The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1133 Other battlefields

1132. Other battlefields

Compared with the shrinking development of the fourth civilization, other parts of the galaxy are still raging with war.

21BBY, on September 24th, the main fleet of the Galactic Republic launched a counter-offensive operation. After annihilating half of the living fleet of the Confederation of Independent Star Systems in the previous battle of the Dron galaxy, they immediately gathered a large number of fleets to launch a counterattack.

At this time, almost no fleet of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy could stop the actions of the army of the Republic. On the same day as the counterattack was launched, the fleet of the Galactic Republic launched a landing operation on the planet Mingban.

The Second Mingban Star Battle broke out!

During this landing operation, the Galactic Republic invested 300,000 troops! 280,000 of them were conscripted natural person soldiers.

In order to transport such a huge army, the Galactic Republic brought all the transport ships that the military could use. Including Consul-class cruisers, AA-9 transport ships, etc., as long as they can hold people, bring them all.

The Confederation of Independent Galaxies has deployed hundreds of thousands of robots in several key areas of the planet. The programs edited by these robots are all stuck in place, so they did not rush out blindly to the Republic with superior firepower, armor units and air support. The army fought back, but stayed behind cover to defend.

The only function of these robots is to delay time. Of course, it would be best if they could kill more soldiers of the Republic.

This battle was also the first time that the Galactic Republic actively used natural soldiers on a large scale in an offensive campaign, but the result disappointed the Army commander of the Republic.

Because these natural soldiers were very passive when facing the separatist robot army. They will be fearful and even demoralized because of the ruthless and ruthless attacks of robots. Moreover, more than 500 soldiers attacked a firepower point guarded by more than 100 robots, and they rushed themselves to collapse. the situation!

In fact, these are situations that will inevitably occur to natural soldiers who have only been trained for a few months, but you must know that the Galactic Republic has been at peace for thousands of years, and all kinds of conflicts have been resolved by the Jedi Order for thousands of years. However, there is also the Judicial Fleet, and there are very few times when natural army soldiers are really used.

What's more, when the Galactic Republic had not yet split, many times they themselves were actually using B-1 combat robots in large quantities.

Then after the outbreak of the war, apart from passive defensive battles, clone soldiers participated in almost all active offensive battles, and it was rare for natural soldiers to attack cities and seize territory as it is now.

So the result is that the knowledge reserves of how to command, how to use, and how to maintain morale of natural soldiers are all left over from the Sith War thousands of years ago!

If you can get your hands on a copy of the combat manual distributed to natural soldiers on the front lines, you will find that this booklet is exactly the same as the soldier's combat manual during the Sith War, and it will be obvious that all the places where the words 'robot soldiers' are actually Painted out.

So you can even see an article in the soldier's handbook - when you attack a stronghold where 'robot soldiers' are stationed at night, you should concentrate as much firepower as possible during the 10 minutes when they just woke up from sleep Make noise and kill, so these 'robot soldiers' will run away in fear.

This is the status quo of the natural person army of the Galactic Republic, and these commanders hardly know how to use the natural person army.

300,000 people fought against the robot army on the Mingban planet in a mess, paying the price of more than 20,000 casualties. Finally, after the clone soldiers accompanying the army carried out a key raid, the situation was finally opened.

It was already a week before they took control of the entire Mingban planet.

Of course, the Galactic Republic's counterattack is not limited to this direction.

After the planet Umbara announced its separation from the Galactic Republic and joined the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, the Galactic Republic immediately responded to this stupid but embarrassing behavior similar to joining the Fruit Army in the Year of the Griffin.

The Republic Fleet arrived on the planet Umbara on September 22. Although the mobile fleet was almost wiped out in the Dron galaxy, the Federation of Independent Galaxy still squeezed out a fleet to support the planet Umbara.

The fleet of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies cannot compete head-on with the Republic Fleet, and can only look for opportunities around it.

After the Republic Fleet took control of the outer orbit of the planet Umbara, it quickly deployed the army to land here.

There are two armies participating in the landing battle on Umbara, the 501st Legion led by Anakin Skywalker, and another clone army led by Jedi Master Pong Krell.

Because Obi-Wan Kenobi was confirmed to have failed and died in a raid on the planet Ceria, the 212th Assault Battalion originally led by Obi-Wan Kenobi was also organized into Pon Krell's Among this clone army.

The instructions given by the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic are that, considering that the planet Umbara has always been a member of the Republic, it still has a high public opinion base in the hearts of the people on the planet.

Therefore, it is best to directly capture the capital of the planet Umbara with lightning speed and control the pro-separatist current government of the planet Umbara. This will allow the planet to return to the embrace of the Republic as soon as possible, and cause as little damage as possible destroy.

However, it is not easy to achieve this, so on the battlefield of planet Umbara, no natural soldiers were deployed, so as to ensure the suddenness of the attack and avoid being dragged back.

And the Umbara planet is not an ordinary planet, the Umbala people have a very complete industrial system and military system. They have the ability to manufacture their own tanks, fighter jets, artillery, and various war equipment that can adapt to the unique environment of Umbara.

Although the planet Umbara has a small population, they have formed an army that includes armored troops, mechanized infantry troops, and air power. Big loss here.

Therefore, the suddenness of this attack is very important.

The Republic's Supreme Strategic Command took this campaign very seriously, as evidenced by their placement of Anakin Skywalker and Pon Krell in command.

Anakin-Skywalker has defeated the separatist conspiracy many times, and has confronted the separatism in many battles. He is one of the most active Jedi knights on the frontal battlefield.

And Jedi Master Pang Krell is also the one with the highest command and combat rate among the Jedi Knights that can be dispatched at present.

However, under his command, the death rate of his clone troopers also ranked first.

Let’s make it three shifts today. Grab vegetables in the morning and make up for sleepiness in the afternoon. Once I fall asleep, I won’t be able to get up, haha.

Now it's a yellow code, and you won't be able to leave the door tomorrow, can it be four more? as far as possible.

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