The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1081 A Deeper Plan (Second Update) [Seeking monthly ticket for subscription]

1080 : A Deeper Plan

The reason why Tang Xiao, Earl Dooku, Newt Gunley and Thorn Hill had a secret meeting here was because the recent series of military actions were actually related to a huge storm that could affect the political system of the entire independent galaxy confederation .

They have been planning this matter for a long time, and now, in the Dron galaxy, the fuse has been ignited.

The Confederation of Independent Galaxies, under the original system, has run out of fuel after more than a year of war... If it continues, the result can only be to sit and wait to die.

For Earl Dooku, if he wants to change his thinking and regard the Confederation of Independent Galaxies as his own survival capital, then he can't just let it go as before, allowing the Confederation of Independent Galaxies to suffer internal and external troubles, and then be defeated by the Galactic Republic in the second half of the war. Push back like a crushing one.

For Tang Xiao, he had to help the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, which had been dying of illness since its establishment, so that the Fourth Civilization could continue to maintain this big tree as a shelter from the wind and rain during its growth. Because he also knows that now the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is sad, and the Galactic Republic does not need to be much better here.

Raiding the Dron galaxy is indeed a plan that is completely impossible to succeed, but General Grievous puts it into this battlefield, but most of them are old warships in the current fleet of the Confederation of Independent Star Systems, including the Generosity-class communication frigate , Disobedient-class light destroyers, Ruklihook-class battleships, Higra-class battlecruisers, and a small number of Divine Will-class destroyers used for appearance.

Relying on these fleets to attack the Galactic Republic's line of defense in the Dron Galaxy, which has been built for half a year, is completely hitting a stone with a pebble. But General Grievous himself is in command, and even if it is old, it is a huge fleet of more than 300 warships, and the Galactic Republic must deal with it with all its strength.

These 300 warships are just an extremely expensive bait. This bait will create favorable conditions and space for the next action plan to raid the Kamino planet. The pressure caused by the galaxy.

In any case, Dawn Star's siege of the Eriadu galaxy this time has become the most important battlefield in the entire war, and both sides are gathering heavy troops in this direction.

Especially the Galactic Republic, they have assembled a large number of fleets in several galaxies close to the Eliadu galaxy, and they continue to attack the planet Marathal, the planet Sullust, and the planet Yago-Dur The direction launched an offensive, and Master Yoda personally led the fleet to raid the Moder star area before, and the battle broke out around this battle.

In other words, surrounding the Eliadu galaxy, this area has become a pressure cooker. If it is not released, the high-pressure gas inside will spew out and cause huge damage. Finding a way to divert the attention of the Galactic Republic and disperse their assembled fleet is not only related to the safety of the Fourth Civilization, but also related to the strategic framework of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies.

Therefore, this large-scale attack launched by the Federation of Independent Galaxies is imperative.

But apart from the four present here, there is no fifth person who knows that this offensive has a deeper meaning.

After the 4-person secret meeting ended, Tang Xiao left the meeting room and returned to his office in the Laxus subplanetary parliament building. On the way, the communicator rang. He picked it up and found that it was the communication of the dream sisters.

Frowning slightly, Tang Xiao quickened his pace, returned to the office and opened the barrier before connecting to the communication.

"Hello Governor!" Luna Meng and Luna Huan held hands and gave a ladylike salute, looking as cute as they wanted.

"Is there something special about looking for me suddenly?" Tang Xiao asked lightly.

"Governor, Master Windu sent us to reinforce the battle on Kamino." Luna-Meng replied calmly.

"Then we drove away the big spider's fleet and rescued Prime Minister Rama Su. You won't blame us, right? Governor." Luna Huan said playfully.

"I need to make sure that my plan can be implemented smoothly." Tang Xiao was noncommittal, but his voice became cold.

"The governor's plan has scored 70 points!" Luna Huan said with a smile.

"General Grievous failed to destroy the third-generation cloning factory located on the seabed, but he blew up more than half of the embryo stockpile and got the DNA data." Luna-Meng continued.

"Has the production of human clones not completely stopped?" Tang Xiao looked coldly, "For me, there is no such thing as 70 points. What I want is a complete victory! If not, it is a failure! I hope you didn't become a key factor in this."

"Oh, so in order to compensate the governor, we found a cannon fodder for you!" Luna Huan said.

"cannon fodder?"

"Master Shak Ti's apprentice, Maris Bruder. She has fallen into the dark side, and she is no longer suitable to continue to exist in the Jedi Order." Luna Meng said.

"There is darkness hidden in her heart!" Luna-Huan added.

"Among the Jedi Order, there are many people who hide darkness in their hearts. Why did you find an unknown soldier?" Tang Xiao asked calmly with a blank face.

"Because some people are very powerful, if they are not sure, they won't do it." Luna Meng said.

There was a trace of teasing on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, "Such as Anakin Skywalker?"

"Wow! Talking to the governor is so comfortable!" Luna Huan smiled happily, holding her face, but her eyes were as indifferent as ever.

"You guys took great risks to contact me directly just to tell me these little things?" Tang Xiao stared at the two sisters, a golden light from the dark side flashed in his eyes.

"No...we just want to see, Mr. Governor, what is your dream like?" Luna Huan tilted her head and looked at Tang Xiao with a cute expression.

His eyes were still cold.

"My lord governor, do you know how to dream?" Luna Meng still folded her hands on her abdomen, very ladylike and respectful.

His eyes were also icy cold.

Their voices became a little erratic, and everything around them seemed to be unreal...

"Don't, play this kind of joke with me." Tang Xiao's face flashed a trace of sullenness, and a powerful force of the dark side rushed towards him! After traveling through countless light years and countless starry skies, it hit the dream sister's soul hard like a huge fist!

The communication flickered and was cut off.

At the same time, in another office, Earl Dooku, who was sitting upright in meditation in the quiet room, suddenly opened his eyes.

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