The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1054 The Second Battle of the Mordel Sector (9)

1053. The Second Battle of the Mordel Sector (9)

"All warships, fire on the fin whale-class industrial flagship!" Sioster roared loudly, "Pay attention to the shield readings of the other party, and you can't blow up this industrial flagship directly! The fighter squadron is always ready! Once the shield of the industrial flagship is destroyed , Immediately interrupt the connection point of the warehouse!"

Immediately, 8 Jaeger-class battlecruisers turned around and fired at the fin whale-class industrial flagship.

From the beginning of the war until now, this fin whale class has been standing still, so no matter how far away it is on this battlefield, it is not difficult to hit such a fixed target with the hunter class fire control system.

After all, the maximum engagement distance of the Hunter-class design is 10 light minutes, about 180 million kilometers.

One after another, powerful turbolaser cannons hit the fin whale-class industrial flagship, causing the energy shield to flicker.

In the flagship of the Republic Fleet, the technician nervously checked the readings on the scanner, "The first round of shelling is over, and the energy readings of the fin whale-class energy shield are expected to drop by 12%!" He turned back and said.

"Let all the ships pay attention to the rhythm of firing, and we can't destroy this ship! What we need is the supplies on it! Fighter formations are ready, tractor beams are ready!" Sioster said loudly.

Under the current battle situation, although the Model Fleet has various traps arranged in advance, after all, the combat capabilities of the Jaeger-class battlecruisers are far stronger than their capital ships Higra-class and Generosity-class. Yes, so at least until the Republic fleet runs out of ammunition, the Republic battleship can still hold the initiative.

Another salvo!

Dozens of turbo laser cannons exploded on the fin whale-class industrial flagship, and the energy shield flickered violently again.

"Successful hit! This time it is estimated that the damage caused by the opponent's shield energy will be 39%!" The technicians of the Republic reported loudly.

"Go on!" Sioster said.

The Jaeger-class battlecruisers of the Republic Fleet kept firing and began to adjust their posture. As soon as the fin whale-class shield was destroyed, they immediately used tractor beams to grab the opponent's cargo warehouse full of explosive gas and core elements.

The third salvo is expected to cause 25% shield damage...

The fourth salvo is expected to cause 40% shield damage...

The fifth salvo is expected to cause 37% shield damage...

Sioster finally realized something was wrong, he swooped onto the screen and roared loudly, "What the hell happened? Why is the shield of this industrial flagship still there!?"

The technician's forehead was also sweating coldly. He pointed to the data on the screen and said: "That's right! This is the estimated data obtained from our previous scan of the energy intensity of the spacecraft, the actual results and their real shield capacity The gap between them will not exceed 10%..."

"But why..." Xioste's face was extremely hideous.

At this time, another burst of bright light flashed outside the porthole, and the main gun of the flagship they were on fired again.

The blue turbo laser beam shot out rapidly, and exploded on the fin whale-class industrial flagship. However, as always, there was another burst of violent energy shield ripples, but...

The energy shield is still there!

Countless water mist began to spray out around the industrial flagship, almost covering the entire battleship, and it was unknown what it was doing.

But what all of them can know is that the shield is still there!

"Bastard! This is impossible!! Six rounds of volleys in a row, even the super battleship Plague that once ravaged the inner ring will be injured!!" Sioster punched the console.

"General, shall we..." The technician was sweating coldly.

This time it was Admiral Sioster's turn to be silent. Now that the fleet's material stock had already bottomed out, if they continued to launch salvos like this, each launch would mean that their fleet's combat capability would drop by one point. But if it stops here, won't all the previous salvos be wasted?

What's more, this is just an industrial flagship, a civilian ship! Although the length is 2449 meters, it can be regarded as a giant, but no matter what, it is impossible to withstand the continuous salvo of more than a dozen Jaeger-class battlecruisers!

Maybe, the next volley, its shield will be broken...

Sioster gritted his teeth, fixed his eyes on the fin whale-class industrial flagship that had not moved from the beginning to now, but pierced his heart like a thorn, and spit out a few words through his teeth, " Keep shooting!"

The light outside the porthole flickered again, and the battleship's main guns fired again!

The seventh time... the eighth time... the ninth time!

However, the fin whale class is still the same! The flicker of the energy shield being attacked is still on!

"General... The ammunition reserve of the No. 7 turret has been emptied. Are you mobilizing it from other turrets?" The officer of the fire control department came over and asked.

Sioste's face was ashen, and he stared blankly at the fin whale-class industrial flagship. His lips moved, but he couldn't say a word.

At the same time, Master Yoda, who was leading a fighter squadron to fight bloody battles in the space full of asteroids and shot down dozens of fighter jets by himself, also looked at the fin whale class whose shield was still flashing, and shook his head , opened the communication and said: "Retreat, do it now."


The warship of the Republic finally turned around and quickly flew out of the complex environment in the galaxy. It seemed that they were about to leave the gravitational well of the star and start the hyperspace engine to leave.

Volgograd-Kanidi, the Governor of the Model Star Region, swung his fist fiercely, as if venting all the frustration in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "The Republic Fleet is retreating! We..."

"Your Excellency Governor!" Jin Chen raised his head, his bloodshot eyes were full of excitement, "We won!"

"That's right! We won!" Volgograd-Kanidi nodded heavily, but then he gave a loud command, "All active spaceships, set off immediately after simple resupply! Target, Planet Anji! We We must block the fleet of the Republic here! This time, even if the commander of the opponent is Master Yoda, we must capture him and become our captive!!"

"Yes!!!" All the officers and soldiers around responded loudly in unison.

At the same time, in the fin whale-class industrial flagship, everyone was busy. Even if the ventilation system was operating at full capacity, the entire spaceship was filled with a burning smell, and the temperature inside the spaceship had reached 45 degrees Celsius. !

"Quick! Lock down the H-79 isolation compartment, and don't let the fire spread!" The captain continued to issue instructions to let the damage control department in the spacecraft fight the fire everywhere.

On the screen in front of him, red alerts flashed everywhere on the disassembled cross-sectional diagram of the entire battleship.

"Finally resisted! The pulse-activated associated almighty core." The captain let out a long sigh of relief. He was also sweating profusely, half because of the heat, and the other half because of nervousness and fear.

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