The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 996 Bloody Battle in the Crystal Sea

995. Bloody Battle in the Crystal Sea

Meanwhile, armored forces of the Galactic Republic have launched an assault on the Injori!

They rode TX-130 suspension tanks, galloped recklessly on the battlefield with the super high speed of the tanks, and poured powerful firepower on the heads of the Inchori.

The Injoris could only hide behind the wreckage and rocks to fight back, but the weapons in their hands did not pose much threat to the TX-130.

Fortunately, they still had some heavy equipment that had just been seized, which gave them more or less the ability to fight back. And the most among them is the AV-7 self-propelled artillery, with a total of more than 40 guns.

These AV-7 self-propelled artillery were originally equipped with mechanical legs on the base of a gun to run, so the gun crew members did not have the slightest protection when firing the gun. When the Inchoris attacked before, the Republic soldiers on these artillery positions ran away one by one, and turned out to be the most seized weapons.

With these more than 40 AV-7 self-propelled artillery as the core, the Injoris began to actively build a defense line, which is definitely very rare for the extremely ferocious Injoris.

And those human soldiers who came at will also drove the Warthog off-road vehicle to provide cover near the self-propelled artillery positions.

And some engineers have also started to repair those AT-TE and UT-AT that seem to be still usable, at least let the artillery fire, which is better than nothing.

But even so, it is still far from enough to win!

"Kill!!!" Karina roared, opened the fluttering backpack on her back and flew into the air, flying straight ahead!

The other 100-odd black Injoris also let out a terrible roar, activated the flutter packs, and also flew up.

Karina rushed to the front alone. The mechanical wings on her fluttering backpack were larger than normal models, and the speed was faster. Correspondingly, the difficulty of operation also increased exponentially.

This kind of fluttering backpack can only be operated by Karina!

Her speed in the air is close to 300 kilometers per hour, and she turns wildly and gallops wildly, almost without any pause! She held a powerful striker assault rifle and fired wildly in the air. The Galactic Republic's firepower from the ground and from the air kept shooting at her, but they were all avoided without exception.

At this time, two Z-95 fighter jets rushed into the low altitude, trying to kill her through close combat, but Karina was extremely flexible in controlling the fluttering backpack. A Z-95 fighter jet, and then a sudden change of direction!

One of the Z-95 fighter jets just passed under her, and Karina had already moved ahead of time. She swooped down and hit the fighter jet hard from top to bottom!

The fighter jet lost control in an instant, circling and falling.

Karina let go of the fighter jet, but controlled the fluttering backpack not to leave the fighter jet too far, maintaining a synchronized speed and diving downward, and directly below her was a HAVw A6 turbo tank! !

All this happened too fast, the turbo tank had just unloaded the soldiers on it, and before it had time to enter the combat state, Karina rushed in through the hatch!

At the same time, there are more than 100 other Injoli people who are different!

These black Injoris move significantly faster than other Injoris, and have a completely different organization!

They were divided into groups of 5 people, formed an attack formation as a whole, broke into the Republic's position in a very orderly manner, and the target was very clear-HAVw A6, turbo tank! These steel monsters are 49.4 meters long and 10 meters high!

But if you look closely at these black Injoris, you can find a spider-like device at the back of their necks, and it also glows ominously red! The body tissues around the device have obviously dissimilated, twisted together and still wriggling.

They are all Injori warriors who have used the latest research results of the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group to strengthen their physical functions! Moreover, the Nemesis-β parasite was implanted in the back of the brain. This parasite is not to control their actions, but to suppress the excessive excitatory substances secreted in their brains.

If it is a human being, this substance is called dopamine, but the structure of the Injori is completely different from that of humans, and this substance is only somewhat similar to dopamine.

However, using the Nemesis-β parasite as a sub-brain, it can adjust their brain response and stimulate the growth of the body, making them an existence between biological weapons and ordinary soldiers!

This is one of the many studies on the Injoli conducted by the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group under the leadership of Shirley Birkin. Yes, she is a genius and has gone to a completely different plot from the original plot of "Resident Evil". Orientation, studying the Injoli has no psychological burden on her.

And very interestingly, there is nothing unacceptable on the Injori side either.

In fact, the Injoli were originally very resistant to doing experiments on them, but as long as they were told that the purpose of the experiment was for fighting, they would rush over screaming.

Even if the dead Inchori were regenerated into biological weapons, their relatives and friends would not be disgusted at all, but would be excited to see him stepping on the battlefield again.

These more than 100 black Inchori are basically more than 100 humanoid tyrannosaurs! The speed and reaction were extremely fast, and they even broke through a line of defense composed of 500 clone soldiers!

They rushed directly to those turbo tanks, climbed on the tanks and started attacking the hatches, ready to rush into the occupation.

In order to cooperate with their battles, other Injolis violently launched wave after wave of counterattacks! At the cost of hundreds of Inchoris casualties, they temporarily suppressed the armored forces of the Republic!

On the other side, Karina had slaughtered all the people inside the turbo tank in less than a minute, leaving only the two drivers trembling under her sharp claws.

"Drive this big guy to my position." Karina was still holding a corpse in her hand. She exerted a little force, and with a puff, the corpse's head was crushed immediately!

The crotches of the two drivers were already wet, and they even cried aloud, not daring to violate anything, driving the turbo tank towards the Injori position.

Back at the position, Karina got out of the tank, and with a smirk, activated the fluttering backpack and put it on the battlefield again.

The two captured pilots were directly dragged out and trampled into a pulp. More than a dozen Fourth Civilization human pilots got into the bloody tank, loaded with more than 100 Injori soldiers, and turned to the direction of the Republic Army. rushed over.

Those black Injoris also captured two turbo tanks, and then the Galactic Republic began to focus on protecting the remaining turbo tanks, and the Injoris stopped.

At this time, news of the capture of the Republic's rear command center also came. The commander of the frontline troops, in grief and indignation, vowed to avenge his comrades and launched a desperate assault on the Injori!

The two sides launched a bloody tug-of-war on the flat low-lying land of Jinghai!

After a day of fighting, the Injoris finally received reinforcements.

More than 8,000 soldiers of the Fourth Civilization Army rushed into the battlefield on foot without vehicles, and attacked the armored forces of the Republic from the side and rear, which greatly relieved the pressure on the frontal battlefield of the Injorians.

And at this time, the arrival of a communication completely crushed the fighting will of these Republic troops——

Karina crater has been captured!

Thanks to Elvy Lana Hilfess for the 1500 starting coins! !

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