The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1125 A Desperate Attempt (Part 2)

1124 : A Desperate Attempt (Medium)

"Bastard... bastard!!" Master Gayette was a little terrified, but he still looked left and right, and finally used the force to capture a tiny black spot in his field of vision. It was another ARC-170 flying at super high speed. fighter.

He felt a little relieved, but then, a violent impact and light came from behind!

Gayette was horrified and turned his head suddenly, but what he saw was an extremely tragic scene!

The Rossana, their flagship and the last Commander II-class dreadnought, is bursting out with continuous explosions!

The shield of the dreadnought has been breached!

At this moment, the Titan battleship Xuanwu was like a snapping turtle hunting for prey. It suddenly extended its sharp mouthparts from the turtle shell, and launched a concentrated attack on the lost Rossana!

The four main pulse laser guns directly in front of the Xuanwu are aimed at the bridge position of the Rossana and continue to illuminate! After the heavy steel armor blocked this round of irradiation, it turned around and began to rotate, and irradiated again with the other four pulse laser main cannons at the tail! !

There have been hundreds of fire points on the Rossana. In the vacuum environment of the universe, this continuous fire point shows that there is air inside to support the combustion, and it also shows that the fire and explosion-proof compartment failed to close, which also means... Most of the internal systems of the battleship have been paralyzed!

The Rossana does not have the nearly magical self-replicating nano-robots of the Xuanwu, and the battlefield repairs of the battleship depend on the damage control team for on-site repairs. But such damage can no longer be repaired from the inside, and some small engineering ships that took off from the nearby hatches were smashed to pieces by the crazy vulture robot fighters just after taking off!

Seeing this tragic scene, Gayette couldn't even be sure whether the stubborn guy, the fleet commander—Admiral Xioste, would survive...

But... a flash of light!

The main guns of the Commander II dreadnought of the Rossana fired again! Four extremely powerful turbo lasers slammed into Xuanwu's body!

Xuanwu's shield was broken again! !

Hum~~~~~~~ The roar sounded again, another round of interference matrix! !

Gayette watched helplessly as the blaster cannon installed on the wing of his fighter jet disintegrated and fell off during the erosion, and the outer shell of the fighter jet had also been corroded and penetrated in many places, exposing the structure below.

"Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Gayette yelled, and he pushed the joystick to the bottom, and the speed of the ARC-170 fighter jet soared again!

The fighter jet began to vibrate violently, and a large number of parts began to fall off! Momentum is starting to wane!

But under the super high acceleration of more than 3000 G, even the inertia has super fast speed! Gayette fully unleashed his original force, drove the mutilated fighter jet towards the Xuanwu at high speed, and then got into the middle of the Xuanwu's trimaran hull!

At the same time, a more violent flash came from behind! It's as if a round of stars appeared out of thin air!

Gayette took a deep breath and tried not to turn his head. He knew what this flash of light meant the destruction of their fleet!

Complete destruction!

But he didn't have time to think more. After rushing into the center of the Xuanwu, at this moment, he seemed to have entered the center of a huge metal wall with no end in sight! The walls on both sides glowed blood red due to the operation of the violent defense system.

Hum~~~~~ The roar of the Blast Defense running directly affected the inside of the fighter, and blood flowed from Gayette's ears! But he still piloted the fighter steadily...

The gap between the hulls was only about 1,000 meters. After he flew in instantly, the vulture robot fighter planes chasing at high speed crashed into the battleship one after another, but Gayette still drove the fighter jets to fly flexibly in the narrow area, and then... he Target found!

Hangar entrance! !

The heavy hatch is closed!

Gayette said silently, may the force be with me, and then pressed the launch button... praying that the proton torpedo launcher has not been destroyed by the interference matrix.

His prayer was successful, a cloud of light blue protons exploded on the hangar hatch in an instant, and there was a small gap no more than 5 meters wide in the middle of the twisted metal!

The ARC-170 fighter jet drilled almost straight through the gap, and the only thing that could rush into the interior was the cockpit where he was.

Under the action of inertia, the cockpit kept sliding on the hangar platform, crashing two or three vulture robot fighters that hadn't had time to take off before barely stopping.

The next second, the hatch opened suddenly, and Gayette rushed out with a lightsaber! After hearing the news, more than a dozen B-1 combat robots were instantly cut into two by lightsabers!

After landing, Gayette kept walking, and regardless of his image, he almost scrambled and scrambled to avoid the surrounding soldiers of the Fourth Civilization Marine Corps, automatic defense machine guns, and B-1 combat robots. The Destroyer robot, which was rolling and didn't have time to deploy the shield, was chopped into a pile of parts.

Afterwards, he swung his lightsaber to block bullets and blaster beams, while following the guidance of the Force, he ran towards the elevator.

Swish! A green lightsaber flashes, and the elevator door is sliced ​​open, and the elevator car inside is ascending.

Gayette raised his hand and shot out the electromagnetic grapple, which hung firmly on the bottom of the elevator car, and continued to move upward with the elevator.

Suddenly, there was a sense of his original force, he let go of the grapple, and with a swing of the lightsaber, he cut a gap in the metal wall next to him, and then he got in!

"It's alright, Master Gayette, it's alright." An aged voice that had obviously undergone electronic processing came from in front of him.

Gayette raised his head abruptly, only to see a man standing in front of him wearing a brown coarse cloak that Jedi knights often wore, with a hood covering half of his face.

What is strange is that although this man is dressed as a Jedi Knight, he wears a gray mask on his face, which is the face of an old man with a long beard.

"Are you the commander of this Xuanwu ship? Who are you? The Fallen!" Gayette drew out his lightsaber and roared loudly.

He was already tired of the feeling of trembling in front of that unattainable super weapon, what he wanted was to fight head-on!

With his roar, all his original force burst out, bright and powerful! His dark complexion, well-developed muscles and straight hairstyle all show that Gayette is more of a fighting Jedi than the Force!

Swish! ! The blue lightsaber was pulled out from the masked man's hand. He raised the lightsaber and pointed forward. The third lightsaber swordsmanship, defensive swordsmanship, Soresu raised his hand!

"You should stop here, this is your last chance to survive. Living is better than anything else." The masked man said slowly.

"This sword move...I know you, I must know you!" Gayette said loudly.

"No matter who you know, he is dead now. Stop it, Gayette, the battle is over, the two Commander IIs have been sunk, it's over..." the masked man said.

"You didn't fall to the dark side! So who are you?!" Gayette roared.

The masked man shook his head slightly and said, "I am... the hermit."

Gayette took a deep breath, and finally asked: "I'll ask you one last time, you didn't fall into darkness, why did you turn your back on the light?!"

"I will look for the last light in the deepest darkness." After the hermit finished speaking, he made a wrong step, and the lightsaber directly chopped off his head!

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