The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1050 The Second Battle of the Mordel Sector (5)

1049. The Second Battle of the Mordel Sector (5)

When the fierce battle in the Eye of Kuna galaxy was in full swing, the capital of the Mordel sector, the planet Anji, which had been on the verge of eruption, finally had a sudden change, and it exploded like a nuclear (shi) bomb that had been brewing for a long time.

On the planet Anji, the relationship between the Ailu people and humans was in dire straits. After the arrival of the Galactic Republic fleet, the Ailu people set off a rebellion immediately, surrendered to the Galactic Republic, and thought that with the support of the Republic Fleet, they could All humans on the planet were killed.

But who knew that the human beings on the planet Anji could run faster than them. When the current queen of the Ailu people was still announcing the surrender announcement, the leader of the human side had already drilled on the flagship of the Republic Fleet and expressed his willingness to surrender the galaxy in person. republic.

The Ailu people suddenly became furious, their hearts were full of grass and mud horses running wildly, it is only natural for us to surrender to the Galactic Republic, but why do you have to surrender!

As a result, an armed conflict broke out between the two races on the planet, and the scale of the conflict was getting bigger and bigger, and the tanks and armored vehicles were almost not driven out.

After the commander-in-chief Admiral Sioster and Master Yoda went to the Kuna star cluster, 10 hunter-class battlecruisers and 8,000 clone soldiers were left here to try to maintain order.

But maintaining order can only be said to be a fantasy. The total population of the planet Anji is about 4 billion, and 8,000 clone soldiers are just a drop in the bucket.

And I have to say that the human regime on the planet Anji surrendered to the Galactic Republic at the same time, which is a very clever move. Because a simple surrender blocked the possibility of the Galactic Republic fleet's direct armed intervention, leaving them caught between humans and Ailu people in a desperate and muddy situation.

In fact, after Master Yoda and the others led the main fleet to leave, there was no peace on the planet Anji. Riots, clashes, bloodshed, marches, strikes, just about every possible catastrophic accident happened.

The production on the planet does not even require workers to strike, it has already come to a standstill, and the spaceport and strategic warehouses have long been destroyed in riots with ulterior motives.

Not only that, but there are more and more interstellar pirates. Groups of pirates are running rampant in the Mordel star area, robbing caravans and cutting off the route. Several major planets in the star area are constantly sending urgent reports.

The Republic could only divide up the 10 Jaeger-class battlecruisers again, and go to Planet Vathian, Planet Sonner and other places to destroy pirates.

At the same time, they also have one of the most important tasks, which is to collect as much strategic materials as possible to provide supplies for the main fleet that is about to return.

On June 32, news finally came from the warship of the Republic located on the planet Maya-Kevil, the home planet of the Ailu people. The Ailu people were almost scavenging and finally gathered a batch including explosive gas, battleship fuel and hyperspace core elements. The strategic materials will be sent to the planet Anji soon.

The planet Maya-Kevil is now the most stable planet here, because there are all Ailu people there, so there are no violent conflicts and strikes. Of course, there are also shortcomings. Maya-Kevil planet is the poorest and the second most biased. Otherwise, the Ailu people would not have moved their political core here after colonizing the planet Anji.

This is also impossible, because the Anji planet is indeed the most convenient transportation hub in the Model star area, so even if there is a risk in this batch of strategic materials, they have to be sent to the Anji planet.

The commander of the Republic Squadron staying here did not dare to be careless, and immediately ordered the warships of several other planets to prepare to return immediately, and concentrated their forces to stabilize the situation on the planet Anji.

However, things often happen at the worst time, in the worst place, and in the worst posture!

In a mountain depression in the southern hemisphere of the planet Anji, a hidden door suddenly opened, and then hundreds of spaceships took off at the same time. These spaceships flew close to the ground at ultra-low altitude, and before the Republic fleet could react, they rushed directly into the city of the Ail people on the planet Anji!

Their goal is very clear, and they rushed into the capital, economic center and transportation hub of the Ailu people at the same time!

The spaceship landed, the hatch opened, and a blood-red army rushed out!

Blood-red combat uniforms, blood-red helmets, and even weapons are painted blood-red! On the visor of the full-coverage helmet, various ferocious beasts were spray-painted, as if what rushed out were not intelligent creatures, but terrifying beasts!

That's right! Beast Legion!

The characteristic of the Mordel star area is also the biggest trump card. They have always been on the planet Anji!

The Beast Legion is the soldiers recruited from among the most heinous criminals on the prison planet Thornell! Almost all of them were felons who were sentenced to death or indefinitely. Joining the army gave them their last chance to survive. As long as they made enough military exploits, their sentences could be reduced.

The training method of this legion is almost the most strict and inhumane. The instructors are from the Fourth Legion. They don’t care about the lives of these criminals at all. It doesn’t matter how many people die. Their purpose is to train the most cruel army. !

The Beast Legion made a brief appearance in the previous battle where the Fourth Civilization wiped out the 19th Army of the Republic, and participated in the battles to capture the planets Haven and Glenpine successively, but none of them were decisive battles.

The main reason is that although this army is powerful, their behavior makes the Supreme Military Command of the Fourth Civilization somewhat uncomfortable. The main reason is that they are worried that the massacre they create will put the Fourth Civilization in a disadvantageous position in terms of public opinion.

But now, there is no such scruple!

The Beast Legion went through another costume change afterwards. This time, they changed all their combat uniforms to blood red. Moreover, a unique counter is installed in the combat helmet - the kill counter!

This is actually a monitor that records the entire combat process of these soldiers in real time. Then after the battle is over, the contents of the counter will be counted, and the battle merits will be settled by the number of kills.

Because the statistical process is too cruel, it is basically handed over to robots.

Robots don't care if you kill civilians or soldiers, as far as they're programmed, killing a civilian is worth 0.1 points, killing a fully armed soldier is worth 2 points, and killing a clone trooper is worth 10 points.

Deploying the Beast Legion on the planet Anji and hiding it in advance shows that Volgograd-Kanidi has long been prepared for the rebellion of the Ailu people. Going to be polite to them!

The beast is out!

What it brings is killing!

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