The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1097: Project of the Night——The Fall of Eriadu (Part 2)

1096. Project of the Dark Night——The Fall of Eliadu (2)

In the city of Erishan shrouded in black mist, a group of Kali soldiers entered the battlefield silently. They were all wearing black cloaks and animal bone masks painted black. A machete and an M-29 'Mantis' sniper rifle in his hand.

After the Kali people entered the fourth civilized army sequence, the equipment they could obtain was naturally not comparable to before, but their demand for equipment was still very small, and it seemed that this had become their tradition. Since the war with the Yamrui, they have been used to this kind of battle with extremely limited weapons and supplies.

They would rather carry more energy bars to survive in the wild for a few more days than bring an extra gun and extra magazines. Because for them, even if there is no bullet, even if the rifle jams, as long as the scimitar around their waist is still there, they are still the most terrifying killers!

In this darkness, the Kali people still move like flying, obstacles and ruins can't stop their footsteps at all. They kept a distance of more than ten meters from each other, but they still had a tacit understanding. They used gestures to communicate with each other at most, and they hardly made a sound.

Under the cover of darkness, they penetrated deep into the city. Now battles are happening everywhere in the city, with gunshots and explosions one after another, but in this darkness, it is still difficult to distinguish the situation ahead.

The leading Kali general, Hakimi, picked up the device in his hand and looked at it. The device was very simple, and it was actually a small digital screen with only very simple flat images and text on it. At this moment, on the screen, a building at 11 o'clock ahead is marked.

According to the markings, the defenders of Erisian City are stationed in this building, and they are preparing to advance along the west side road to meet the defenders stationed in the underground warehouse of a shopping mall.

Hakimi didn't know how the headquarters could know the opponent's station and direction of action in the darkness, but what he had to do was to execute the order. To disprove the order issued by the headquarters this time, except for letting them miss once, the other orders are all accurate!

It even accurately judged whether the defenders in the area had such tricky combat units as AT-TE walkers!

This combat order: destroy all defenders in this building, count the number of defenders' corpses, and report to the headquarters.

During the night plan for the siege, the headquarters ordered them to report the number of enemy troops as much as possible every time. Even if the enemy troops were dead, they had to count the corpses. This request was very strange, but Hakimi would not go there. refutation and questioning.

He is a fighter, a killer, and a commander, and the person who gave this order is Dawn Star, the benefactor of the Kali people, and that is enough.

Picking up the M-29 Mantis sniper rifle wrapped with black cloth strips, and looking through the sniper eyepiece to check the situation of the target building, he found signs of human activities there.

Hakimi waved his hand, then made several gestures, and at the same time blew a small piece of wood in his mouth, making a high-frequency sound. The other Kali warriors around immediately conveyed the gesture, and at the same time, the high-frequency voice began to come from other directions.

The sound is so subtle that it is difficult for human ears to hear it, and it is completely impossible to be noticed when it is mixed with countless gunshots and explosions, but the Kali people's keen hearing organs can.

The local garrison army is loading supplies onto hover trucks and then, led by two TX-130 Saber assault tanks, prepares to move. But now they are still counting supplies and gathering personnel, this is a good opportunity for a surprise attack!

Hakimi picked up the sniper rifle, his hands were very steady, and aimed at a secret sentry upstairs. The clone soldier only exposed a small part of his helmet from the side of the shooting hole, but according to Hakimi's judgment, this part was shot , can instantly lift a large piece of his skull, although he will not die immediately, but it is absolutely impossible to save him.

Hakimi is used to firing the first shot, and he chooses the most difficult targets.

Although he is the general of the Kali people, he is also one of the most powerful fighters of the Kali people. He once fought in all directions with their demigod Grievous. He is not the kind of general who works in the office. What he wants has always been to charge forward and take the lead.

The sniper rifle moved slightly, steady and balanced, and Hakimi blew the wood chip in his mouth again while pulling the trigger.

boom! ! There was a crisp gunshot, and the secret whistle fell in response!

At this moment, countless gunshots rang out! Dozens of Eriadu defenders stationed in the building were sniped and killed at the same time! The other soldiers responded immediately, hid in the bunker, and fired wildly at the place where the gunshots came from.

But it didn't work at all! They can't grasp each other's position at all.

Several TX-130 Saber Assault Tanks began to turn, ready to rush directly, but in the dark, more than a dozen anti-tank missiles were fired again, directly hitting the tanks from different directions!

boom! boom! ! The small turret of the saber tank was blown up to the sky in the martyrdom explosion!

At the same time, more black shadows entered the building through the chaos!

The shots from the mantis sniper rifle kept ringing out, and this time, it was mixed with a lot of screams!

The Kali people are completely hunters in the dark, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the defenders, and most of these defenders did not see where the enemy was until the last second of their lives.


"J-1229 area, the battle in the direction of General Hakimi is over, they have eliminated 614 people. According to our calculations, the defenders in this building should not exceed 400 people." A Ji Wen mathematician raised his head Let's talk.

"This shows that the Republic's defenders are gradually strengthening their peripheral forces. Add this data to the data for further calculations, paying special attention to this direction. Send more teams there and adjust the bombing direction. Maybe the Republic will have military operations in this direction. " General Ling said.

"Your judgment is not based on calculations, is it?" said the Given mathematician.

"That's right, we call this thing battlefield intuition." General Ling replied, "Although so far, our formula calculation accuracy rate exceeds 80%, but some things still need intuition and experience to judge."

"I see."

"If the Republic defenders really intend to move in this direction, then it is very likely that they plan to break through and get in touch with the troops who came to reinforce them. In this case, we might as well make a pocket in this direction." Ling Liang said on the hologram Draw an area.

"Then I took your results into the calculation, and the conclusion I came to is this..." said the Giving mathematician, "The army of the Republic in the area from J-1004 to JU-827, with about 180,000 people, will launch a breakthrough .”

Today, all staff nucleic acid, the queue is almost exhausted, and the coding will start in the afternoon. I'm not sure if it can be changed five times, anyway, I will make up for the missing ones later. This is currently the first update.

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