Chapter 1040: The Strongest Enemy (Part 2)

1039. The Strongest Enemy (Medium)

Seeing Kanes Moore and Celeste Moen walking towards each other step by step, and the force of the dark side on them getting stronger and more terrifying, Darth Malthael understood, If you fail to escape with your mouth, the next step will be a tough battle!

Celeste Moen made a choice. Between the same two demon kings who endangered the Galactic Republic, she chose the one that was relatively less harmful——Carness Moore.

Compared to Darth Malthael, Kanes Moore is more controllable than Celeste Moen, after all, he is temporarily living in her body now.

Darth Malthael took a deep breath, calmed down, and clenched his lightsaber tightly in the fourth style of sword art Ataru's sword posture, ready to face the most powerful enemy in history.

At the same time, he was still thinking silently, "Why, Lucian! Is there anything you can do? I know that your Jedi covenant is dedicated to this."

Lucien Del Rey said coldly: "Now how do you know you are looking for me? The great Sith Lord. Shouldn't you look down on the world and get rid of him easily?"

"If you still have a glimmer of hope in this galaxy, you will naturally know whether you should help me or help him." Darth Malthael said.

Lucian Del Rey was silent for a while, and said slowly: "Celeste Morn is one of the best 'shadows' of the Jedi Covenant. The Jedi Knights of affairs. They are specially trained for combat, intelligence gathering, and even assassination. They lead a double life, one side is an ordinary person, and the other side is a cold-blooded warrior. Heart, every shadow has an extremely firm and bright heart."

Darth Malthael thought about it. Although Celeste Morn's strength seemed weak to him, it really depended on who he was comparing with. After all, she had just finished her 4,000-year slumber, and when she came out, she met one of the only two Sith Lords in the Milky Way, as well as the guardian of the Protoss Temple, and the one who coexisted with her was also the oldest Sith One of the lords.

Compared with these monsters, she is indeed not qualified.

But if you think about it, she is about 30 years old at most, and she has already reached the level of a Jedi master. And she is able to make what she thinks is the correct judgment in this desperate situation, which shows that she is not at a loss, but is seriously thinking about countermeasures.

As a 'shadow' like an agent, Celeste Moen is indeed excellent.

Lucian Del Rey went on to say: "And Carness Moore, I have heard many legends about him. He was once a member of the Jedi Order and one of the first masters who began to study the dark side of the Force, and His research and accomplishments on the dark side are unparalleled. After the Battle of Korbus, he was exiled to the planet Korriban, where they combined the dark side's force with the Sith sect advocated by local intelligent creatures Arise, and become the first Sith Lords."

"You know, I don't want a profile," Darth Malthael said.

"And that's all I want to say." Lucian Del Rey sneered, "If you were killed by Kanes Moore here, you deserve it. Those geths on the outskirts of the planet will not allow him to leave Here, there is no creature here that can be transformed by Moore's amulet, so it is more likely that Kanes Moore will die alone on this dead planet. On the other hand, Darth Malthael, the The Sith Lord, who was a great threat to the Milky Way, finally disappeared. Isn't this a good result?"

Darth Malthael's eyes were serious, he took a step back slightly, adjusted his stance, and at the same time fully integrated his original force with the surrounding environment.

At this moment, he seemed to be in the ocean of force, and everything around him was under his perception and control.

On the other hand, Kanes-Moore pointed downward with the tip of the sword, standing still.

This is the second type of sword method Makashi's sword posture, which also shows that Kanes Moore is a very terrifying lightsaber duelist!

The second sword technique, Makashi, does not perform well on the battlefield, but he specializes in one-on-one lightsaber duels!

It's not that Darth Malthael didn't want to learn the second form, but that Darth Plagueis hadn't taught him before, and none of the people he met afterward were masters of the second form. Earl Dooku is indeed the master of the second style of swordsmanship, but he can't run to Earl Dooku to learn it.

Although Lucian Del Rey didn't say anything on the surface, his answer was actually in the nonsense character introduction.

There are not many opportunities, but they are not completely absent!

Otherwise, Darth Malthael wouldn't be here either!

"Come on!!" Darth Malthael stared, waving a blood-red lightsaber and rushing straight over! The fourth style of swordsmanship, Ataru, is about going forward without hesitation, attacking like a storm! Blindly retreating is not worthy of using Ataru!

Unity of mind and spirit, unity of heart and sword!

Accompanied by the dancing of the lightsaber, countless black wraiths surged out of the lightsaber, screaming and rushing towards Kanes-Moore! These wraiths are also spirit bodies, and they can directly harm the soul of Kanes Moore.

However, Carness Moore was able to take care of himself. His controller Celeste Moen's body made a wrong step, and the lightsaber pierced out like a poisonous snake, piercing through dozens of wraiths in an instant, and those wraiths howled. Turned into a wisp of blue smoke and dissipated.

At the same time, Darth Malthael's lightsaber had already slashed over, and his movements opened and closed. There was a mocking smile on the corner of Kanes/Celeste's mouth, and the lightsaber in his hand appeared almost in the blink of an eye and pierced Darth Malthael's ribs at a completely unbelievable angle.

However, in the next second, this sword was directly blocked by an invisible force barrier, not only that, but the force barrier suddenly opened, and slammed into Kanes/Celeste fiercely!

"It's very interesting." Kanes/Celeste looked at the gauntlet on Darth Malthael's wrist with a greedy look, "Hehehehe, is it a product of Sith alchemy in this era? ? Very good! Very powerful! This thing is just right for me!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed up again, stabbing like raindrops with the lightsaber in his hand! He swung his sword so fast that even his arm became a phantom!

This is just a lightsaber, his powerful force began to spread to every inch of land and air around him! It was as if flying sand and rocks were all under his control!

