The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1016 Mon Calamari Civil War (4)

1015. Mon Calamari Civil War (3)

The Galactic Republic responded immediately, and Master Windu sent Master Kit Festo to lead the clone army again to the planet Mon Calamari for reinforcements.

But the most realistic problem facing the Galactic Republic is that the planet Mon Calamari is not far from the core of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, the planet Laxus. In other words, this is equivalent to an enclave that goes deep into the hinterland of separatism.

There is only one unstable hyperspace channel that can go to the planet Mon Calamari, so the reinforcements that Kit Festo can bring are only a Cheer-class assault landing ship and a clone army.

Although the Cheerer-class assault landing ship can carry 16,000 soldiers, because fighting on the Mon Calamari planet requires a lot of underwater equipment, even if there is only one legion with more than 9,000 people, this spaceship is full.

This clone troop is the SCUBA troop, the professional underwater combat troop of the Galactic Republic. ).

Anakin-Skywalker brought Padmé-Amidala back to the Consul-class cruiser on which he came, and said to the robot Rock-Johnson who was driving the spaceship: "Johnson, you protect Padmé. Civil War I'm afraid it's about to explode, and I must help the Mon Calamari!"

"No!" Padmé shook off Anakin's hand, "I can do something too! I can help the Mon Calamari stabilize the turmoil in the parliament."

"I think Senator Amidala can do it," Ahsoka Tano said.

Anakin Skywalker sighed and said, "Okay, but be careful! Ahsoka, you and Johnson must stay with Padmé! Johnson, put your underwater equipment on your back. "

Rock-Johnson nodded, came to the spaceship warehouse, and installed a set of underwater combat equipment on himself. This kit includes two small turbo engines, buoyancy reserves, and an underwater blaster machine gun. Rock-Johnson equipped with this set is simply a miniature submarine!

Anakin and the others also rearranged their diving equipment, dived underwater again, and headed towards the administrative center of the planet Mon Calamari.

And at this time, the Quarrens also took the initiative to provoke the prelude to the second civil war on Planet Dak!

After receiving reinforcements from Count Dooku and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, Nossori (it seems that I spelled it wrong in the first two chapters, um, Nossor Ri, Nossori) stepped up and issued a declaration, saying that the Mon Calamari Senator Mi Na Tiers insisted on going her own way, wanting to join the Republic and drag Planet Dak into the abyss of war.

He accused Mina Thiers of doing this to control Prince Lee Char and conspire to usurp the throne, and it is absolutely impossible for the Quarren to accept the leadership of such a duo of conspirators and children!

He issued an ultimatum on behalf of the Quarren, calling for the execution of Mina Thiers and the abdication of Prince Lee Char.

The Mon Calamari rejected the ultimatum outright, and the Quarren never expected them to agree.

The Quarren, who had already been prepared, launched an attack!

The Quarren received a large number of reinforcements from the Confederacy of Independent Systems through Rif Tamson, and dozens of Trident-class amphibious assault ships fell from the sky and rushed directly into the water.

The Trident-class amphibious assault ship is 88.71 meters long, has a diamond-shaped hull and four flexible mechanical tentacles, and can move freely in the water.

With the Trident-class amphibious assault ship as the core, the Quarren rebel army launched an attack on dozens of underwater cities on the planet Dak.

A large number of underwater combat droids rushed out from the Trident-class amphibious assault ship. These AQ-series underwater combat droids (AQ-series battle droids) are 2.83 meters high, sealed with thick armor, and equipped with powerful laser cannons and underwater rocket launchers

In the face of this very advanced killing machine, the army of the Mon Calamari is completely vulnerable. In addition, the rebellion of the Quarren people was very sudden this time. They completely turned their faces when they disagreed in the parliament. The resoluteness of their actions completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

So when they attacked, the Mon Calamari in many cities had no time to deploy their defenses.

On the outskirts of those cities, the underwater warships of the two sides are also constantly exchanging fire, but unlike the civil war 4,500 years ago, this time, the Quarren also have a strong industrial power.

Cities fell one by one, the Mon Calamari retreated steadily, and the situation on Planet Dak reached an almost irreversible point within two days.

Reeve Tamson, an advisor to the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, personally led an elite force to the capital of Planet Dak, which is also the deepest city on the planet - Deep Coral City.

Compared to the Mon Calamari, Reeve Tamson, the best fighter of the Kercrodons, was simply invincible.

In fact, the Kercrodens are very few in number, but as the top underwater predator race, their underwater combat effectiveness almost crushes any other known aquatic intelligent race.

This is like the Injoli on land.

But the Kercrodens seldom leave their planet, and only a small number of them are willing to serve Count Dooku.

In an underwater environment, Riff Tamson isn't even afraid of a Jedi!

He brought his personal guards, only a dozen of them, but they were the most terrifying existence under the sea!

The Kirkroden warriors swim in the water at high speed, and their speed can even catch up with the submarine. They are so powerful that even without weapons, they can knock the Mon Calamari warrior's internal organs out of place just by hitting them head-on at high speed. Die on the spot!

Seeing such a terrifying existence, the Mon Calamari army retreated one after another, and a large number of A-Q series underwater combat robots followed closely behind, and broke through the defense line of the Mon Calamari army in a short time, burning the flames of war to the ground. city ​​interior.

But at this time, Prince Lee Char of the Mon Calamari was just standing in the command center, watching the war situation gradually getting out of control with a blank face.

"The defense line of Sal Garhwal City was breached! The Quarrens rushed in...they rushed in..."

"There has been a mutiny on the underwater battleship Mansa, contact has been lost!"

"The 331st Battalion! The 331st Battalion! Please answer if you hear it, please answer it if you hear it! Please report the battle situation of your defense line immediately!"

"The exit on the west side of Deep Coral City has been opened!! There are robots coming in!"

Prince Lee-Char looked around blankly, as if the world was spinning, he didn't know what the people around him were talking about, what happened, and what he should do.

But he knew that everything was over...


[Attachment 1 of Easter egg chapter: SCUBA troop standard equipment. 】

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 2: Trident-class amphibious assault ship. 】

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