The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1105 The Parliamentary Murder Case

1104. Parliament Murder

After Congressman Onaconda Fall was assassinated and killed, Speaker Schiff Palpatine also found that the public opinion was somewhat unfavorable to the main fighters. He worried that continuing would affect the vote, so the murder occurred, and safety could not be guaranteed. For reasons, the meeting was temporarily suspended, and an investigation team was sent to investigate the matter.

At this time, almost everyone believed that the main combat faction murdered Congressman Farr. Such public opinion made Palpatine very passive.

However, after the investigation was launched, it went smoothly unexpectedly, and soon Lolo Purs, Onaconda Farr's assistant, was locked.

However, when he captured Perth, he was still a step too late. Perth had already killed another member of parliament, who was one of the core members of the main combat faction—the member of the planet Umbara, Mee Dicky. Deechi)!

Lolo Perth has confessed to her crimes, saying she did everything for her planet. And because of this war, the cowardly and incompetent Onaconda Farr was unable to lead the planet Rodia to make contributions. As a result, the planet was constantly oppressed by the Confederation of Independent Galaxies on the one hand, and on the other hand, it had not been able to negotiate with the Republic. Well, the two ends of the snake and mouse are nothing.

As a result, Perth's dissatisfaction with Onaconda Farr is increasing, because Farr not only does not think about how to survive this war, but spends all day with Padmé Amidala and Bell O'Neal. These pro-peace MPs from Ghana are mixed together.

You must know that unlike planets such as Naboo and Alderaan, which have not been directly threatened so far, the threat of war on Rodia is very direct!

Lolo Perth then carried out his plan, killing Onaconda Farr.

But then M-Ditch was an accident, because after Lolo Perth killed Mr. Farr, he accidentally discovered that Mr. Farr was following Mr. Farr after Lolo Perth, which also made him witness his own A secret meeting with Senator Farr.

Although she didn't directly see the scene of her murder, it was still a hidden danger after all. Lolo Perth judged that Mi Dickey's actions were mostly to find some clues about Congressman Onaconda Farr, so she pushed the boat along the way and contacted Mi Ditch quietly, telling him that she knew that Congressman Farr was corrupt. corrupt evidence.

Although Onaconda Fall is dead, if his political stains can be caught, it will naturally be extremely helpful to the vote on this military expansion bill. As a result, Mi Dicky was fooled and went to meet Lolo Perth in private, and was poisoned to death by her with poisoned wine.

That's the end of the matter, the truth about the murders in Parliament came out, but so what? What should have happened has already happened, and the serious consequences cannot be made up for by the death of one or two people.

Although the murder was an impromptu act without any premeditation, it still had an extremely bad influence on Coruscant politics.

In order to make the most of the influence of this murder, Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala focused their publicity on Lolo Perth's choice of assassination due to the pressure of the war, and also It is pointed out that the fundamental reason why Mi Dickey was poisoned by Perth was that Mi Dickey himself conspired to follow Mr. Farr.

For a while, the main war faction of the Galactic Republic fell into a complete passivity. After calculation, they concluded that the military expansion bill this time would probably not be passed.

However, Schiff Palpatine just smiled and didn't care at all.

The next day, an explosive news detonated the political circles of Coruscant.

There has been a regime change on the planet Umbala, and pro-separatist forces have come to power and formed a new government. At the same time, the planet Umbara announced its withdrawal from the Galactic Republic and joined the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies!

Less than an hour after Planet Umbala issued the announcement, Planet Rodia also issued an announcement, also announcing its withdrawal from the Galactic Republic and joining the Confederation of Independent Galaxies!

The two planets where the senator was assassinated announced their secession from the Republic on the same day, which was completely unexpected to everyone. The murder actually led to such serious consequences, which shocked all the congressmen.

When Palpatine saw the announcement from Planet Rodia, he was slightly astonished, but still smiled, and announced an emergency meeting.

The main reason for Umbara's betrayal of the Galactic Republic was because of Mi-Ditch.

Although his behavior is extreme, he is indeed a very loyal person to the Galactic Republic, and he is also a fanatical war element.

It's just that he promoted the war more for his own benefit. He colluded with Kamino Senator Halle Burtoni to keep profiting from the orders produced by the clone army.

That's why Mi-Ditch was so concerned about the proposal to rebuild the clone factory this time.

But at the same time, his actions have also brought a great burden to the planet Umbara, whether it is financial, political or military.

Therefore, when he died, the power he controlled before disappeared in smoke. At this time, with the secret support and instigation of some forces, regime change and joining the Confederation of Independent Galaxies became inevitable.

And the planet Rodia is very simple. This planet is actually very close to the planet Christophsis, and it is also very close to the planet Tatooine. The difference from the original plot is that the Fourth Civilization has occupied Christofsis, so the influence of separatism on the planet Rodia is very serious.

Congressman Onaconda-Fall's continuous advocacy of peace may not be without the meaning of being in the middle and muddy, so that he can stay out of it.

But now Mr Farr was assassinated by his assistant Lolo Perth, and Perth's reason was so thought-provoking. Also under the instigation and connection of the agents of the Fourth Civilization, Planet Rodia finally made up his mind, reorganized the government, and joined the Confederation of Independent Galaxies directly at the first shot.

Their reason is also very straightforward: since our Congressman Onaconda Fall, he was so loyal and gave everything for the peace and future of the Republic, but ended up being assassinated. So it shows that the national policy of the Galactic Republic does not apply to the current situation of Rodia planet at all.

So, they have to make changes.

Rodia planet and Umbara planet joined the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. This explosive news made the Republic Council panic, and then Schiff Palpatine ignored the opinions of Senator Bail Organa and Senator Padmé Amidala Opposition, forced to convene a parliament to vote.

Now that the parliament is in panic, many centrist members have voted for the main fighters, which made this round of military expansion bills pass again with high votes.

This is what Bail Organa and the others objected to, but it was too late and they could only watch the Galactic Republic fall into an even deeper abyss.

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