The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1122 Ultimate Defense (Part 2)

1121. Ultimate Defense (Medium)

Admiral Theoster's face was cloudy and uncertain. He understood that failure was already doomed.

No, after the simulation calculation results came out, failure was already a certainty. He had struggled so far, just for a more decent ending.

It's just that I didn't expect to lose so badly!

Even with two Commander II-class dreadnoughts participating in the battle, his fleet still cannot harm the Fourth Civilization's fleet under the protection of the Titan battleship Xuanwu!

This is like saying that the Jaeger-class, as an aviation battleship, can fight with most of the main battleships of the separatism. You have advantages in quantity, tonnage, and even the total amount of energy. Question - the technological content contained in the opponent's Titan battleship is at least two eras higher than the existing warships of the Galactic Republic!

In the Kuat Power Dock, in the Republic Ship Supervision Committee, in the eyes of those scientists in the Ministry of Engineering in the eyes of the giant ship cannon model, the Titan battleship Xuanwu told them with reality that energy output can not only be used to fire guns Hitting people can do so many things!

The most typical one is the fleet shield technology! The system that caused him the most headache was actually replacing the rigid shield with a flexible shield.

The deflector shield commonly used in the Republic is a rigid shield. This kind of shield essentially uses its own energy level to offset the opponent's energy level. The two sides face each other head-on. Even in the latest technology, there is a kind of attack energy that can be diffused, and then use the overall shield to disperse and offset, but The essence has not changed.

The theory of the flexible shield was proposed by someone in the scientific community of the Galactic Republic, but after all, it was unable to overcome the relevant problems, and finally failed to transform from theory into practice.

And Xuanwu's fleet shield is a kind of flexible shield, which will continuously reduce, slow down and counteract the incoming energy, and then use the battleship's own rigid shield to withstand the last remaining attack.

According to the engineer accompanying the ship, the fleet shield of the Xuanwu is not just that simple, otherwise, it would be impossible to support such a huge consumption of protecting hundreds of warships with the energy level of the Xuanwu. The technology behind this is beyond the imagination of even those engaged in warship engineering!

It's not a question of whether you can do it or not, it's because you can't even think about it!

The engineer told Sioster very confidently that if someone can deliver the Xuanwu to the Quarter Power Dock in its entirety, that person will immediately become the deputy head of the Quarter family in the next second, and will immediately own the Quarter family. At least 40% of the shares of Special Power Dock!

This is a super family if calculated by market value, at least starting from trillions and trillions!

"Order all the warships in the fleet to give up other targets and attack the Xuanwu with all their strength!" Admiral Sioste spat out these words from his throat.

This time, no one objected.

The two Jedi masters Dover and Gayette also said, "Once we can break the shield of the Xuanwu, we will immediately lead the fighter formation to attack the weaknesses of the Xuanwu as much as possible. If there is a chance, we can rush into the Xuanwu." Inside, that's probably the best outcome."

The fleet of the Galactic Republic has begun its final madness!

After the previous round of high-intensity battles, the 67 Jaeger-class battlecruisers that were still able to fight turned around, broke through the block of the Fourth Civilization Fleet regardless, and flew towards the Titan battleship Xuanwu.


with full force!

All fighter jets of the Republic also began to attack in batches, with 1,500 fighter jets in each batch, to prevent too many fighter jets from flying over and being destroyed by the interference matrix of the Titan battleship Xuanwu.

The Fourth Civilization Fleet was also unceremonious, firing wildly. They no longer needed the protection of the fleet shields. What they needed was to fire on the warships of the Republic that were not paying attention to themselves!


"Attack the opponent's Commander II without shields with all your strength!" Ling Liang ordered loudly on the bridge of Xuanwu.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ! The roar of the heavy-duty proton torpedoes was clearly transmitted through the hull, making the originally silent space battlefield more intense.

The Catan Commander II dreadnought's near-fire capabilities were fully deployed, and the surrounding fighter jets also fired with all their strength to intercept the proton torpedoes, but they still missed two rounds!

Two light blue proton clouds exploded on the Commander II armor. After a burst of collapse visible to the naked eye, the hit area exploded instantly, and flames shot out from the inside of the battleship.

A few seconds later, the Catan closed the fireproof and explosion-proof compartment, and the flames went out, but two hideous gaps were left on the battleship!

At the same time, the main guns of the two Commander IIs fired again!

And the energy shield of the Xuanwu was finally overwhelmed!

"General Ling! My ship's shield capacitor is overloaded! It needs to be recirculated!" The technician reported loudly.

"Lower the shield, re-cool the cycle..." Before the words fell, boom~~! ! A bang!

As soon as the heavy turbo laser fired from the Commander II level bombarded the Xuanwu ship, Ling Liang paused for a moment of shaking. After she stood firm, she continued, "...The crazy explosion defense system is starting to recharge!"

The Xuanwu's pulse laser main cannon once again slashed across the Catan Commander II dreadnought, leaving a second and third burning gully.

"General! Catan's superstructure is 75% damaged! There are only 7 close-in defense turrets that can be used! Please withdraw from the battle!" The signalman turned his head and said loudly.

"The request is rejected! The Catan is required to fight to the last person!!" Admiral Sioster said firmly.

At this moment, the missile launcher group of the Titan battleship Xuanwu has been reloaded, and it is another salvo of hundreds of missiles!

Even if the surrounding Republic fighter formations frantically intercepted it, and even if the electronic jamming system was running at full capacity, with most of the near-defense turrets destroyed, this Commander II-class dreadnought was already powerless against this round of missile attacks.

Hundreds of destructive explosions exploded on the giant ship, the armor belt of the battleship was completely damaged, and the internal system was seriously damaged! The super-heavy turbolaser turret installed on the dome was also blown away in a burst of flames!

At the same time, on the bridge of the Xuanwu ship, Ling Liang issued an order, "The crazy explosion defense system is activated!!"

Hum~~~~ In the next second, everyone on the Titan battleship Xuanwu felt the vibration of the battleship itself, and from the outside, it was possible to find that the hulls on both sides of the Xuanwu were lit up for a while, which was not dazzling but let people The frightening red light!

Immediately afterwards, at the same time that the densely packed turbolaser cannons of the Jaeger-class battlecruisers of the Republic Fleet hit the hull of the Xuanwu, the two pulse laser main guns on the bow of the Xuanwu fired again!

Two beams of pulsed lasers that were much more powerful than before were fired instantly, shining on the Commander II dreadnought of Catan! But this time, in order to strengthen the attack effect, the pulse laser did not sweep across, but directly aimed at the hole left after the main gun turret of the Catan was blown away and continued to irradiate! !

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ! ! ! Intensive explosions exploded on Xuanwu!

At the same time, a more intense explosion erupted inside the Catan! The entire battleship exploded from inside the dome! Then the whole thing broke in two! !

But at this time, Admiral Theoster just looked in the direction of the Xuanwu and murmured, "'s impossible..."

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