The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1065 The Countermeasures of the Jedi Order

1064. Countermeasures of the Jedi Order

21BBY, July 4th.

The planet Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, the top floor of the Jedi Temple Tower, the meeting hall of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order.

"...That's how it is, Master Yoda. The dead angel himself admitted that his other identity is Tang Xiao, the governor of the Dawn Star, and he also told us that another Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, is the Galaxy The Speaker of the Parliament, Heev Palpatine himself." Master Windu said with a serious face.

Now in the chamber, there are only him, Master Yoda, and the party involved, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Well... the principle of two-person system, the tradition of the Sith Lord. That is to say, two pairs of master and apprentice, in this galaxy." Master Yoda was holding a cane, his face could not restrain the fatigue and vicissitudes of life, but he still Be strong, try hard to think, to feel.

"That's right, according to the dead angel, the dead angel and Edra Ketis who appeared before, that is, Darth Lilim, are one of the Sith masters and apprentices. And Darth Sidious Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatists, is another pair of mentors and apprentices. Count Dooku's Sith title is Darth Tyranus, but according to the dead angel, he did not record Count Dooku to the Sith. In the Book of Sith, so strictly speaking, Count Dooku is not a Sith." Obi-Wan Kenobi said.

"Hmph!" Master Windu snorted coldly, "There are quite a lot of these scum hidden in the shadows, all kinds of ghost tricks and all kinds of weird so-called traditions!"

"The disaster of destruction, the Jedi Knights and the Galactic Republic, if what the dead angel said is true." Master Yoda came to the window with a cane, "Always shrouded in the core of the galaxy, the power of the dark side. Revealed the reason, the dead Angel's intelligence."

"Master Yoda, did you just choose to believe the information about the dead angel, which is obviously malicious?" Master Windu said in disbelief.

"What is the countermeasure? If it is true, this matter." Master Yoda asked directly.

Master Windu's cheeky face became even darker, "It is impossible for us to openly question the Speaker of the Republic, we can only investigate secretly, and if he accidentally finds out about our actions, then we will be even more passive."

He paused and said, "However, because I have more contact with the Congress of the Republic, I can indeed feel the change of the political wind within the Galactic Republic—the power of Schiff Palpatine is increasing. In the past In one year, 106 administrative departments of Coruscant were cut, and more than 30,000 employees were laid off, but more than 70,000 new people were added. This shows that the political structure of the Republic is being subtly changed."

"But from another perspective, this is not a bad thing. We all know that the bureaucracy in the Republic's political arena is very serious. Maybe this can improve administrative efficiency..." Obi-Wan Kenobi said.

"But has the administrative efficiency really improved?" Master Windu asked back.

Obi-Wan sighed and shook his head.

"This is a redistribution and high concentration of power, not a reform to improve efficiency." Master Windu said, and then he nodded: "I understand what you mean, Master Yoda. The current situation , there is no difference...whether Shiv-Palpatine is Darth-Sidious or not, we must monitor him to a certain extent to prevent the Republic from continuing to the abyss."

"But this war...maybe it's a Sith conspiracy!" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked anxiously.

"This war must end as soon as possible!" Master Windu said firmly, "We need to reduce the number and frequency of Jedi Knights participating in the war, and gradually concentrate our main forces on Coruscant. In this way, no matter what Palpatine is He will have scruples about his identity!"

Master Yoda looked out the window and shook his head, "The war cannot be won, and the Jedi Knights have reduced their participation in the war. Forcing us to go to the battlefield, with the righteousness of the Republic, Palpatine's plan, this is it."

He turned and looked at Windu, and then said: "The outbreak of the war, the accumulation of contradictions led to it. It cannot be stopped, from the beginning we have. Everything is irreversible, when Palpatine became the speaker, when Earl Dooku became the leader , separatist."

Obi-Wan - Kenobi said: "It is true that if the Jedi Knights reduce the number of attacks, then if the battle fails, Palpatine can put the blame on us. And if we are as highly involved in every battle as we are now Battle, then this was originally planned by Palpatine... Therefore, our only way is to capture one of Palpatine or Count Dooku, and maybe we have a chance to make peace with the Separatists."

"Peace? Do you really think so? Obi-Wan! Make peace with the separatists who split the Galactic Republic?" Master Windu raised his voice, "Perhaps you should reflect on yourself. This matter itself is an act of treason!"

"The reason why the war can't end, this kind of idea is exactly...our Jedi Knights." Master Yoda slammed the ground twice with his crutches, and then said, "Go to the planet Seria, take a Army, Obi-Wan. Died there, during a raid."

Obi-Wan Kenobi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood Master Yoda's meaning, "You mean, let me take this opportunity to go to Dawn Star again to find Tang Xiao, the dead angel?"

Master Windu said loudly: "Forgive me, Master Yoda. This plan is ridiculous! Are we going to cooperate with a Sith Lord? He holds the book of Sith in his hand, maybe he is the one who really owns it. A man of the Sith heritage! I have also fought him head-on! His ferocity and cunning are beyond imagination, and even Master Depa-Bilaba fell into darkness under his bewitching! Even this time, our attack on Model Star The attack in the district must have been planned by him behind the scenes, using those civilians as shields!"

"Feel the power of the dead angel, more than ten years ago." Master Yoda said, "It was not so dark, his power at that time. Chaos, more."

He turned around with his cane on his crutches, came to Obi-Wan Kenobi, looked at Master Windu again and said, "The Dawn Star and the Western Territory, the dead angels are at best entrenched. The heart of the Galactic Republic, Darth Sidi Erth's claws are there! Must be cut off, Death Angel and Dawn Star, after destroying Darth Sidious."

"If this is your final decision, then I can only obey." Master Windu bowed deeply to Master Yoda, and then walked out without looking back.

"I will make preparations immediately, and head to Planet Ceria with a reconnaissance team under the 212th Assault Battalion. Farewell." Obi-Wan Kenobi also bowed and left the chamber.

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