The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1018 Mon Calamari Civil War (5)

1017. Mon Calamari Civil War (5)

Unexpectedly, Earl Dooku's face changed, and he said very seriously: "I understand what you mean very well, Your Excellency Tang Xiao. But you should know that this is a very dangerous attempt... and only if we are all human beings can I would say so."

Tang Xiao frowned.

Earl Dooku said in a deep voice: "You don't really think that a multi-racial composite regime will have any prospects, do you? No, it's impossible. Equality between races is destined to be impossible, including Qi Liming The same is true of the planet and the subordinate races around it. You think you have given them the greatest equality, and this is precisely the greatest inequality..."

He said slowly, "...Because, the equality they have is given to them by you."

Then, Earl Dooku said: "If you are looking forward to a powerful power like me, then racial diversity is the obstacle to this powerful power."

Tang Xiao lowered his head and pondered for a while, then he replied: "As for the question you mentioned, I have to admit that it does exist. But now, what is before us is a multiple-choice question, and I choose to be blinded." The Calamari and the Quarren have an industrial system and shipbuilding technology."

"The shipbuilding industry foundation of Planet Dak can be said to be the best in the entire outer ring star region, and even most of the middle ring star regions. This is where their value lies, and I have indeed made a short-term decision—— Let the Kercrodens rule them, fully tap the potential of Planet Dak during this war, and then kick it away, so as not to leave any trouble." Earl Dooku's tone became cold.

"Then the Kercrodens will only make things worse. This plan will not succeed." Tang Xiao said.

"In this case, then act according to your judgment, Your Excellency Tang Xiao. I only need one result." Earl Dooku stroked his snow-white beard and said.

"But I need to remind you of one thing, Earl Dooku." Tang Xiao suddenly showed an inscrutable smile, "It seems that you haven't understood the true meaning of a single spark."

Earl Dooku was shocked and raised his head suddenly, but only saw the back of Tang Xiao turning away.

His face was cloudy and cloudy... A single spark can start a prairie fire, this is what Darth Malthael talked to him about, why Tang Xiao also knew it! ? (Chapter 964)


The capital of the planet Mon Calamari, Deep Coral City.

Kit Festo finally led the Galactic Republic SCUBA Legion here, and immediately went into battle, fighting fiercely with the underwater robot legion led by Reeve Tamson.

But by this time it was already a step too late, the robot army had already entered the interior of Deep Coral City, the whole city was in chaos, and the command center and government agencies of the Mon Calamari people were also smashed to pieces, dying and fleeing.

So they decided to divide their troops, Anakin-Skywalker and Rock-Johnson went to find Prince Lee-Char, Padmé-Amidala and Ahsoka-Tano went to find Mina Tiers Member, Kit Festo led the clone army to continue to resist the invasion of the Robot Legion.

But at this moment, there are too many robot legions entering Deep Coral City, and the situation is basically out of control. Even if Kit Festo resists desperately, he can barely hold a corner of the ground.

Unlike fighting on land, even if the clone SCUBA troops have complete underwater combat equipment, including turbo propulsion backpacks, DC-12U underwater blasters, ultra-light underwater armor, seawater electrolysis equipment, semi-automatic flippers, etc. , Their human bodies still essentially exist as land creatures.

Because these equipments only make up for their shortcomings in the underwater environment, rather than carry forward their advantages.

Compared with the land, the gap between the clone troopers and the robot legion has been shortened a lot.

But fortunately, Anakin Skywalker still found Prince Lee Char. Under the escort of Captain Jar Akbar, he went to the front line to organize resistance, which boosted the morale of the Mon Calamari soldiers. Only then did they resist for a while longer, giving the rear command center a chance to evacuate.

After their defenses finally collapsed, Ackbar escorted Prince Lee-Char and hid until Anakin arrived. It has to be said that Captain Akbar has shown his wisdom and courage during this process.

And Padmé Amidala also successfully reunited with Congressman Mina Thiers and returned to Kit Festo's army.

In this way, the political core of the planet Mon Calamari still exists, at least giving the planet its last hope.

However, Reeve Tamson came prepared. After discovering that the clone army had entered the battle, he expected to encounter fierce resistance, so he immediately put in another hole card of his own!

I saw two disobedient-class light destroyers that were on standby in outer space break into the planet's atmosphere, the cargo compartment opened, and dropped a lot of dry things that looked like a ball of cloth with a diameter of 4 or 5 meters.

However, as soon as these cloth balls entered the sea, they stretched out at a terrifying speed, turning into giant jellyfish with a diameter of 22.36 meters!

These jellyfish were not fast, and they swam towards the position of the Republic Army.

The Republic's underwater combat forces immediately opened fire, but something amazing happened. The blast energy beams they fired hit these jellyfish, but they had no effect at all!

"This is a jellyfish? Why isn't this thing afraid of blasters!" the clone commander Monk was shocked.

"No! The whole body of these jellyfish is a huge energy circuit. When the blast energy beam hits them, all the energy is transmitted and released into the sea water." Anakin Skywalker observed with the force, and immediately discovered The principle of these jellyfish.

But after the discovery, they were still helpless against jellyfish.

Although the jellyfish were slow, their direction of progress was very clear. They ignored almost all the firepower and rushed into the defense line of the Republic. The tentacles with a length of more than 40 meters were waving around, and they carried a very powerful high-voltage electricity on the tentacles. !

A large number of clone soldiers and Mon Calamari soldiers were killed by jellyfish, and finally the solid line of defense was broken through again with the support of the clone underwater combat force.

"No...we have no ability to stop the invasion of separatism." Kit Festo swam over to Anakin Skywalker.

"No! Why did you just give up like this! This is our planet, our homeland! It must not be handed over to others! Those separatists and dirty and despicable Quarren people!" Mina Thiers said loudly, "This will be a disgraceful defeat for the Galactic Republic!"

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