Chapter 1043 Good Governor (Part 1)

1042、Good Governor (Part 1)

"You!!!" Celeste Moen was terrified and furious, but unable to struggle.

She could only watch as Darth Malthael held down her lower abdomen, and then a cold feeling spread from there to her whole body, she even started to tremble all over, and even began to form a pimple on her body. layer of frost.

Waves of cursing and wailing seemed to emanate faintly from her lower abdomen, but then it became smaller and weaker, and finally disappeared.

At this time, Celeste Moen had completely lost consciousness, his whole body was frozen, and he almost became an iceman.

Darth Malthael had lost all his strength, and sat down on the ground with a thud, and said in his mouth: "Put her in the stasis chamber! Otherwise, she will die!"

Without saying a word, Talim lifted Celeste Moen, put him inside the stasis cabin, and closed the hatch.

Darth Malthael said something in the ancient Sith language, and a golden light immediately emanated from the edge of the stasis compartment hatch, and then the entire stasis compartment became tightly stitched again, and there was no trace of it at all. Little gaps.

"You sealed Carnes Moore." Lucian Del Rey said.

"His dark side force is too powerful, even I can't destroy him at once, I can only temporarily seal him in Celeste's body." Darth Malthael said.

"Isn't your power of death able to control Carness Moore?" Lucian Del Rey asked.

"Unless I continue to expand the world of the dead, it will not work." Darth Malthael finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood up from the ground, "If Kanes Moore puts his own soul to suffer If you’re so bad, just be tough with me, then maybe I’ll be the one who can’t stand it first. However, he obviously doesn’t have such a determination to die—this guy would rather be imprisoned in the stasis chamber for thousands of years, he is more afraid than anyone else die."

Lucian Del Rey nodded, "I can indeed feel his incomparably powerful dark side force. He can indeed be called the strongest existence in this galaxy, but you actually sealed him, which makes I am surprised, young Sith Lord, I think you may indeed make a difference in this galaxy. So now, how will you deal with him?"

"Grinding bit by bit!" Darth Malthael grinned, "His knowledge, his amulet, will be mine sooner or later!"

"No power?"

"I don't need his power." Darth Malthael suddenly put away his smile, glanced at Lucian lightly, turned and walked towards the direction of the spaceship.

The protoss transport plane soared into the sky silently and flew towards the sky.

The planet Jabul returned to silence again, leaving only a mess covering a full range of one or two kilometers, showing the cruelty and horror of the shocking war just now.

The two cruisers of the geth did not leave, and the hundreds of insect-like small spaceships were as hardworking as worker bees, coming in and out, and began to build a new sweet home here.

No, it's a cold factory!

Standing in front of the porthole of the protoss transport plane, Darth Malthael stared intently at the vast starry sky, wondering what he was thinking...

The starry sky in the distance is still the same, the dark sky is dotted with countless stars, in the direction behind them, the soft light reflected from the planet Jabul reflects behind them, the spaceship seems to be away from the light, embracing the endless darkness...


Click! The blinds were closed, completely blocking the starry sky outside the window.

Volgograd-Kanidi returned to the desk and picked up the cold cup of coffee. He frowned in disgust, then took out a small bottle of white wine from his pocket, poured a little into the coffee, and shook the cup , and then drank it all in one gulp.

Standing aside is a woman in her thirties with an indifferent expression. She is wearing gold-rimmed glasses, a public suit and a skirt. A screen is being projected from the universal tool on her wrist, which is full of data. .

She frowned and said: "Your Excellency, Governor of the Star District, if you really want to drink some wine, you can just have a drink and then go to sleep. You haven't slept well for seven days."

Canidi chuckled and asked, "How's the planet Anji?"

The female adjutant adjusted her glasses and said: "Basically speaking, if you want to think that the planet Anji is now part of the Galactic Republic, then this definition is actually very accurate. The Ailu people are now almost crazy about the Galactic Republic, completely disregarding The fact that they didn't take the republic seriously 12 years ago and wanted independence."

Canidy picked up another half-smoked cigar from the table, and the female adjutant immediately came over to help him light the cigar. He took a deep breath, then exhaled a long column of smoke, and then said: "It's not their fault. Ever since they met Tang Xiao, the gap between them has been too great - from the overlord who dominated the Model star area , until the end of life, relying entirely on the vassals of the fourth civilization to eat and eat, it is absolutely impossible for them to sincerely submit, at least not within 50 years."

The female adjutant shook her head, "This can only be left to time. We can't slaughter 8 billion Ailu people, and we don't have the conditions to engage in sleep cues, so we can only assimilate bit by bit."

"This is just a hidden danger left by the Fourth Civilization's strides too far in the early stages of expansion. Fortunately, Tang Xiao has at least done a good job with other races in this star area." Volgograd-Kanidi twitched While smoking a cigar, he said, "Where are the humans on Planet Anji?"

"According to your instructions, they surrendered. But they also hid their armed forces and are ready to counterattack at any time." The female adjutant said.

Canidi shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. If they hide their armed forces, those Ailu people will never let them go. The Ailu people and humans on the planet Anji are already in dire straits. , which would lead to massive bloodshed."

"If we don't hide our armed forces, then we won't have the possibility of launching a counterattack on Planet Anji." The female adjutant said.

"Then think of other ways." Canidi put out the remaining half of the cigar that he had smoked again, and put it next to the ashtray, and said, "I do things differently from Tang Xiao. He will do anything to get the result. But I have to take care of this process.”

"Without you, the Kuna star cluster would not have developed so prosperously." The female adjutant said with a serious expression.

This is not a compliment, but she really thinks so.

"Without Tang Xiao, the Fourth Civilization would not exist. This is also the difference between me and him." Canidi smiled. There is only one goal - time."

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