The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1047 The Second Battle of the Mordel Sector (2)

1046. The Second Battle of the Mordel Sector (2)

The main fleet of the Fourth Civilization's Model sector finally appeared!

However, compared to the powerful fleet of 20 Jaeger-class cruisers here in the Galactic Republic, the main fleet in the Model sector is very shabby. There are 10 Hiegla-class battlecruisers and 5 Generosity-class battlecruisers here. Communication frigates, and then 8 Apocalypse-class light cruisers.

Basically, they are all battleships that were eliminated from the first-line navy of the Fourth Civilization and the Confederation of Independent Galaxy. These warships have been proved in previous actual combat that they cannot compete with the Jaeger-class battlecruisers, and they were later handed over to the second-line fleet for use. Maintain law and order or rush up as cannon fodder when the main fleet is fighting.

Such a fleet is naturally impossible to pose much threat to the Republic's fleet.

But the only troublesome thing is that the 20 Jaeger-class battlecruisers of the Republic's expeditionary fleet are currently deployed around the equator of the planet, and 4 of them are currently in the atmosphere, so only one of them can meet the enemy immediately. 8 Jaeger-class ships.

The fleet in the Mordel sector did not hesitate to launch an artillery attack on the Republic warships immediately after leaving the hyperspace.

The Higra-class battlecruiser and the Generosity-class communication frigate have one thing in common. They have very few main guns, both of which are only two and are deployed directly in front, but they are also powerful.

The initial rounds of bombardment posed the greatest threat to the Republic Fleet before the two sides engaged in battle. But the officers and soldiers of the Republic Fleet were already very familiar with these warships of the opponent. They began to spread out the formation of the battleships and attack from several directions.

At the same time, warships from other directions of the planet also immediately concentrated towards this side. The Republic Fleet has been in the Moder sector for almost half a month, and it has almost beaten here, but it has not been able to touch the opponent's main fleet. Commander West Oster was already hungry and thirsty.

However, at this moment, more than a dozen spaceships suddenly took off from Blackhorn City, the capital of the planet Kuna's Fang. These spaceships rushed out of the encirclement while the Republic's warships were focusing on the main fleet, and left After that, the gravity well entered the hyperspace channel for the first time and escaped.

After these spaceships escaped, the main fleet of the Model sector had no intention of fighting at all, and immediately started to turn on the hyperspace engine, jumped into hyperspace before the Republic warship rushed over, and disappeared.

On the bridge of the flagship of the Republic Fleet, Master Yoda suddenly opened his eyes. He looked in one direction and said slowly, "Leaving the planet Kuna's Fang, the Separatist Commander."

Siost's face was gloomy, "Their governor is called Volgograd-Kanidi. It seems that their main fleet is here to cover his escape."

"Demonstration, temptation, their purpose. Well..." Master Yoda said.

"Indeed, they are announcing to us that they still have the ability to resist, and their main fleet has not been damaged..." Sioster said through gritted teeth, "If I guess right, the planet Kuna's Fang Will surrender immediately!"

Sure enough, the screen on the side flickered for a moment, and a middle-aged woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses appeared on the screen. She bowed deeply to Master Yoda and said, "Given the great power of the Galactic Republic, the Fang of Kuna The planet has decided to lay down its arms, stop resistance, and surrender in full. I hope that the army of the Republic will not do anything to the civilians on the planet. They are just poor people from all over the galaxy to escape the war."

"Then I ask you to resupply our fleet immediately! We need fuel, explosive gas, and core elements!" Sioster said coldly.

"Sorry, the criminal Volgograd-Kanidi blew up the warehouse when he left, and in the previous battle, the destroyed spaceport and airport originally stored a lot of war supplies, but now, there is no Yes." The female adjutant lowered her head and said very respectfully: "But we can provide enough food and medicine, all we need is for the people of our planet to tighten their belts and starve a little bit. After all, as long as you don't die, it's fine, and Compared with the aristocratic lords in the inner circle, these untouchables are not worthy of asking any conditions."

"Bastard!!" Xioste slammed his fist on the table, "Since there is no more, then build it! Just dig it! Just refine it!! On such a big planet, the factory is still there!!"

"We're trying to restore order, so..."

"Are you trying to say that because the planet is in chaos, no workers are willing to go to work!! I'll go to you...%¥...% # *\u0026\u0026%!!!!" Theoster blurted out a long list Dirty words, he was already furious to the extreme.

"When your powerful fleet completely wipes out the criminal Volgograd-Kanidi and his henchmen, the order of the star area will of course be gradually restored, and then all the production capacity you need will be met." The female adjutant said nothing. Concerned about Volgograd-Kanidi as a criminal, anyway, he will not lose a piece of flesh.

Xioste's face became grim, "I'll give you one day! You must prepare all the strategic materials I need! Otherwise, every two hours, I will destroy one of your cities!! Not only that, I Will destroy your farms, destroy your factories! destroy your residential areas!! make you homeless!!"

"Then I believe that the entire galaxy will bow under the majesty of the Republic Fleet." The female adjutant remained expressionless, and her tone was still submissive, but the words she said pierced into Xioste's heart like spikes .

"Do you think I can't do it!!" Siost roared angrily.

However, Master Yoda waved his hand, then shook his head and sighed, "It won't hurt civilians, us."

"But..." Sioster wanted to say something more, but seeing Master Yoda's expression, he still kept his mouth shut.

"Order maintenance and post-war reconstruction, I hope to do well. Famine can't happen." Master Yoda's tone is beyond doubt.

"Yes, Master Yoda. I will do my best to maintain order and rebuild after the war, and I will do my best to ensure the safety of people's lives and property." The female adjutant bowed her head.

Master Yoda looked at her deeply, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, and after a long time, he asked again: "The name, yours."

"My name is He Yuan. After the criminal Volgograd-Kanidi escaped, I am temporarily serving as the governor of the planet." The female adjutant He Yuan said.

Master Yoda nodded and stopped talking.

After shutting down the communication, Xiost said eagerly: "Master Yoda! Our supplies have bottomed out! We all thought that these separatists would make their last resistance on the planet Kuna's Fang, but they are still on the way." Execute this tactic of strengthening the wall and clearing the field! After this large-scale landing, we don't even have enough resources to launch another landing operation of the same scale!"

He pointed sharply at the planet Kuna's Fang outside the window, and said: "These people are obviously loyal to separatism! But no matter how loyal they are, there is a limit! As long as we make an example and destroy a few of their cities, then no matter what Volgograd-Kanidi has made any promises, these people will betray him!"

But Master Yoda just said slowly: "I am the weak point of this fleet. However, we must not trample on our bottom line!"

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