The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1116 Falling Into Darkness

1115 , Fall into Darkness

Adi Gallia's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, then gently put it down, and said to the robot waiter, "Give me another glass of spirits."

"Roger Roger." The robot waiter refilled the glass again.

Adi Gallia drank it down, put down his glass and said, "It's indeed a shocking name... But, why am I not surprised at all? Hehehehe..."

She laughed bitterly at herself, "Yeah... Thinking about it the other way around, only he can make this galaxy, this Galactic Republic, like this... No, not all of them."

Adi Gallia continued: "How much of the Galactic Republic has become like this is because the Sith Lord is behind the scenes?"

"I don't know." The hermit replied.

"I don't know, or can't I say it?" Adi Gallia said, "Is it because if I say it, it will collapse the thought in my heart?"

"This shouldn't be a question for the Jedi Order to think about." The hermit said in a deep voice.

Adi Gallia shook his head and asked, "What do you want to get here to find the dead angel? Could it be that Master Yoda asked you to come?"

"I came here voluntarily," said the hermit, "I want it, and I know the answer."

"The answer is simple. Fight all the way to Coruscant." Adi Gallia said very reasonably.

"With the dead angel?"

"Don't you think that Darth Sidious, who sat peacefully in Coruscant and fooled all of us and the entire galaxy, should be cut into pieces compared to the dead angel who rose from a corner of the galaxy? ?!" Adi Gallia's voice gradually increased.

She swept the wine glass to the ground and smashed it, and turned to look at the hermit, "Shiv-Palpatine! Is that him? He is Darth Sidious! He is... that damned man! Thanks We trust him so much! Give him the future of the Republic! Give him our lives!! We fight for him on the battlefield, but he is planning how to split the Galactic Republic!!!”

"Your state is not right, Master Gallia. Go back and rest first." The hermit said hastily.

"So, destroy it." Adi Gallia said softly.


"Destroy them all... Be it the Galactic Republic, the Lord of the Sith, or the Jedi Order! Let me all die, please!!!" Adi Gallia suddenly went crazy, and she roared loudly, attracting people around her. Some of the other officers on the bridge were looking this way.

"Master Gallia, you need to calm down." The hermit quickly reached out to press her shoulder, but his hand stopped halfway.

The powerful aura emanating from Adi Gallia has far surpassed before, and her originally bright force is becoming extremely dark bit by bit!

"Master Gallia! No! No!!" The hermit took a few steps back, but then moved forward again to grab Adi Gallia, but found a figure blocking him.

Not just one, but a whole 8 Destroyer robots have rolled over, stretched their bodies, two dual-mounted blaster machine guns aimed at the front, and the shields unfolded to surround Adi Gallia! !

Immediately afterwards, more than 20 B-2 super battle robots also entered in two teams through the side door, with the blaster gun on their right arm raised forward, and the black barrel pointing here.

Here, it is the bridge of the Titan battleship Xuanwu, so the security measures are naturally of no small importance.

But Adi Gallia didn't make any more moves, just stood there, and the terrifying force of the dark side on his body kept expanding.

She fell to the dark side...

The originally firm heart fell completely after hearing the true face of Darth Sidious.

The hermit suddenly regretted it. He originally thought that Adi Gallia was prepared, but he didn't expect that after hearing the news, she would fall into the dark side directly!

At this time, Ling Liang also walked over from the command center under the heavy protection of robots, looked at Adi Gallia, then at the hermit, and asked: "What did you tell her? Mr. Hermit .”

"Maybe I said something she shouldn't know." The hermit looked at Adi Gallia with loneliness and remorse.

Ling Liang smiled slightly, "Just now I received a message from Lord Dead Angel, and he said that I want to thank you very much. Because you helped him do something that he has never done in half a year - let Adi Gallia Master, fall to the dark side."

"Is this his plan?" The hermit's voice trembled.

"I'm fine, let the robot back down." Adi Gallia said suddenly, "I still need to go to the infirmary to check."

The powerful force of the dark side on her body gradually subsided, and everything seemed to return to calm.

As a member of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order, her fall also means that her already powerful force will become more violent and darker.

The 8 Destroyer robots of the surrounding B-2 super combat robots drew back their right arms to their chests, but the 8 Destroyer robots did not put away their weapons and shields, but just made way for a passage.

Before leaving, Adi Gallia took a deep look at the hermit, and said: "You don't have to feel guilty, it's none of your business. my choice, I've been torn between light and darkness .And now, on the contrary, I have to thank you... because you let me clarify my goal."

After finishing speaking, she bowed to the hermit, "In the future, we still have a lot of time to work together, please give me more advice, Mr. Hermit."

The surrounding robot guards also retreated one after another. Ling Liang looked at the hermit and said, "Just as you were communicating, the Republic's fleet had given up resistance, and they began to flee in all directions."

"Now how much of the Republic's fleet is left?" the hermit asked after taking a deep breath.

"Less than half of the fleet is left, and the small warships are almost completely lost. There are still 57 hunter-class ships." Ling Liang said, "Although the defense capability of the Xuanwu is unparalleled, our firepower is still weak after all. Some."

"There are still so many battleships, so they scattered and fled?" The hermit frowned.

"If their fighting spirit has not completely collapsed, there is only one possibility—they are preserving their strength as much as possible, so as to wait for the most violent counterattack after the arrival of reinforcements." Ling Liang said lightly, "Adi- Master Gallia is not feeling well right now, and may need your help at that time, Mister Hermit."

"When the fleet of the Galactic Republic invades again, I will personally go to fight." The hermit said.

"Thank you." Ling Liang nodded, turned around and walked to the captain's seat to sit down.

On the holographic star map in front of them, the Galactic Republic fleet left behind the wreckage of hundreds of large and small warships, and the remaining 57 Jaeger-class battlecruisers are fleeing in all directions, in a panic.

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