1129 , the rare peace

After controlling the Eriadu galaxy, Mustafa, the energy planet occupied by the Technology Union, is also within the control of the Fourth Civilization. The Technology Union foreman Walter Tamber can only sign an agreement with Dawn Planet , to provide energy for Dawn Planet.

In addition, although it did not belong to the former jurisdiction of the 18th Army, it was still controlled by the fourth civilization in the series of offensive and defensive battles in the Eriadu galaxy.

The planet Marathal is rich in resources and has a large amount of gas fuel that can be used as a conventional power for spaceships, and its own industry is also very developed. Although it cannot reach the level where warships can be built on the planet Sullust, it accepts some small industrial parts. The order is more than enough.

They used to be the main producer of pod racing engines, so these precision machining is not a problem at all.

With the Marathal planet brought under control, the mysterious Harunkar planet is also within the control of the fourth civilization.

Finally, there is the planet Bespin with a well-developed processing industry and rich resources, the planet Christophsis, which is rich in crystal wealth, and the planet Golden Rock, the hometown of the Grans, and Yago, who has the ability to build titan warships. -Dur planet is gone!

If the planets that are allied with the fourth civilization are also counted, the scope of coverage will be even wider.

Now with this large number of planets, the power of the Fourth Civilization can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful!

And because the fourth civilization implements a very complete and independent administrative system, the fourth civilization has in fact become a country in the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies.

It's just that this is not so glaring in the confederation of independent galaxies that implement the confederation system.

After the fighting in the Eriadu galaxy ceased, although Governor Tang Xiao was temporarily absent, the entire civilization was still running in an orderly manner.

Grasping this rare peace, various departments of the Fourth Civilization also started their own plans.

The Army of the Fourth Civilization is preparing to start planning a new round of outfit changes, including the replacement of new combat uniforms, new individual weapons, etc., and several new types of combat aircraft in the atmosphere are also in the armament plan.

And their most important piece of equipment is the official installation of Scorpion tanks. The first batch of 100 tanks has joined the Army of the Fourth Civilization, and together with the wolf mechs and giant mechs, they will form an all-round armored group .

A new round of conscription and training is also in full swing, and a new batch of 1 million army soldiers has begun training.

The Navy of the Fourth Civilization is still the top priority of construction.

After the Salarians' analysis of the ship technology of the Emma Empire in "EVE" reached a considerable level, the Fourth Civilization began to integrate the technology with the Salarians.

This is mainly to apply the production line of the doomsday battlefield-class battlecruiser that the Salarians have begun to build to the fourth civilization's battleship production line, and then start mass production of this new type of battleship.

At the same time, the original Cole-class battlecruisers also began to reduce production and prepare to start modernization. Several upgrade directions of the Cole class already existed in the technology tree of "Original Sins of a Solar Empire", including a more efficient near-fire artillery system and a new adaptive shield system.

This time the upgrade does not require too much energy and the cost is not high, but it can make the Cole-class battlecruiser, which has less obvious advantages against the Jaeger-class battlecruiser, play a greater role.

Compared with redesigning and building new warships, this is a more cost-effective choice for the fourth civilization.

Of course, the design and construction of new warships has not stopped, and the main direction is the Hells Angel-class battlecruiser and the disaster-class battlecruiser.

Among them, the Hell's Angel-class battlecruiser has already started sea trials and is expected to be put into production within half a year.

The disaster-class battlecruiser needs to test a brand new system, and it is also the biggest achievement achieved by the scientists of the fourth civilization-particle light spear!

After extensive research and comparison, Salarian scientists believe that the design of the disaster-class battlecruiser, mainly the structure of the energy system, is currently the most suitable battleship for carrying particle light spears.

There are not none that are more suitable, but basically they are more advanced and complex warships that are currently difficult to achieve.

The Behemoth-class battlecruiser is mainly the main product of the Fourth Group, and will not be officially included in the fourth civilization's naval order, but it will retain logistics resources that can match the Behemoth-class, so as to facilitate the cooperation of both sides. Fleets may merge operations at any time.

In fact, this is also one of the appearances that the fourth group gradually began to become independent from the national system of the fourth civilization.

Prior to this, the Fourth Group, as a state-owned group of the Fourth Civilization, essentially implemented a planned economy model, that is, the Fourth Group did what the Fourth Civilization regime said.

Doing so is obviously a waste of such a huge scientific research and industrial team as the Fourth Group, and the gradual decoupling will also help the Fourth Group's team to better exert their creativity.

From a more secretive point of view, by doing this, Tang Xiao was also quietly turning the fourth group into his own private property. This point was his trump card and escape route reserved for himself.

No one can be trusted, this is the creed of the Sith. Moreover, Tang Xiao did not have the absolute loyalty that the system gave him. He was able to rule the fourth civilization until now, and he relied on his own strength, authority, and means to maintain his cohesion, instead of going to the ground. Gives you that kind of loyalty.

So at any time, he must be prepared for any situation - including the worst case, betrayal!

And after shining brilliantly on the battlefield of the Eriadu galaxy, in the Yago-Dur galaxy of the Given people, the giant Titan dock hidden in the complex orbit of the three-body star also began to prepare for a new round of construction .

The second ship of the Ankron-class Titan battleship has officially begun secret construction!

In addition to the traditional army and navy, the Fourth Civilization made a move that can even be said to be unique in the entire galaxy at present-they established the Force Research Institute!

This Force Research Institute is a semi-religious and semi-scientific department that is completely open to the public, and the official name of this department is called Shenglin!

The reason why it is said to be unique is because the Fourth Civilization directly puts the research and study of the Force on the bright side, and puts it in an open position that anyone can touch!

This point is completely contrary to the Jedi Order, which has been committed to reducing the spread of knowledge and technology related to the Force!

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