The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 106: The Actions of the Underworld Giants

104. The Actions of the Underworld Giants

Galin said with a faint smile: "So, the crux of the matter is not in the trade alliance, but in Hego Damask II. In his view, you are just a tool that can be squeezed. The only way to get rid of his influence Only planet Naboo has the confidence to cancel the unequal contract with the Trade Federation, isn't it?"

Veruna snorted coldly, "When our cooperation project with Nubia Interstellar Drive Company is completed, if the Trade Federation dares to be so arrogant again, I will let their people come and go!"

"Are you talking about the development of the N-1 starfighter? This is a good thing. In short, before the development of the N-1 starfighter is completed, we, Black Sun, can help you with the safety of the planet Naboo." Garin said with a sneer, "As long as we can reach an agreement, even if it is a trade alliance, if you want to touch your planet Naboo, you have to ask me if I agree."

"But what should we do now? Do we just let Hei Ge continue to ride on our heads and shit?!" Veruna was still furious.

With a mocking smile on his face, Jialin filled Veruna with fine wine, then picked up his own cup and touched it lightly to make a crisp sound, "Hei Ge is also a businessman after all, can you believe what he said? Therefore, we black people are the friends you can really make. Although we are doing illegal business, I can assure you of one thing—compared with those businessmen, we are gangsters, and we still have to face. .”

"What do you want to say?" Veruna felt that there was something in Jialin's words.

"As I said, the crux of the problem lies in Hego Damask II. Let me handle this matter. As long as the Interstellar Banking Association no longer sings with the Trade Federation, they will not dare to do this again. You You can cancel the unequal treaties you signed with them, and then cooperate with us on an equal footing," Garin said.

"Do you dare to provoke Hei Ge?"

"It's not a question of daring or not... because he has already provoked me." Galin's smile became cruel, "Hei Ge betrayed the Hutt Gardulla, and also made us black sun in the tower. Tuyin's business has suffered heavy losses. And we, Black Sun, will never sit back and watch our friends be bullied. This is the case with Gardulla, and the same is true for Planet Naboo."

He threw the crystal wine glass off the balcony with his hands, and said coldly: "Look, after I get rid of Hei Ge, the Trade Union will naturally retreat. In terms of plasma mine business, Black Sun is your best partner."

King Veruna said gloomyly: "Well, since this is the case, I am waiting for your good news. As long as Hege can be dealt with, we can get rid of the unequal contract with the trade alliance. As long as the cooperation with you is beneficial Ketu, I can convince those ministers."

"The price offered by our Black Sun will be three times that of the Trade Federation." Alexi Garin saluted Veruna gracefully, then turned and left, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Veruna looked at Galin's back with a grim expression, "Hei Ge..."

Jialin walked all the way to the tarmac, and after stepping onto his own shuttle, a pale female bodyguard was waiting.

"Miguela, check Hego's recent actions for me. The point is, what role did he play in the riots on planet Tatooine, and why did he cut off support for Gardulla the Hutt at this time? .” Galin said to the female bodyguard.

"Yes." Michela nodded, and then said: "In addition, just now Vigo-Kash-Garulan sent a message saying that the pirates entrenched around Tatooine, Iron Fang-Kuken was killed last month. People are wiped out."

Garin frowned, "Last month? Isn't this the time when the riots on Tatooine started? Let Garuran pay attention to whether there is a connection between the two."

"He said that he has some clues and is investigating. And because Iron Fang-Kuken is a chess piece he arranged, so he was killed by someone like this, so he must go to get back the game." Michela said.

Galin waved his hand and said: "Let him go, now our focus should be on Heige. If he really betrayed Gardulla, then don't blame me for meddling in his business on the planet Naboo gone."


The outer ring of the Milky Way, the outer edge of the Tyon star cluster, and the planet Murkana.

On a deep blue to almost black sea, relying on a huge cliff to build a beautiful city - Murkana City. All the buildings in the city look spiral and colorful like countless huge coral reefs.

This is one of the important planets of the trade alliance, providing necessary transit, supplies and functions including resource extraction and industrial manufacturing for this barren star area.

A burly figure sat on the balcony railing of a mansion, holding a piece of fruit in his hand. This is a Twi'lek, but unlike the slender Twi'lek understood by Tong Tong, the muscles of this Twi'lek are visible to the naked eye, even to the point of being bloated.

And his left eye was also replaced with an electronic eye. Because the size of the electronic eye was not suitable, a large piece protruded from his left eye socket, which looked a little deformed.

At this time, a man in a black uniform and a faceless mask with a black sun mark on his face came in, he knelt down on one knee respectfully behind him, and said, "Master Garulan, we have investigated clearly .Iron Fang-Kuken died in the Endor galaxy. At the moment, there is a colony under development in the Endor galaxy, and the company behind it is said to be called the Fourth Group."

This Twi'lek, who is like a bodybuilding champion, is Vigo-Kash-Garulan, one of the nine Vigos of the Black Sun! Under the leader of the Black Sun, Alexi Garin, he is one of the nine most powerful people in control of the huge underground industrial chain of the Black Sun!

Even if this name is just reported, those ordinary planets will even tremble for it!

"Is there any other information?" Garuran asked after taking a bite of the fruit.

"A very huge civilian colony spacecraft is docked in the Endor galaxy, and there is no more information other than that," said the subordinate.

A ferocious look appeared on Garuran's face, "A colony, and a huge colony spaceship? Huh! It seems that my good brother Kuken suffered a lot in this place. First, send people to seal off the entire Endor galaxy , Set up a blocker near the hyperspace channel, and all the spaceships coming and going will be stopped by me!"

"But my lord, if you set up a blocker, I'm afraid the people in the trade alliance will be very unhappy."

"The hyperspace channel near the Endor galaxy usually has very few spaceships at all. Let's say hello to those smugglers and bounty hunters. Let's say that the Endor galaxy is the Black Sun's business!" Garuran grinned.

Thanks to Zhijunbao 22154 for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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