Powerful force lightning began to fall around, constantly compressing Darth Malthael's dodging space.

But Darth Malthael didn't intend to dodge at all. He blocked the extremely powerful lightning with Little Klesh's gauntlet, and at the same time, his movements were still wide open, attacking like a stormy sea.

He couldn't keep up with the speed of Kanes/Celeste's sword swing, it didn't matter, he let countless lightsabers pierce him, but he just slashed towards the opponent's head—just this time sword! Don't hide if you have the ability!

Kanes/Celeste took a step back after all, he dodged sideways, and at the same time a powerful force lightning knocked Darth Malthael into the air with the force barrier.

At this moment, Talim, the guardian of the temple, also rushed up, stabbing out the lightsaber on his wrist armor, and exchanged more than ten moves with Kanes/Celeste in an instant. The plasma flash from the collision of the lightsabers is almost continuous.

His swordsmanship is also very exquisite. If other factors are not considered, Talim's swordsmanship can be compared with Kanes/Celeste.

However, after all, there is a huge gap in other places. The powerful lightning strikes a net of death in the hands of Kanes/Celeste in an instant, covering it directly, making it impossible for Talim to avoid it!

At this mortal moment, another force barrier appeared in front of him, blocking the countless lightning bolts.

Darth Masail stood in front of Talim. He didn't turn his head, but kept his eyes on his guard, and said, "Cooperate well with me, otherwise, we will all die here."

"No need to do otherwise! You have to die now!" Kanes/Celeste laughed loudly, and rushed up again with endless lightning.

The original force lightning around him was so powerful that it even plowed a long gully several meters deep on the ground wherever it passed!

When he swung his lightsaber, countless lightning bolts danced along with his movements. Even with Darth Malthael's strength, it was completely unbearable to bear a bolt of lightning head-on.

If it is said that when he was fighting Master Windu before, Darth Malthael could still use Master Windu as the alchemy stone of his swordsmanship, and he was fighting with his own strength, and the gauntlet of Little Klesh If it's just an occasional assistance, then now, it's completely different!

Without the protection of Little Klesh's gauntlet, Darth Malthael would have been defeated not long after the battle started. If he continued to persist, then he would have to be struck to death by countless lightning bolts. !

This battle is the only time since he came to this world that he completely relied on the power of the divine weapon to fight!

With the powerful force barrier of Little Clash's gauntlet protecting Talim and Darth Malthael at the same time, the battle will resume!

This time, with the protection of the force barrier, Talim can finally display his superb swordsmanship, while Darth Malthael is on the other side concentrating on fighting against Kanes/Celeste's force lightning.

At this time, he finally had a little leeway to prepare himself.

Cannes/Celeste is indeed powerful, but not invulnerable at the same time!

The answer lies in the words of Lucian Del Rey...

If it is an ordinary Sith, facing such a battle full of anger and fear, he has already lost his heart under the influence of the dark side force, and completely indulges in the battle. Such a result, apart from being directly beheaded by Kanes/Celeste, who is far superior to others, there is no other way.

But Darth Malthael is different, he is a leader, and the situation that he must not appear is that his emotions are dominated by the Force.

Darth Plagueis made this point over and over, both when he was training him, and when he was training Darth Sidious.

For now, they must thank this mentor for his guidance.

Even for Darth Sidious, who hates Darth Plagueis, he has to admit that Plagueis is a very good teacher.

That's right! The weakness of Kanes/Celeste lies in Celeste-Moen!

As Lucien Del Rey said, Celeste Moen, as the best shadow, still has the light in her heart unwavering!

Even if she was controlled by Carness Moore, she never violated her own heart!

When she was fighting Talim just after waking up, the force on her body was still extremely pure and bright!

This is the weapon that Lucian Del Rey handed over to him to deal with Kanes Moore, the Sith Demon Lord! And Darth Malthael himself has his own weapons——

The power of death!

He has been unremittingly exercising and researching this talent unremittingly. Whether it is the force of the dark side or the force of death, Darth Malthael has spent a lot of time studying and practicing. After going deep into the cave, he has a better understanding of the dark side, and more importantly...

It is an understanding of his own power.

Where does the power of death come from, what is the nature of the dark side of the force, and what kind of existence does he himself have for the force. This series of questions is also the direction of his research.

Now that he has mastered what he saw on Planet Dagobah, it's time to move on to the next step.

To comprehend the deeper darkness, maybe still, the ultimate darkness!

Planet Korriban!

Before going to the planet Korriban, Kanes Moore was his big test. If even Carness Moore can't deal with it, then his going to the planet Korriban is really like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

This is not to say that Darth Malthael must be stronger than Kanes Moore, but that Kanes Moore, who is the soul, should have been suppressed by Malthael who used the power of death. restraint.

And now, exactly!

Kanes Moore merged himself and Celeste Morn's body into one, using Celeste's living body to isolate Malthael's death power, but this is only a stopgap measure !

And choosing the battlefield here, on the planet Jabul, also has a different meaning.

Click! ! Click! ! ! The powerful force lightning kept falling, and Darth Malthael swung his lightsaber to block these lightnings, and at the same time manipulated the force barrier of Little Clash's gauntlet to block the offensive of Kanes/Celeste for Talim.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two fierce battles, Darth Malthael thrust his lightsaber into the solid black ice underground!

"Get up!! Wrong soul of planet Jabul!! Get up, innocent victim!! The culprit who killed you is here! Roar! Roar! Burst your anger!!!!"

Following Darth Malthael's roar, there was a sudden click, and a pitch-black arm pierced the ice and stretched out!

Then the second hand, the third, the fourth!

Countless black arms stretched out from the ground!

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