The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 861: I'm He Ning, I'm back

   Chapter 861 I'm He Ning, I'm back

   "Everyone." The lady at the front desk still smiled politely.

   He Ning took out his phone, turned around and walked out.

  In that case, send him a text message first.

   She doesn't blame him now, although he should ask Lord Chu to check her whereabouts.

   After thinking about it, she still made a phone call instead.

  Shen Jingyu was very bored all day today.

   When dealing with anything, it is completely impossible to calm down.

   verified last night that he has absolutely no interest in women.

   Of course, he also knew that he didn't like men.

   But that one... stabbed his heart so unexpectedly.

   The documents are piled up in front of him. He used to be highly disciplined and self-control, and he would not leave his work overnight.

   But today, it looks like it can’t be done.

   He held a cigarette between his fingers, and after smoking one, he exhaled a thick ring of smoke, and the affairs in front of him were hazy and blurry for a moment.

   The phone rang, showing a number, no name.

   means this is a strange call.

   He never answers such calls.

   However, after a sigh of relief in his mind, he suddenly thought of that clean and clear boy.

  He took a step forward in thinking, reached out and slid down the answer button.

   A nice voice came from the phone. Compared to the way a teenager usually speaks, the voice was even more delicate. She opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "Jing Yu."

   The voice is so gentle and close, like a kitten that depends on people.

   seems to be very close to him.

   "What's the matter?" Shen Jingyu asked coldly and deliberately.

   When he heard that sound just now, he almost snorted.

   "Jing Yu, I'm He Ning, it's He Ning, I'm back." The boy's excited voice came.

   Delicate and clean.

   If it wasn't for seeing her, he would have thought it was a female voice.

   However, what she said made Shen Jingyu frown: "If it's okay, I'll hang up."

   "I'm really He Ning, you believe me, I..."

   Shen Jingyu hung up the phone.

   He Ning stayed where he was.

   She never thought that he would just hang up his phone.

   He seemed to have no interest in the name, nor her explanation.

   even seems unfamiliar.

   He Ning called again, but he refused to answer.

   There was a ringing sound from the phone.

   However, no one picked up.

   He Ning didn't know what was wrong.

   There is no way, anyway, Shen Jingyu has already made an appointment, so after eight days, I can see him for an interview, how can I do it then?

   In the evening, Xiao Zhan sat beside He Ning and persuaded her hard.

   He Ning's cell phone rang, she quickly brought it over, it wasn't Shen Jingyu's call, but Gong Yunxi's.

   She picked it up immediately.

   "Yunxi, what's wrong with you?"

   "Mr. Chu, I have no choice, there is no one else to ask for help, I hurt someone, please help me..."

   "Where are you, I'll come right over!"

   After asking about the place, He Ning rushed over immediately.

   Gong Yunxi's hands were covered in blood, and she cried so hard that she couldn't help herself, shivering.

   After listening to her intermittent cries, He Ning realized that Chen Fufen asked Gong Yunxi to come out and talk about business.

   But the situation of the TV station is so bad that the business is not easy to talk about.

   Then Chen Fufen gave Gong Yunxi medicine and asked her to accompany a client in her sixties.

   Gong Yunxi had a drug-induced seizure and was almost succeeded by the other party. Fortunately, she used her last sober reason to smash the client and escaped by herself.

   (end of this chapter)

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