The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3775: Extra Shen Yuan (230)

   Chapter 3775 Fanwai Shen Yuan (230)

   But compared with He Yixia, Song Encheng seemed indifferent, and there was a trace of inadequacy everywhere.

   "Mo Ziqi!" Shen Yuan whispered before Mo Ziqi looked away from He Yixia.

   "What am I..." Mo Ziqi put down his wine and pulled out a cigarette, "First smoke a cigarette to suppress the shock."

   is really amazing, he needs to calm down.

   Shen Yuan frowned, smelling the thick smoke in the private room.

  When everyone gets together, tobacco and alcohol are essential. After drinking for such a long time, the cigarettes are naturally not less.

   "Change the place. No smoking tonight."

  He Yixia was not used to the smell of smoke.

   It was Tang Wen who reacted first: "Change immediately, change immediately!"

   Soon everyone changed to another clean and comfortable private room with fresh air.

  Mo Ziqi twitched his cigarette and couldn't smoke it. He was a little annoyed for a while, so he turned his attention to talk to He Yixia: "Sister-in-law, I heard that you are also working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"


   "Then you have to take care of Shen Yu'an, there are many girls who like him." Mo Ziqi said deliberately and narrowly.

   He Yixia smiled, "But there's nothing he can do if he doesn't like others."

  Mo Ziqi: "It's still my sister-in-law who knows Shen Yu'an!"

"Mo Ziqi, are you drinking too much alcohol or smoking too much?" Shen Yuan threw him a pack of long biscuits, which were the usual snacks in the bar, and threw them in front of him, "I think you may need some teeth-grinding biscuits. "

   Mo Ziqi was wronged, he just wanted to say a few words to his sister-in-law.

   He took out the biscuit, put it in his mouth, and sipped it like a cigarette.

   Several other people who wanted to smoke also became addicted to smoking, and also took out a biscuit and smoked it.

  If someone who doesn't know the reason pushes this room away, he will definitely be startled by this strange situation. Why are so many old men sitting in the bar and eating biscuits together.

   Seeing this scene, He Yixia couldn't help but laugh.

  Tang Wen asked aside: "So...Shen Yu'an, when did you and He Yixia get together?"

   "Last year." Shen Yu'an said in a low voice, as if recalling what happened at that time, her brows waving slightly.

   Tang Wen wailed, Shen Yuan, he really is, he has been digging his own corner for a long time!

   That's not right, the corner between himself and He Yixia has never been established, so Shen Yu'an is not digging the corner at all, he is fighting against himself with absolute odds!

  Tang Wen finally felt relieved, he said, how could a man like him be invincible, how could there be a girl he couldn't catch?

   Now I understand, it's not that He Yixia's flower is too difficult to pick, it's that the competitors are too scary!

   And... He glanced at He Yixia, but he thought there was something between He Yixia and Minister Song before!

  嗐, now it seems that this is because He Yixia and Shen Yu'an are together. Minister Song's eyes when looking at He Yixia are because of the pampering of the younger generation. Where is the mess he thinks?

   "Is there anything else you want to ask?" Shen Yuan looked at Tang Wen.

   Tang Wen always felt that this look was a little subtle, thinking of what he said to He Yixia himself at that time, so that she would not mess up her mind, outsiders would think about something, he wanted to slap his mouth a little.

   So today, Shen Yu'an brought He Yixia to see everyone, did he mean to break this rumor in person?

   Tang Wen understood, and raised his glass: "It's rare to meet my sister-in-law today, so I'll drink three glasses first! Sister-in-law, you are free!"

   (end of this chapter)

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