The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1009 Target - Kuna Star Cluster!

1008. Target - Kuna Star Cluster!

"So, what is the current situation within the Interstellar Banking Association?" Darth Masail asked.

Thorn-Hill said: "It's already obvious...Humans, and Muun people. But this is not a direct confrontation between the two races, but a struggle between two different interest circles. On the one hand, the Muun people The traditional financial groups and forces in the Interstellar Banking Association, and the other side are emerging forces that have won the support of the human nobles in the core circle of the galaxy."

"What about the Core Five?" Darth Malthael asked again.

The core five people are an organization similar to the Supreme Council of the Interstellar Banking Association. It is composed of five Muun people, and together with the co-chairmen, they form the highest management body of the Interstellar Banking Association.

"This is the last position we rely on. The core five people, plus me as the co-chairman, the highest level of the Interstellar Banking Association is still under our control. However, as the power of the human side can be expanded from the core circle With more and more support, it's only a matter of time before we're emptied," Thorn-Hill said.

"Apart from the investment in Geonosis, what actions do they have now? A mere plan for a super tank, with billions of credits in the sky, will not shake the power structure within the Interstellar Banking Association ’” said Darth Malthael.

Thorn Hill nodded heavily, and said a word, "DS-1 plan!"

"DS-1...Death Star? Hehe, Darth Sidious, finally found a chance to restart this plan that was terminated by us." Darth Malthael's face also became gloomy.

"That's right. The super tank plan is just a bait. The real big dish is the DS-1 plan! The investment in this plan is conservatively estimated to exceed one trillion yuan! Even the Interstellar Banking Association is a painful investment! And Rush Clovis promised everyone that this investment will change the pattern of the galaxy and let the true masters of the galaxy." Thorn Hill said.

Darth Masail taunted, "Let Darth Sidious become the master of the galaxy, Clovis, he is already willing to be a dog. But I can tell you, even if the DS-1 plan If he succeeds, he will not get what he wants."

"The DS-1 plan will be developed by the Geonosians in secret. The super tank plan is a preparatory work to make our funds and investment less obvious. What I can tell you is that the Technological Union and the Geonosis Grand Duke Bogle of Onosis planet, the Inferior Man, has been completely attracted by this plan." San-Hill said.

Darth Masail sneered, "As I said, Darth Sidious will not allow an existence like the Interplanetary Banking Association to escape his control. However, now we have another technology The Alliance and a Geonosian planet... Hehe, Darth Sidious, it really is a good idea..."

"What should I do...? I... If I'm no longer the co-chair... Am I..." Thorn-Hil panicked.

Darth Malthael patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are still a member of the Freemasonry. Your Excellency Thorn Hill."


"Do you still remember what I told you before? It's time to stop. Now, it's time to stop." Darth Malthael stretched out his hand casually, on a blood-stained and There was some blood on the weird undried skull, and then he spread San-Hil's hand and wrote a word on his palm, "Technology Union and Pogle-inferior people, I will solve it myself. As for the Interstellar Banking Association...hehehehe..."

Seeing this word, Thorn Hill's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked up at Darth Malthael, but he didn't get any response.

A gust of wind directly blew him out of the laboratory, and then the door of the laboratory closed automatically, completely isolating the inside and outside.

Thorn-Hil stumbled back to the shuttle, sat on the driver's seat, and then spread his hands again in fear, looking at the word.

A simple letter - G.

Staring at the letter, Thorn-Hil's gaze changed from uneasiness, to fear, to firmness... Finally, he clenched his teeth and revealed a cruel smile.

Whoosh~~~~ The shuttle soared into the sky and flew towards the sky.

Darth Malthael came to the back of the laboratory, and jumped from the hole that was only 5 meters deep no matter whether it was detected by instruments or sensed by the force, but in fact it was a full 70 meters deep. To the secret Sith altar.

He raised his hand, and a book made of unknown materials, full of weird and dark atmosphere flew in front of him out of thin air, without wind and automatically, page by page, countless words full of dark power jumped out of the paper.

Book of the Sith!

Darth Malthael sat cross-legged on this Sith altar whose blood never dries up, feeling the dark power brought by this Sith book, comprehending the dark knowledge recorded in this book...

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly opened his eyes, a touch of gold flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then disappeared without a trace.

"I've seen... my current limit..." Darth Malthael raised a hand and looked at it repeatedly in front of him. A force of the dark side lingered in the palm of his hand, and then disappeared with his movements. trace, followed by another dark side origin force...disappearing, and the cycle continues.

"Corriban, it's time. If Xerakas's information this time is not wrong, then I will have the ability to set foot here after returning from this trip...Corriban, hehehehe...I don't know, my The power of death will be there, what kind of waves will it create? Hahahahahaha..." Darth Malthael laughed.


Master Yoda opened his eyes, his seemingly cloudy eyes passed through the porthole of the battleship, passed through the endless starry sky, and touched the dark curtain.

"Hmm... The disturbance of the Force, the power of the dark side, fate and prophecy, the hidden truth... getting farther and farther away." Master Yoda shook his head.

An old man wearing the uniform of the Galactic Republic general came over, saluted respectfully and said: "Master Yoda, we have made preparations. According to calculations, hyperspace will enter a period of stability in 10 minutes. The military operations of the Na star cluster depend entirely on you."

Master Yoda stood up with his cane, came to the porthole and looked out the window.

Outside the window is an extremely huge dark red gaseous giant planet. Compared with this huge star with a diameter of more than 400,000 kilometers, their battleship can only be regarded as a speck of dust.

Even... there are a total of 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers gathered here!

"Darkness, we are about to face it. Victory, the force of the force will guide us... I will show you the way." Master Yoda raised his hand, and an extremely powerful force of force went straight into the void, and in the hyperspace, there was a burst of even The reverberation is undetectable by instruments and equipment.

Standing straight with his hands behind his back, the General of the Republic said loudly on the bridge: "Command the ships, the hyperspace engine will start immediately! Follow Master Yoda's navigation..."

Following his order, the officers and soldiers on the 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers got busy one after another. The hyperspace engine had already warmed up, and immediately began to recharge after receiving the order.

Following Master Yoda's movements, the General of the Republic waved his hand violently, "Start jumping! The target - the Kuna Star Cluster!!"

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