The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1114 Eriadu Air Combat (4) (Monthly Ticket Required)

1113. Eriadu Air Combat (4) (Monthly Ticket Required)

21BBY, September 12th, Eliadu galaxy, planet No. 5, the outer orbit of the gas giant planet Tarastra.

A very bright light lit up. This is the light fired by the supermatter railgun of the Cole-class battlecruiser. With the launch of the 50-meter caliber supermatter railgun, another Jaeger-class battlecruiser of the Galactic Republic suffered severe damage. Hit, the shield flickered and finally shattered.

Immediately following dozens of Javelin-class missile frigates thousands of kilometers away, they fired a salvo of missiles at this Jaeger-class ship!

Hundreds of missiles blasted away, and the Republic fighter group immediately separated a part to fly towards the missile rain. The airborne blaster cannon fired wildly, shooting down missiles one after another.

After entering the effective range, the close-in defense guns installed on the Jaeger-class also opened fire crazily. Countless lasers and blast energy beams formed a network of light around the battleship, blasting missiles into fireballs in the air.

But there are still some missiles that break through the defense. Among these missiles, there are even a small number of medium and large missiles equipped with shield generators!

boom! boom! boom! ! ! Several missiles finally hit the battleship, and a gap was blown open in the hangar platform at the front of the battleship. All sounds disappeared in an instant, and the vacuum of the universe instantly sucked out all the fighter jets on the hangar platform, as well as the pilots and ground crew. The flames from the explosion were also sucked out by the vacuum, making it look as if the Jaeger-class was breathing fire.

There was already chaos on the bridge,

"Quick! Turn! Turn! Get out of the battle!!" The hunter-class captain greeted loudly on the bridge.

The controller hurriedly got up from the ground and sat down again in front of the console, steering the warship, but at this moment he saw only a snowflake on the front screen, "Sir! Our sensor has been blown up! The navigation system is out of order!"

"Then visually control it!!" The captain roared loudly.

"I..." The controller looked at the vast universe outside the porthole, and was at a loss.

You must know that this is a cosmic battlefield. No matter how dense it is, the distance between warships is between several kilometers to tens of kilometers. Under this distance, even a thousand-meter giant ship will become an undetectable small spot.

Visual manipulation in this case?

"No matter what! Get out of here!!" The captain was still yelling.

At this time, a formation of vulture robot fighter jets flew by, and fired proton torpedoes again against the crazy close-in firepower of the battleship!

boom! boom! boom! ! The light blue proton cloud exploded on the outer armor belt of the battleship. Their only luck was that the proton torpedo carried by the vulture robot fighter was very weak.

These fighter jets are like bloodthirsty vultures, staring at every wounded warship on the battlefield, as if a real vulture saw a corrupt corpse!

The controller didn't care about so much anymore, and pressed the button to control the warship to turn in one direction at will, and at the same time desperately increased the output of the engine to continuously increase the speed of the warship.

At the same time, the damage control department on the battleship also began to desperately repair the damaged parts of the battleship.

The powerful industrial strength of the Kuat Power Dockyard was finally reflected. The battleship survived the intensive attack before, and the battleship began to accelerate steadily, preparing to leave the battlefield.

The captain breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Has the communication been restored? Contact our fighter formation and tell them that our hangar has been destroyed, and ask them to find a nearby battleship to land and reorganize into the formation of the battleship."


The surrounding artillery fire seems to be a lot sparser, and it seems that the battleship is already safe. The captain took out a towel and wiped the forehead that was broken when he fell down during the explosion just now, and wiped away the blood that covered his eyes.

However, at this moment, the controller suddenly saw a black spot appearing in front of him through the porthole. When he was still carefully identifying what the black spot was under the background of the dark universe, the black spot magnified sharply!

"Yes... yes... yes..." The controller was dumbfounded in fright. Before he could stutter, an extremely huge figure had already occupied all the scenery outside!

"...It's... Xuanwu..." The controller almost collapsed on the ground, murmuring the last few words.

In the cosmic environment, it is completely impossible to control a battleship by sight, because even the 10,000-meter giant Xuanwu, with its speed, can fly in front of you at the limit of the distance that can be caught by the naked eye. few seconds.

The existence of portholes is more often to improve the atmosphere inside the battleship. Sometimes the fleet will also dock on the extraterrestrial orbit with beautiful scenery. Looking at such scenery, the anxiety and tension of the crew members during the battle will also dissipate a lot.

But this is of no avail for the current situation!

At this moment, the Xuanwu has flown over the Jaeger-class. In front of the terrifying size of 9440 meters long, 5910 meters wide, and 1220 meters high, the Jaeger-class is as small as a dog standing in front of an elephant!

The captain of the battleship also turned pale, and he also understood that he must have turned in the wrong direction just now when he turned indiscriminately!

It seems that it was intentional, the Xuanwu did not fire until now, and the pulse laser main gun in front fired a powerful orange laser beam!

The laser beam swept across the Jaeger-class body from head to toe, losing the protection of the shield. Wherever the laser passed, the hull of the Jaeger-class immediately began to burn and melt, burning a line of tens of meters wide on the ship. Burning gully!

Under the power of this cannon, the structure of the Hunter class immediately began to disintegrate, and began to be divided into two sections from the middle along the gully.

But Xuanwu didn't intend to let it go. After slightly adjusting its direction, the huge warship ran over the Jaeger directly! !

On the screen of the sensor, after this poor Jaeger-class battlecruiser was hit by the Xuanwu, the ship that was riddled with holes rolled, shattered, and disintegrated under the terrible weight of the Xuanwu... and finally became a pile Fragments spread over a range of more than ten kilometers.

The hermit watched this tragic scene on the bridge of the Xuanwu, the face under the old man's mask was flushed with anger, his fists were clenched tightly, and his body was trembling slightly.

He looked sideways at Darth Malthael who was sitting on the captain's seat like a mountain, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

Yes, this is on purpose.

The impact command was issued by the dead angel just now...

For this tragic collision, he even prevented other warships from firing at the Jaeger-class, and then let the giant Xuanwu crash into the lost Jaeger-class.

"Heh heh heh...hahahahahahaha!!" Darth Malthael laughed loudly. He stood up from the captain's seat, patted the hermit on the shoulder and said, "I will send you off before I leave. A present for you, do you like it?"

The hermit said nothing.

The bridge door opened, and Ling Liang, the general of the Fourth Civilization Army and governor of Sethwena, walked in with a few assistants. She bowed deeply to Darth Malthael, "Lord Death Angel, As you said, I am ready to transfer the headquarters to the Xuanwu."

"The Xuanwu, I will leave it to you. No matter how many warships the Galactic Republic brings, you must guard the Eliadu galaxy for me! No loss is allowed!" Darth Masail said, "The Hermit is your adjutant , Darth Lilim is training a new toy, and it will arrive in a few days. With their help, you will be even more powerful!"

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