1091. Cruel Battle

Cruel battles began immediately. In order to recover these planets, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic also ordered to invest natural troops to land on these planets and cooperate with the clone army to fight.

For example, in the battle on the Charra planet, the Galactic Republic invested more than 2 million conscripted natural soldiers, and at the same time asked the surrendered Charia planet government to send their own local army to cooperate in the battle, with a total strength of more than 1,000 Ten thousand.

But the facts have proved that these natural soldiers with loose military discipline, insufficient training, and outdated equipment are impossible to fight against the robot army!

Facing the robots pressing forward in a neat formation, firing and strafing while advancing, those natural soldiers almost collapsed at the touch of a finger. The routed soldiers instead exposed the flanks of the clone army, forcing them to retreat with them.

In the end, it was the Republic Fleet that took off a large number of fighter jets and bombarded the robot army's control area indiscriminately before stabilizing the battle line.

The battle situation on Planet Charia is unfavorable, and it seems that it has made a bad start. During this counterattack, the Galactic Republic, which has insufficient ground troops, almost ran into walls everywhere.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems has been sending robot legions to these planets for a long time, and they are all entrenched in urban areas and sewer systems. This makes it difficult for the Republic's fighter formation bombing to wipe out all these robots.

And in the hidden places of these planets, the robot army is even equipped with many J-1 heavy proton cannons, which pose a very serious threat to the Cheer-class assault landing ships that want to break into the atmosphere for landing operations.

At the same time, the fleet of the Galactic Republic did not dare to launch an assault hastily. They also worried that once the fleet penetrated into the control area of ​​the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy, it would be cut off from the supply line and grind to death.

It's like Master Yoda's failure in the Model sector.

However, the Galactic Republic has never been able to come up with a solution-the solution is actually very simple, adding additional clone troops, training natural person troops, and the third method that has been placed on the desk of the Supreme Strategic Command.

The first method is no longer possible. With the destruction of the clone factory on Kamino, the output of the clone army has dropped sharply. Even if the third-generation factory is still there, it will take some time to resume production. Fully recovered, the output is less than half of the previous one.

The second method, now that the Galactic Republic has neither money nor time, is naturally impossible.

So there is only a third method left-orbital bombing.

The proposal to allow front-line commanders to use firepower exceeding the rated power for orbital bombing when the situation is critical has been passed. According to this proposal, even if the bombing will cause irreversible damage to the planet's atmosphere, the victory of the battle must be guaranteed, so orbital bombing can be used.

But in the same way, there is another sentence behind the proposal: the frontline commander must obtain the consent of the accompanying Jedi Knights if he wants to carry out orbital bombing.

Now, no Jedi had ordered an orbital bombardment, so the Galactic Republic's counterattack plans were stymied almost from the start.

The Jedi Knights cannot issue this order, because this order will directly and indirectly kill a large number of civilians, which is challenging the tenets of the Jedi Knights they have accepted since childhood.

But if this order is not issued, on the one hand, they can only sit back and watch the separatist forces continue to act recklessly; on the other hand, they can only face a large number of natural soldiers on the battlefield, and then be slaughtered by the robot army...

Although I don't know how long it will be until the first Jedi Knight gives this order, what I can know is that the time has begun to count down...


And at this time, the planet Eliadu.

The cruelty of the battle that broke out on this planet has far surpassed the battle that has broken out on any planet since the outbreak of the war.

The governor of the 18th Army, Wilhof Tarkin, in order to resist the landing of the Fourth Civilization, armed a large number of civilians and formed a huge army of more than 100 million people!

Moreover, he still has more than 1 million local regular troops and 20,000 clone soldiers.

This is a very terrifying force!

The total force of the Fourth Civilization landing is 1.3 million, including 1 million robots. And there are 10,000 Inchori and 20,000 Kali, super soldiers whose fighting power far exceeds that of ordinary people.

In addition, the fourth civilization also has complete air supremacy!

The Wraith fighters and the Banshee fighters are constantly flying over the planet, looking for every ground target and then clearing them on a fixed-point basis.

Large swarms of vulture robot fighters guard the coyote robot bombers, raging on the planet like locusts, as long as they detect something moving in their sensors, even a small animal will dive directly, and then use dense Plow that area to the ground with firepower!

For the defenders of Eriadu, every battle is hell. To be able to come back alive from the battlefield has become the biggest extravagant hope of each of them.


Huh~~~~~~ A suspended train passed by at high speed among the mountains. The train was fully loaded with local troops in gray military uniforms and armed with backward EE-3 blaster rifles.

Many of the soldiers' faces were still childish, and they looked out the window in fear.

Although the levitation train passed by the snow-covered place with an altitude of more than 7,000 meters, the sky was clear with blue sky and white clouds, and the beautiful scenery outside the window was refreshing, but what these soldiers had in their hearts was only fear.

Because they know that when the beautiful scenery outside the window disappears, that is when they step into hell.

The figure of an officer appeared on the holographic screen in front of the carriage, and he said loudly: "Soldiers of the glory of the Republic! Remember! We are soldiers from Valto City in the southern hemisphere! Our goal is to reinforce the planet's capital, Elisian City! Don't lose face to our southern boys!! As long as we can break through the separatist blockade, everyone will get at least a whole ham and enough rations for a month!! Come on southern Valto boys! Show you strength!!"

Although the officer thought he had delivered an exciting speech, there were still very few people who responded, and all the soldiers didn't have too many fluctuations on their faces.

I definitely have to go, and I definitely have to fight, but for the glory of that bullshit? No! For that month's rations, for the hungry parents, wives and children at home!

The scenery outside the window darkened instantly, and the train with the shield turned on and traveling at a speed of more than 2,000 kilometers per hour had already passed through the huge mountain range. Turning my head to look, the window that was still beautiful before was now occupied by a piece of gray! Immediately afterwards, the train passed over a completely destroyed city!

Everything in this city is gray.

This is the color of the dust covered by the repeated orbital bombing, and it also represents... the color of death!

Despair appeared on the face of almost every soldier. Even if there was a slightest illusion before, it is now shattered by the cruel reality!

At this moment, a piercing siren suddenly sounded in the train!

"We were attacked by separatist fighter jets! Everyone get ready to fight!!" the officer yelled.

From several armed carriages of the train, dozens of close-in anti-laser cannons rose up, pointing at the sky, but the sky was empty, nothing at all.

In the next second, dozens of rockets appeared out of thin air and directly exploded on the shield of the train! !

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