The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1056: A Shameful Retreat

1055. The Disgraceful Retreat

The white flashes caused by the space dimension reaction when leaving the hyperspace channel kept flickering, one spaceship after another came here from the hyperspace.

These spaceships did not jump synchronously, but arrived one after another.

Higra-class battlecruisers, Bountiful-class frigates, Javelin-class guided-missile frigates, Apocalypse-class light cruisers... There's even a Rookiehook-class battleship!

Unlike the warships of the Republic covered in injuries, although these warships also have many damages, they are obviously in much better condition after being repaired and processed by drones.

And after seeing the arrival of this fleet, the public channel used by the civilian fleet suddenly burst into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami!

"It's our fleet! Our fleet!!"

"Governor Canedy is here!"

"Look! The Republic Fleet is on the run! We've won!!"

"Long live! Long live!!"

That's right, the Republic Fleet failed completely...

They still have 19 Jaeger-class battlecruisers capable of action, but their powerful main guns are empty, and there are no turbolaser shells filled with explosive gas to launch, and their energy cores have already lit up Red alert, their engines have already been set to eco gear...

The only thing they can do is run away!

Volgograd-Kanidi stood on the flagship bridge, his gaze was like a torch, he almost roared and roared on the public channel, "Do you want to run? After causing such heavy damage to our Model sector, you still want to run What!?? How many people have been displaced! How many people have no food to eat! How many wives have been separated!! It is because of your Republic! Because of your Galactic Republic! And you! Jedi Order, Yoda!!!”

He slapped the console heavily, and directly issued a military order on the public channel, "The whole army assaults!! These invaders from the Galactic Republic will not be left behind! All of them will be sent to the judgment stand!! Welcome them Yes, it will be a just trial!! The whole army assaults!!!”

The two fleets of the Galactic Republic have merged into one, and they still have 19 warships capable of action, and these warships have begun to adjust their formation, and are preparing to start the hyperspace engine and leave the hell of the Model sector.

But now, even escaping and retreating is an extravagant hope...

"The hyperspace channel from Planet Anji to Planet Ceria is currently impassable! Smashers of the Republic! Surrender!!" Volgograd-Kanidi roared loudly.

He was right. The Mordel Star District has never been an area with very stable hyperspace channels. Even the planet Anji, which has the most stable hyperspace channels, is still unnavigable for at least one-third of a year.

And now, is one of these unnavigable times!

The fleet of the Galactic Republic has nowhere to escape! !

"General! According to the calculation, the time we can enter the hyperspace channel is 89.44 hours later!" The navigator reported loudly, his face full of panic.

"89 hours? Impossible!" The Republic Fleet Commander Sioster roared loudly, "This is equivalent to 4 days before we can enter the waterway!"

"General, that's true. It will take at least 3 to 4 days for the turbulence in the hyperspace channel between the Anakin galaxy and the Seria galaxy to subside," the navigator said.

"No... three days, after three days we won't even have a whole body left!" Sioster finally collapsed, he grabbed the navigator's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

"But...but..." the navigator cried, but there was nothing he could do.

"Prepare to jump in hyperspace, according to my navigation." Master Yoda's tired voice came from behind.

"Master Yoda!" Siesta turned his head sharply, "But ever since you led our fleet here, you haven't recovered...Now, now..."

"It's my responsibility, the failure of the battle. I must take on the responsibility of bringing everyone back." Master Yoda said slowly.

He stood up, his body swayed, looking a little overwhelmed, but he still stabilized his figure with crutches, and took a deep breath.

After all, he was already a 900-year-old man.

Then, he raised his hands, and with a click, the crutch fell to the ground. However, at this moment, a strange feeling came from him, even an ordinary person like Xioser could feel that the universe outside was rotating.

That's right, turn...

Countless stars are moving, and getting closer and closer, this feeling, as if the size of the universe is getting smaller!

He can even see his home planet Federer, and as the size of the universe gets smaller and smaller, he can actually see his wife and his children...

Not only did he feel this way, but even the navigator, even the navigation computer of the battleship, and even the real space, all had some invisible changes under the incomparably powerful force of Master Yoda.

"The hyperspace readings are changing! It is estimated that the next jump will take another 72 hours... 61 hours... 58 hours..." The navigator shouted with joy.

At this moment, including the entire Anji planet, the entire outer orbit of the planet, and the entire Moder star area, they are all watching this hyperspace jump.

Seeing that the Republic fleet actually activated the hyperspace engine and lowered the energy shield, Volgograd Canidi roared loudly: "Don't let them escape!!"

Every spaceship on the battlefield of Planet Model began to fire towards the Republic fleet like crazy.

At this moment, their target is no longer that transport fleet, but the Republic Fleet itself! They want to sink every single Jaeger-class battlecruiser!

However, in terms of the performance of the warships of both sides, if the Jaeger-class battlecruisers on the Republic side really want to run, those second-tier spacecraft that have been eliminated on the Model sector side really can't stop them.

Especially when Master Yoda once again used his incomparably powerful force to forcibly open a hyperspace channel!

The spaceships of the Model Space Fleet fired at the Jaeger-class desperately, but only destroyed the energy sources and engines of 3 of the warships. After a few minutes, the other 16 warships directly opened the supercars against the enemy's firepower. The space engine has entered the hyperspace channel!

"Kill him..." Before Volgograd-Kanidi finished speaking, he watched the warships of the Republic disappear with bursts of dazzling white light and entered the hyperspace.

Canidy suddenly seemed to lose all strength, his body almost fell, but he quickly supported the table to stabilize his figure.

Jin Chen on the side hurried over to help him up, "Your Excellency, we have won! We have won completely!! The Republic Fleet has left the Model sector!"

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