiery furnaces...

Seth-Tin didn't disturb these geth individuals, and continued to sneak into the depths of the factory. At this time, a place in the deepest part of the factory that should have been a warehouse attracted his attention.

Inside this warehouse, there was a strong rancid smell, and the original force also sensed the dead air inside!

Sass-Tin entered the warehouse, bypassing two geth units that were carrying a tripod.

And he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him!

In the warehouse, there are piles of Yamrui corpses!

It is impossible to count how many corpses there are here, but what is certain is that the corpses here are definitely in units of tens of thousands!

Inside the warehouse, there is also a small geth transport plane hovering, and the geth individuals inside are dropping more corpses and piling up.

In addition to the several piles of corpses on the ground, there are also a large number of metal steel needles with a height of four to five meters, thousands of them. These steel needles are supported by a tripod, and the corpses of the Yamrui people are pierced on them.

There are several platforms on the side, some geth individuals are working here, they put the corpses of the Yamri on the platforms, and conduct a simple dissection, it should be after removing some organs in the abdomen, and then put the corpses on steel on the needle.

The platform has long been stained green by the blood of the Yamrui people, and even the blood flowing down from the surrounding ground has gathered into a stream, emitting a stench.

The Yamrai are a mantis-shaped race with an average height of more than two meters and a pair of sharp sickles on their arms. Compared to humans, they are tall and powerful, and they can almost kill humans easily in hand-to-hand combat.

But the ending of such a race in front of the Geth is just such corpses at the mercy of others.

But compared to this terrifying scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, Sass-Tin was even more shocked by the strangeness and ruthlessness shown by these geth individuals towards the Yamrii!

They are dissecting and researching the Yamrui people, and are adjusting their technology of making corpse puppets so that they can make Yamrui corpse puppets, and they have launched a war of civilization extinction against the Yamrui people without hesitation...

But the problem is that among the countless races in the Milky Way, the Yamri are one of the few races that still have some Kilik swarm genes! They are distant relatives of the Killik Swarm!

But the Geth slaughtered and exterminated them mercilessly!

This shows that the research conclusions of the scientists in the Republic are probably wrong from the very beginning...

Geths are not the creation of the Kilik Swarm at all, they were made by someone else!

Seth-Ting took a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart. Although he really wanted to rush out and destroy every geth he encountered, he also knew that firstly, he could not destroy the Geths that had taken over the entire planet. Geth, second...

The destruction of Hook's planet and the severance of the Yamrui people have become unstoppable.

The only thing he can do now is to find the truth of the Geth, find the Geth's lair, and then launch a fatal blow to them!

At this time, an irrepressible crazy idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and he was even frightened by this idea!

Scary and crazy as that conclusion might be, Suss-Tin decided to give it a try.

He sneaked out of the factory, went to his modified ETA-2 fighter jet, opened the cockpit and sat in.

The fighter jets took off silently and headed out of the atmosphere.

The geth here didn't notice it for the first time...

Sass-Ting couldn't help but feel very grateful for his preparations - he himself can be said to be the best fighter engineer in the Jedi Order, not only has very superb flying skills, but also has a deep understanding of fighter jets.

Before coming, he installed an active shielding device on his fighter to prevent his fighter from being detected by the opponent's scanning system.

This saved his life.

When the fighter jets flew out of the atmosphere, the geth discovered that there was an intruder, and immediately a large number of fighter jets came to intercept them, but it was a step too late after all.

Suss-Ting drives a fighter jet to put on the hyperspace ring, jumps into the hyperspace, and the target is the planet Kali! -

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Geth mini-bomber. 】

Thank you for the 10,000 starting coins rewarded by the disaster-class assault laser battleship! ! Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins on a certain day of the month! !

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