The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3463: Patience has run out

   Chapter 3463 Patience has been exhausted

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and whispered to the people around her, "Fool."


After    was discharged from the hospital, Xia Jiu's body recovered faster.

  Shen Muhan is usually at home, and only takes one or two days a week to go to the company to handle some urgent matters.

At the beginning of   , he firmly disagreed with Xia Jiu breastfeeding the child.

   In the face of Xia Jiu's coquettish offensive, he finally compromised, but because of this, he didn't want to get close to the child.

   Usually the child is taken care of by a nanny, and the number of times he has held him is very limited.

   But no one can deny that he is a competent husband.

  All Xia Jiu's things, he did everything by himself, he invited the nanny who specially took care of Xia Jiu, there was nothing to do.

   His indifferent attitude is only towards children.

   made a lot of nannies wonder what happened to him.

   Someone guessed that the child was not his, it must have been Xia Jiu and another man.

   But he was very protective of Xia Jiu again, and he couldn't see any betrayal by Xia Jiu or any dissatisfaction with him.

  The nannies had to give up trying to guess him. Anyway, the big guy couldn't guess what he was thinking.

   They had to hold the child and stay away from him every time.

   Shen Muhan went to the company, and Xia Jiu was tired of being in the children's room.

  Three babies, no matter how she looks at it, she is never tired of it.

  The baby has grown, and his eyes are rolling. All three have a pair of eyes similar to Xia Jiu. They are dark, bright and big. In the blink of an eye, they are incredibly cute.

   "It's so beautiful! Those eyes look like they can talk!"

  The nanny couldn't help but praise her while helping with the diaper change.

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, her eyebrows and eyes were like hers, but the child's face and nose bridge were obviously Shen Muhan's, so he couldn't see it at all, didn't he feel distressed?

   Shen Muhan arrived home in the evening, took off his jacket at the door and handed it to the housekeeper, then went straight back to the room to find Xia Jiu.

   There was no one in the room.

   His face sank a little, and he knew she was in the nursery.

   He pushed the door and went in. Sure enough, seeing her there, he was smiling happily, the corners of his lips were raised, and his eyebrows and eyes were curved upwards.

   Being with other people makes you so happy?

  Shen Muhan walked over, Xia Jiu noticed his existence and turned around with a bright smile: "Husband!"

   Shen Muhan was slightly angry, but was pierced by her words and disappeared.

   "You hug him." Xia Jiu handed the child over, "Look at him, how beautiful his eyes are, who does he look like?"

   Shen Muhan hugged helplessly, with nowhere to put his hands and feet. He hated weak and helpless things the most, not to mention these weak and helpless little things, which took up too much of Xia Jiu's mind.

   He looked at it for a while: "Not like anyone, not beautiful... ok."

The last two words    were still in Xia Jiu's line of sight.

   "Where can you look again. Do you think it's cute?" Xia Jiu followed suit.

   Shen Muhan didn't think so.

   Such a small thing is so cute.

   He looked down, and the little thing seemed to sense his sight, and spit out a milky bubble.

  Shen Muhan: "…"

   He was sure that his patience had run out.

   But Xia Jiu was very interested: "It's so cute! Look at our son, spit bubbles! So good!"

  Shen Muhan: "…"

   He was about to return the child, when the child snorted and spit up milk.

   spit on him directly, his shirt was wet, and the smell of milk permeated the room.

  Xia Jiu burst out laughing, "My son is so good! So cute!"

  Shen Muhan put the child in the nanny's hand with a sullen face, turned and left.

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   What kind of person is this!

She followed Shen Muhan's footsteps back to the room, and seeing his face was slightly gloomy, she couldn't help but feel a little angry: "Shen Muhan, do you really doubt that this child is not yours, that's why you slap them in various ways? Why don't you simply Throw your face at me? The child is yours, not mine alone, are you planning to let me widow-style parenting?"

   He was taking off his shirt, and when he saw her standing aside with a calm and pretty face, he reached out to grab her and pressed her into his arms.

Xia Jiu's voice was very aggrieved: "Why don't you like them? You also thought about getting me pregnant, didn't you? They are our children. If I am the only one who likes them, they will lack happiness after all. Childhood. Shen Muhan, you are the father, they need me and you."

   "I don't like them, they occupy you too much." Shen Muhan said in a deep voice.

   "The scope of your jealousy is too broad, isn't it?" Xia Jiu sighed, "They are still so young, they are my favorite, I don't pay much attention to them now, how do you let them grow up healthy?"

   "There are babysitters, there are nurses, there are doctors, and there are housekeepers."

   Isn't that how he grew up?

   Besides, he doesn't even have these.

   He just grew up with wolves, isn't it okay?

   She is his, why pay so much for the child?

  Xia Jiu pushed him away: "Not everyone is like you and doesn't need anything."

Knowing that the words were serious, she softened her voice: "The children who are loved by their parents together will have the strongest armor in the world. No matter what difficulties they encounter in life in the future, they can move forward bravely and be invincible. You are excellent, so you don't need these. It looks good, but other children can't be like you. I am twenty years old, and without the love of my parents, I still have nightmares and tears. I wish my parents were still there. Ours The baby is too, I hope my parents will love them together."

  Shen Muhan: "I see."

   He knew, but it was difficult to do.

   He was reluctant to share her with anyone.

   Neither can children.

Xia Jiu raised her head, put a kiss on his lips, and shook his arm: "I know it's hard to change, you've changed a lot for me. But I still have to force you about the child's affairs. Big deal, other things , I depend on you."

   Shen Muhan raised his eyelashes slightly: "Really everything depends on me?"

   Frightened by something in his eyes, Xia Jiu knotted her tongue: "Then you have to take it easy, don't, don't do any tricks."

  Shen Muhan finally smiled: "Then tell me, what tricks do you like and what tricks do you not like?"

  Xia Jiu beat him angrily: "Why do you hate me so much!"

   Shen Muhan took her fingers and put them beside his mouth.


  Qin Zheng came to visit the baby, and happened to meet Jiang Bai and also came over.

   Jiang Bai rolled his eyes, how did he meet this person again?

   She hurried upstairs in a hurry, too lazy to walk with him.

  Xia Jiu saw the two of them walking forward and back, and laughed and joked: "Did you make an appointment to come?"

   "Who made an appointment with him?" Jiang Baibai and Qin Zheng glanced down at the baby, "It's so cute, he really looks like Young Master Han, but his eyes look exactly like you."

   (end of this chapter)

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