Chapter 1089 One thousand eighty-eight The Desperate Galactic Republic (Part 1)

1088. The Desperate Galactic Republic (Part 1)

The capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant.

Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic.

Master Windu walked quickly to this huge building with only three floors on the ground and more than 50 floors underground, running through the first and second floors of Coruscant. He walked quickly, and the mechanical components installed in his abdomen and spine made a slight rhythmic whine as he moved.

This place, which is already very busy on weekdays, is now even more crowded with people. There are at least a million people performing their duties here, commanding the battles in every theater and even every planet in the entire galaxy. The general defense level of this place is the highest on the entire planet, even higher than the Republic Capitol.

The reason why it is said to be conventional is because although the Jedi Temple does not have any military defenses, its actual defense power far exceeds any military force.

Just after entering the headquarters building, several senior generals walked over quickly, saluted Master Windu, and said eagerly: "General Windu, Speaker Palpatine is waiting in the conference room. Card Rama Su, Prime Minister of Planet Mino, is also here."

Hearing Palpatine's name, Master Windu frowned slightly, but he still nodded and walked in.

When I came to the conference room, a large number of red flashes were marked on the huge Milky Way star map in the center. These are the areas where battles are breaking out in the Milky Way.

It can be clearly seen that the red flashes are most dense in the west, north and relatively central positions of the Milky Way. Of course, these are just the appellations of southeast, northwest, and north on the flat star map. The direction cannot be distinguished on this spherical hologram, and it can only be called by habitual appellation.

Master Windu stopped and watched in front of the holographic star map, silent.

"The battle of the Eliadu galaxy and surrounding galaxies, the battle of Antal-Dron galaxy, and... the ever-expanding problem of Geth." Palpatine's voice came from behind Master Windu, "This has already It is now the confidant of our republic, which has affected the life and death of our republic."

Master Windu turned around and stared at Palpatine's eyes. The electronic eye emitting red light on the left adjusted the focus, but he only saw a piece of calm, and he couldn't feel any mania belonging to the dark side at all.

Even now that he got the information that Palpatine might be the Sith Lord, he couldn't see any clues from Palpatine.

This even made him doubt the authenticity of the news again.

But Master Yoda is indeed right. It is indeed impossible to do anything directly to Palpatine now, and judging from the current situation, the possibility of a second Sith Lord is indeed very high.

In addition to the dead angel and his apprentice Darth Lilim who had been identified before, the one who trained Darth Moore and Earl Dooku should indeed be someone else.

Darth Sidious...Master Windu continued to stare into Palpatine's eyes, and asked slowly, "So, what do you think? Your Excellency the Speaker."

"Oh, this doesn't look like your style, Master Windu. Hahahaha..." Palpatine gave a wry smile, then turned his head and said to Rama Su, the Prime Minister of the Kaminoans, "Mr. Prime Minister, you Let me tell you about the current situation on Planet Kamino."

Rama-Su nodded and said: "As I reported before, Planet Kamino suffered heavy losses in this raid by the separatists. Nearly a quarter of the capital, Tipoca, was destroyed. Three other cities were seriously damaged, with more than 4 million casualties. Even now, there are still an unknown number of Separatist Trident-class amphibious landing ships and A-Q series underwater robots in the ocean. Completely annihilated."

"This level of casualties has deeply shaken my approval rating. Basically, I have already determined that I will not be able to be re-elected as Prime Minister." Rama Sue paused, and then said lightly, "In addition, the clone soldiers also suffered heavy losses. According to statistics, 170,000 clone trainers and juvenile clones died in the battle, which means that the next batch of clone soldiers we can provide to the Republic is only 4,000.”

Master Windu shook his head, "This cannot meet the needs of the battle situation at all."

"This is a huge crisis, Master Windu." Palpatine said with a long sigh, "To be honest, I am very depressed, and I don't even know how to continue the war. The Separatists make peace and then acknowledge the existence of the so-called Confederation of Independent Systems they established?"

Lama Su ignored them, the Kamino people had almost no emotion, he just continued to report: "Then for the clone factory, according to Master Seve-Dias's order, the first batch of 12 years ago The factories built and the second-generation factories that have been continuously expanded in recent years have been almost completely destroyed, completely losing their production capacity. The cloned human embryo bank has also been destroyed. Of the 40 million embryos, only close to 17 million can be rescued. Embryos must also be examined to determine whether a bad fetus will result."

He clicked on the hologram, and a huge undersea building section appeared on it, "This is the third-generation clone factory built according to the Armament Renewal Act. In fact, the factory started construction last year. The construction funds were guaranteed by the Galactic Republic treasury. Therefore, the factory could be put into production immediately after the "Arms Renewal Act" was officially passed 3 months ago. The third generation of clones, in order to meet the needs of the war, was set up to be able to It matures within a year, but its entire lifespan is only 5 to 10 years."

"The third-generation clone factory was built on the seabed and has a very strong protective layer, so it survived this separatist raid. The third-generation factory can continue to produce after simple repairs, but the output After all, it cannot be compared with the larger first-generation and second-generation factories."

After Rama-Su finished speaking, he turned to Master Windu, "And the DNA data was taken away. Separatism should be able to master our modification of the DNA Primarch through reverse engineering, so as to respond. That is to say, we will In the war against human beings, it is very likely to face targeted genetic weapons designed to kill clone soldiers."

Palpatine shook his head and said to Master Windu: "So you asked me what I think... Master Windu, my thought is... no idea. Without the clone army, we lost this war. "

Master Windu did not expect that these words came from Palpatine's mouth, which in turn blocked any response he wanted to make, because in this case, he There will be no way to test Palpatine, only to follow his will.

Palpatine, or Darth Sidious, simply retreated and put Master Windu in a very contradictory situation.

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